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Everything posted by MRM33064

  1. .... should hit the desk of every other NFL front-office by about noon today. Unless, of course, he checked off "rush" service, in which case it'll arrive a bit earlier. If he stays here, rest assured it certainly won't be because he wants to. That's the other side of this ... which is ... what quality employee (executive, coach, player) wants to stick with an organization where ineptitude is acceptable and "leadership" is continually publicly emasculalted by the owner? They'll stick if they have no other alternative, but that's about it. So, for 2009, what rising stars have Buffalo on their wish list? Sure, the current players are going to say nice things about their coach now (who's just been confirmed as their boss again), though do we think there was a flurry of calls from free agents to their respective agents clamoring for them to get them signed to a Bills contract when the Jauron news broke? The Bills are just a place where someone "ends up", which is a real tragedy given the way the WNY community supports the team, and I fear this decision is going to have an impact far beyond disappointing fans by retaining a career-losing head coach.
  2. Well, I suspect we're both speculating, but since Donahoe left, I think every meaningful decision is explicitly run by Ralph - draft picks, free agents, everything down to the point last season when Trent replaced JP - all require Ralph's OK. It's not just coincidence that we don't have a "name" GM, a "name" coach, or any top-flight free agents, nor do I think it's coincidence that anyone in the organization that has challenged Ralph in any significant way is still around. Do we really think that Russ Brandon, Tom Modrak, et al. are the ones keeping Jauron from being fired (and paid out on his contract) after the Jets, Lions, and Browns all acted immediately today?
  3. Close ... very close. Marv was the figurehead alright, but in the post-Donahoe era Uncle Ralphie makes any and all significant decisions.
  4. After moving away from WNY and seeing the fans in another NFL market, I appreciate even more the dedication of the WNY fans. They've supported the team with unbelievable loyalty through tough economic times and several consecutive years of fluttering between mediocre and inept, to say nothing of a massive playoff drought. Ralph's team goes through one of the worst collapses in recent NFL history. Throughout that time, he refuses to clarify whether his head coach has been granted an extension. Q: "General Custer, it's not looking good, the troops are being overrun, we need a new plan ... quickly ..." A: "Hey wait ... I didn't just hear someone call me doddering, did I?!"
  5. The more we hear, and the more vague the reports are about what was actually signed, the more I tend to believe that they've essentially come to an agreement on an amicable divorce with Jauron. It sure sounds like what happened was that there was general consensus on the terms of an extension back when the team was 5-1 but those terms weren't formalized. It wouldn't surprise me if those terms were something like "1 year extension that turns to 3 years if the Bills make the playoffs in 2008." Then, the unthinkable happened - "ICEBERG, DEAD AHEAD!" - which then put both parties into the quandry of having "agreed" on something in a "kinda/sorta" or "term sheet" level that didn't really make sense anymore under the actual circumstances. The Bills won't make the playoffs in 2008 (rendering the incentive irrelevant), and no NFL coach wants to operate under a 1 year deal (making it a deal that Jauron presumably wouldn't have agreed to without an accompanying incentive). Thus, the "deal" didn't really make sense for either party anymore. All this being the case, and given that Uncle Ralphy tends to be a "business is business" kind of guy when it comes to these things (see: Wade Phillips), Ralphy probably re-tendered a contract to Dick with those EXACT old terms - 1 year with a 3 year bump if the Bills make the playoffs in 2008. Dick, seeing which way the wind is blowing, figured he'd better get-while-the-gettin's-good and sign the deal, knowing it means he'll be at least paid for 1 year. Net result: Dick gets a year severance without having to fight Ralphy, Ralphy gets to say he honored his word (by giving the same contract he "agreed to" at 5-1) with minimal financial exposure, and the fans get their wish when Dick is terminated at year end. My guess - Dick basically signed a one-year deal, and he'll be out in 3 weeks. Thoughts?
  6. I think KGun's on to something. Perhaps divorce papers are in the works, which would explain the otherwise inexplicable "no comment"s. If Jauron's exit is essentially confirmed, announcing it without having an immediate replacement to take over would make a bad situation even worse. The "no comment" may be for the benefit of the team, because at this point the fans will be just as happy to hear Jauron's gone in 3 weeks as they would be if they cut him loose today.
  7. It's one thing to say that the Bills have not been in the playoffs since 1999. Somehow, it's another to say that after we lost the playoff game in 1999, we missed the playoffs in 2000, then (take a deep breath): ... we missed again, and ... we missed again, and ... we missed again, and ... we missed again, and ... we missed again, and ... we missed again, and ... we missed again, and ... we started out 4-0, got to 5-1, then collapsed and .... missed again? Combine that stellar record with a cold-weather climate in a "rust-belt" town, a highly questionable scouting and personnel department, and a 90-year old owner that elects to put his marketing guru in charge of football operations (sort of) while maintaining a reputation for, let's say, "frugality" and if you're an agent representing a quality coach, coaching prospect, player, or player prospect, how high are the Bills on your list? If the Bills are ever going to get out of this heinous run, it almost looks as though it's going to have to be the result of a wild stroke of good luck - like having one of our inept-to-date personnel folks magically morph into the next Scott Pioli or Bill Polian. I've lived in Dolphin-land for several years now, and there's just no comparison between Finfans and Bills fans, at any level. The Bills fans and the entire WNY community are special people, and incredibly loyal and knowledgable fans, they just deserve so much more ... but the road back to the Kelly era just isn't easy to spot right now, to say the least.
