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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. "Collapse of the Twin Towers....A Houston Story" by Ralph Sampson and Akeem Olajuwan
  2. No way. Quinn will be this years Leinart. Drops like a stone.
  3. Dick Curl isn't needed.......what they need is a little viagra to straighten 'em out.
  4. Alright already....push over.....I'm driving this bus....!@#$ Bobber and his sister stealin' wife. ....thanks for showing me the way......this is very liberating.......NOW!!....back to the thread. "----"
  5. Good stuff?!?! That's nothing. As it turns out, he's now on welfare, beats his kids and his wife left him for his sister. Now THAT'S good stuff, huh? ********************************************************************************** Now, this guy certainly has dug his own grave and may even be an a-hole, but reveling in anyone losing their job is not humorous to me. Guess I'm just a stick the mud. Flame away......I'm ready, boys.
  6. Along with the monetary reward you shall receive in the mail anyday now, the overwhelming feeling of pride should kick in right about now. Keep up the good work and drop us a line at 3,000 will ya, ya big lug.
  7. I did as you said. Keep in mind, I stuck to my recipe but told the consumers that they were bologna sandwiches. Because, afterall, these were not wings I was serving, right?. The only feedback from said consumers were perplexing looks and comments such as ".....mmmm....these are some of the best wings I've ever had...." I stayed true to your premise, however, and insisted they were bolgna sandwiches. In any event, they went fast and furious. Maybe next year I'll make wings. FYI.....I would contend that MICROWAVING wings in any capacity for any reason would strip the nametag of "wings" from your dish. Don't you think?
  8. "Damn Thurman.....your head is JACKED UP......like Barry Bonds."
  9. Geez Ozy....I, too, used the same analogy with some guys at work. To a "T" It's easy for Manning this weekend, much like it was for the Sox in the WS against the Cards. Colts 30 Bears 16
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