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Posts posted by ans4e64

  1. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the assumption of his running ability comes from the fact that he isn't black. Sad, but perhaps true.




    wait...... so JP is just as good running as vick, culpepper, and mcnabb but its because he's white that he's not getting the press?


    Steve Young, Jake Plummer, Archie Manning obviously dont get the credit they deserve in the running game because they are white...... yeah


    my point being is that its 3 games into the season, JP has done NOTHING running the ball to make us believe he is a legitimate threat, so until he does, he wont get that repspect, and with those other guys, when he does establish himself his color wont hold back the critics because others have done it in the past

  2. Does anyone else think that an ideal offence for JP to run would be a Denver-style offence with lots of bootlegs, rollouts and quarterback draws?  Denver pounds the ball over and over, and then when you start to over-commit Plummer fakes the handoff and rolls out for big gains.  Wouldn't this work for JP's skills?




    does anyone else think "offence" is spelled with an s and not a c?

  3. “He ain’t no Donovan McNabb, or Michael Vick, or Daunte Culpepper,’’ Saints defensive end Charles Grant said. “Once he sees people in his face he wants to get the ball out of his hands. So we got to keep that pressure on him. We got to come at him full force with the blitzes and schemes that we have.’’ “He’s not a real running threat,’’ Saints cornerback Fakhir Brown said. “They like to roll him out and let him throw it. His best ball is a deep ball, like throwing a fade. I think we can put pressure on him because he’s not a really good drop-back passer. He can get the ball to the slot receiver pretty good but when he throws to the outside they got to roll him out.’’'






    hey guys........... what is wrong with what they are saying? They are being honest, i dont think they're talking sh*t about him they're just telling the truth. He's not mcnabb culpepper or vick, he can move well for a QB but he isnt a running threat, and his best ball is the deep throw. I dont know, maybe it's me, but what about this is wrong?

  4. Tom Brady won the Super Bowl with as much experience as JP going into his 2nd season


    Daunte Culpepper had a good 2nd season with basically the same experience as JP.


    It can be done.  The biggest problem I've seen is JP is throwing like Steve Blass did when he completely lost home plate with the Pirates.  A QB who is inaccurate as often as JP has been can not play very long in the NFL.  JP has about another 10 weeks before it is put up or shut up time.  Right now he's still in the honeymoon stage, but the bride is about to put him out on the couch in the honeymoon suite unless he starts performing.




    No...... its not the same thing, you guys forget JP was injured for a long time last year. He sat back in the film room but that does nothing if you cant get reps and work at it in practice, this is the first time that JP is going through a lot of these motions, its not the same

  5. I would question where you state the only the rookie to do well IN THE HISTORY OF THE NFL (emphasis, mine) was Ben R., I would ask you to look back at Joe Ferguson's rookie year when he went 9-5 during a fourteen game season.  And by the way, JP is not a rookie, although I realize he didn't get many snaps last year in game time.  Not meant to be slam at JP, I think the Bills should stick with him,  for a while at least.  He does need to show some glimmer of promise, other than that which he showed against the Texans.  (who have turned out to be what seems like the worst team in professional football)




    I was a little unclear, what i meant was that the rookie QB who performed the best or had the best record only threw a minimal amount per game.

  6. I'm sick of having nobody to go to in the red zone, i mean look at the Raiders, they can throw it up to Randy, Jerry Porter, or if all else fails Courtney Anderson their 6'7'' TE. To me this offseason I'd like to see the bills either draft a big receiver or pick somebody up in free agency that can give us a legitimate option in the red zone. Your thoughts??????

  7. I cant believe people are calling for Losman's head already. When is basically a rookie QB supposed to come out of the gates on all cylinders? The only one to even do well in the history of the NFL was last year with Ben Roethlisberger, and he only threw like 15 times a game. Obviously it is expected that Losman's performance this year will be below average.


    Look at Eli Manning, last year he was so bad that his own teamates felt sorry for him, and look at him now, he's the man!!!. Same thing with Peyton, im not sure but i think he threw around 20 interceptions his rookie year.


    So my point being, why bother drafting QB's if your gunna yank em 3 games into the season? A player has to develop sometime. I wouldnt care if JP played like this every game for the rest of the season, he still needs to be in there, if you pull him your just giving up on a 1st round pick for no reason. The only argument i can understand is the need to be competitive with our defense and McGahee. But how long are you going to wait to put this kid in there? So everybody needs to just relax a bit and ride the year out, i mean really think about it for a min........... did you really expect JP to come in here and lead the team into the playoffs and superbowl?

  8. its a good article, but i dont get it because michael smith hates the bills, i remember last year woody page was saying that the bills were for real and smith jumped in and said something like, " why, because they beat a bunch of losers and then lost to pittsburgh's second team"


    so i dont know why he is writing an article like that, but i like it

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