  8. Here's one: "Dick Jauron and Turk Schoenert" .... that's it. The thread didn't necessarily ask for a funny joke. :-)
  9. Good point - though I still think my analysis works, unless the "cast off" player only has one viable option. For instance, if McNabb were to be "cast off", the Bills ability to sign him would be dependent upon the 2 factors I listed, UNLESS no other team wanted him ... in which case the Bills become the "better than nothing" option. I believe in each of the cases you mentioned, the players either: (a) had multiple options and picked the one that paid more or came with a potential "winning situation" (read: SuperBowl coaches/front office, strong potential, commitment to winning); or (b) didn't have much choice but to go with the single team that showed serious interest.
  10. Compromising photographs of Ralph? 3 straight convincing wins will probably do it as well, because we'll hear the excuse that the team met or - hold your nose - exceeded expectations (which it will have, given that market estimated the Bills to win 8 games) despite injuries to Edwards, Schobel, McGee, Whitner, and Simpson. Ask Wade how much Ralph enjoys paying 2 head coach salaries ... so as long as Ralph believes season ticket sales won't complete implode by retaining Jauron, then it's the Caspar Milquetoast show again in 2009. And - as to our reaction to that? The fans, including myself, will complain, moan, scream bloody murder, threaten to never watch the Bills again ... and then when preseason starts in 2009 we'll all be back on the bandwagon, trying to find a reason why James Hardy really looks like a young Randy Moss. :-)
  11. "What bargaining chip would Jauron have even after 4-0? ... Does he strike anyone as a guy who would walk or a coach that anyone else would hire?" SPOT ON, though the sad reality is that there would be a team that would hire Jauron, because owners love a retread head coach in the NFL. However, would there be any competition for Jauron? Highly unlikely, which is the poster's point. The way it should've worked (and might've, we still don't know), was that Jauron should've been given a 1 year extension, with an option to convert to 3 years upon achieving some condition - such as reaching the playoffs this year. No NFL coach can be effective without at least a deal in effect that covers at least the next season, or he loses a significant amount of leverage over his own team.
  12. Players switch teams for several reasons, but the two primary reasons are: 1. They get a big raise to move. 2. They're happy with the amount of money they've made in their career, but before they retire they want a realistic shot at a Super Bowl with a winning team and/or winning coach. Which one of those reasons would apply to the Bills?
  13. I'll repost my Ralphie comment in this thread, since a separate thread was started about Sullivan's interview with Ralph, and I'm interested in who shares my thoughts. =========================== Brandon can say whatever he wants, but this is ultimately the Ralphie show, and even if we were able to purge the entire coaching staff and half the underachieving players, the question remains - who even WANTS to come to Buffalo? Highly questionable commitment to winning, 7 home games a year, and a division that has Parcells (Sparano) and Belichick. It's not exactly the type of place a coach or player sees as a great place to advance one's career. Even the Draft will be filled with young, talented guys sitting in MSG silently praying to themselves: "Please Lord, please don't let it be the Bills ...." Schottenheimer, Cowher ... I'm not sure these guys would come to the Bills even if they were willing to coach for free ... and how many quality free agents see Buffalo as a SuperBowl destination? Polian and Butler (RIP) were real football men who could spot talent and figure out ways to keep it ... and Ralph sent both of them packing. Sorry gang, yesterday just sucked all the life out of me. Hope is not springing eternal today. This team doesn't deserve the thousands of knowledgeable, loyal, financially-committed fans that live and die with the team every week. I live in South Florida now, and trust me, the area has about ten times the people but a tenth of the commitment to the Fins as WNYers have to the Bills, and they're winning! :-)
  14. Setting aside all the obvious problems with that (non-serious) request, ask yourself this: Would you even trust our scouting department to adequately identify and draft a "franchise QB"?
