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Posts posted by ans4e64

  1. I am so sick and tired of hearing that old winning is the only thing garbage, that a rally that falls short is worthless, and how 2nd place is the first loser.


    People that think that $&^$* don't have their own opinions, they are wrong. EVERYTHING that happens out on the field AT ANY LEVEL is worthwhile. Second place is the secopnd best team- for the other way of thinking, there is only one relevant team, and the others shouldnt have bothered.


    Haveing been around more championship teams than I care to count- none of them thought that way- that was stuff said by most of the losers- maybe they should be questioning the people who brought them up, as should the rest of the sporting world and society as a whole. There is no room for that trash.




    i think its mostly just a technique used by coaches or players just to get everybody in the mental state that they dont want to finish in any other place but 1st. if you notice, after the game or series players and coaches dont say things like, " well we lost and the season is a failure" i think they just dont want their players thinking that 2nd place is ok, i dunno, just an idea as to why they would say it

  2. Man, she used to really do it for me.  Now I think she looks horrible.  Anybody else feel the same way?


    If so, then I think it's all that weight gain and loss from doing the Bridget Jones stuff.  I saw a thing I think in Men's Health where they showing what it did to Tom Hanks looks - his skin, his hair, etc.  Did the same happen to Renee?




    yeah i agree, i dunno what it is, but she just looks years older after she did all that weight stuff

  3. 320K per year vs. 1.43M per year?





    :D  :lol:  :w00t:  :doh:


    Try 1.23 million more.  :doh:




    my fault, i was thinking the gates deal was for one year sorry, anyways, i just dont get why you would hold out for a one year contract and also only 1.43 mil

  4. The same rating as the Cards and Lions???? Lower than the Rams, Bungles, Houston, and Oakland???


    I feel ripped off.


    The Browns have an overall rating of 61 though. Thats hilarious, that has to be the lowest rated team ever in any version of madden.




    i think the rams and raiders offenses are definitely more potent than ours. Th raiders have randy moss, jerry porter and lamont jordan, the rams are proven with tory holt, issac bruce, marc bulger, and young running back steven jackson. Our offense has a lot of talent, but hasnt done anything yet.

  5. Apparently my Daughter wants to Bracket summer . My first Grandaughter was born on 9/4 ( labor day weekend ) and this one was born this morning at 6:17 AM ( memorial Day weekend ) . All are fine and now I will commence with celebratory imbibing as well a commie cohiba.


    Have a safe and Happy weekend all, and ......

    GO BILLS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:





    congrats man!!

  6. I think the addition of roscoe parrish makes fast freddie expendable.




    and also josh reed, parrish fills 2 roles. He can return punts which takes away freddie, and serves as our 3rd receiver which takesy away reed. But i dont think the bills are going to cut reed simply because this is the last year of his contract and i think the bills want one final shot to see if he's worth re-signing.

  7. is everybody afraid to say it? i mean come on......... shrink the jills unis, make their breasts bigger.... so here it is..... TAKE AWAY THEIR UNIFORMS AND HAVE THEM DANCE NAKED..... is that what everybody was trying to get at? lol


    I would move the bus parking back into the front where the limos are now. My 80 year old grandmother who cant drive takes the buses and they park like across the street way back and all of the elderly people, who have supported the bills for decades upon decades, can barely make it to their seat.

  8. wow........ i knew he ran a 4.3, but for some reason i didnt really believe it, but man... that guy is fast, look at those play and most of the guys had the angle on him and he beat it anyways. The receiver flicks at the end are awesome too, remember... hes never even done that before, hes so athletic...

  9. I dont think that TD is done after the season, but if you were RWS who would you promote thats better? Modrak maybe?




    I like Modrak a lot, and i wouldnt want to see any other guy in here except modrak if donahoe is out

  10. my11 year old son and wife aren`t saying too much ,,I just can`t believe they haven`t caught him by now ..he`s been walking the creek to throw off his scent..there is some big wood`s around here..but they think he`s in a2mile area around my house..that chopper pilot has got to be wore out ..later gotta check the yard again





    So what exactly are you doing, like what precautions do you take for this situation, and are you nervous about your wife and kids? best of luck to you

  11. The impressive thing is that he sold out more games in those years that Butler did in 1994 and 1996.  The guy is one of the biggest reasons the Bills are not mentioned anymore as a team that might move to LA.


    While winning the SB or even making the playoffs is not the only benchmark used to judge him.




    I know theres some sort of stat about the attendance and the Bills were number 1, i dont know exactly what it was, or how long it was for, anybody know?

  12. regardless of what he has or hasnt done, i dont think that there is a GM in this league that could have brought us out of the salary cap hell that we were in as good as TD did. I cant say that he has done well the past few years, particularly in the draft, those will be decided in the future, but i will always give TD the credit he deserves for the re-birth of our team and core players.

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