  15. Sullivan reported this morning that he asked Ralph if he was embarrassed after the game, and as Ralph was laughing he said: "I'm used to it." Brandon can say whatever he wants, but this is ultimately the Ralphie show, and even if we were able to purge the entire coaching staff and half the underachieving players, the question remains - who even WANTS to come to Buffalo? Highly questionable commitment to winning, 7 home games a year, and a division that has Parcells (Sparano) and Belichick. It's not exactly the type of place a coach or player sees as a great place to advance one's career. Even the Draft will be filled with young, talented guys sitting in MSG silently praying to themselves: "Please Lord, please don't let it be the Bills ...." Schottenheimer, Cowher ... I'm not sure these guys would come to the Bills even if they were willing to coach for free ... and how many quality free agents see Buffalo as a SuperBowl destination? Polian and Butler (RIP) were real football men who could spot talent and figure out ways to keep it ... and Ralph sent both of them packing. Sorry gang, yesterday just sucked all the life out of me. Hope is not springing eternal today. This team doesn't deserve the thousands of knowledgeable, loyal, financially-committed fans that live and die with the team every week. I live in South Florida now, and trust me, the area has about ten times the people but a tenth of the commitment to the Fins as WNYers have to the Bills, and they're winning! :-)
  16. Do Evans (#1 draft pick) and Lynch (#1 draft pick) still play on the Bills? It's hard to tell. Maybe I should call a time-out and check.
  17. 9 out of 10 physicians recommend watching the 2008 Buffalo Bills over Ambien as the #1 aid for sleep.
  18. 2 minutes to go in the half: Marshawn Lynch, 6 carries for 12 yards. Great job Turk.
  19. If we're lucky, the title of this thread will be the answer to a trivia question in the Bills 2019 Media Guide, as in: Q: What finally ended the consistently mediocre Caspar Milquetoast (read: Dick Jauron) era in Bills football? A: Trent's Groin.
  20. Good point. There was definitely a little of both ... sprinkled with a touch of Turk.
  21. I know, I know ... we're still mathematically alive for the playoffs. But doesn't this stat line, the last Bills offensive play of the game, just perfectly sum up Dick Jauron's Bills: 4-15-BUF 14 (1:13) (Shotgun) 7-J.Losman pass short right to 23-M.Lynch to BUF 15 for 1 yard (30-D.Strickland). Caught at BUF 14. We need 15 yards. Instead of just throwing it up on a prayer and hoping for a tip, a pass interference call, or at least getting the ball far enough downfield to at least get past the markers .... it's a broken play, a scrambling JP Losman (who was inexplicably put in the pocket by Schonert) and a pitiful 1 yard popcorn fart pass to end it. If that series doesn't say "Dick Jauron", I'm not sure what does.
  22. The reality is that everyone is a little bit right here - deferring is now a popular choice in the NFL among all coaches (not just Doofy Dick), but deferring in our case has the unfortunate feel of "wimpyness" to it. The coin toss didn't have anything to do with a loss in a 10-3 game; however, when your coaching staff looks as completely clueless and detached as ours, every single decision gets put under the spotlight.
  23. Folks, this is a surreal thread. It hurts me even more considering my permanent, deep-seeded, wretched loathing for the Patriots. Yet, facts are facts. On the one hand, we have Tom Brady, a 3 time SuperBowl Champion QB, 2 time SuperBowl MVP, 4 time pro-bowler, and the only QB in recent history to even come close to leading his team to a perfect, undefeated season. He's a guy who arguably could've retired at age 30 and still easily been a first-ballot Hall of Famer. He's possibly the greatest football player of our generation. On the other hand, we have Matt Cassel - a backup that's played pretty well for a few games. This is a debate? Seriously? Only if you're Matt Cassel's agent. I'd venture to say that even Solomon Wilcotts and Emmitt Smith would giggle at the suggestion that it's a "system" that turns any old QB into Tom Brady.
  24. I believe Mr. Jauron has the second-worst win/loss record among active coaches in the league, second only to Herm Edwards (who managed to slither past Jauron by going on a tear of 19 losses out of 20 games). I suppose I'd be inclined to give Jauron the benefit of the doubt if it weren't for the fact that he's coached over 120 games to earn such a stellar credential. I'm sure Jauron's a great guy to have over for Thanksgiving dinner, but at what point do we have enough of a sample size to say that his record is a true measure of his actual ability?
  25. ... we'll need one last win to make the playoffs. Thankfully, the Patriots will be visiting the Ralph not needing to do anything but keep their starters healthy for their playoff run. Matt Guiterrez goes 22 of 27 for 275 yards, 2 TDs, and no interceptions, while BenJarvus Green-Ellis racks up 112 yards on 20 carries. Edwards throws 3 INTs and in a season-ending desperation move, JP steps in. JP rallies the team with 2 TDs in the 4th quarter, but time runs out. Patriots 24, Bills 17 A vacuous, emotionless Dick Jauron takes the podium and praises the team for a great season, says we have a lot of great, young players but that we just need to keep getting better. Players grumble about "missed opportunities" but reiterate what a great group of guys we have. We go into the offseason with coach whose picture is next to the word "medicority" in the dictionary and plenty of ambiguity in our QB situation. We use our 1st pick on a corner from the Big10, deemed a "reach" by the draft analysts on TV. Our offensive coordinator is replaced. We refuse to pay market rate for Greer, who leaves for the Redskins. Rinse and repeat. Sorry ... just a little pre-game whining! It seems like we've all seen this movie more than once.
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