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Everything posted by BuffaloBob

  1. Of course he could and would. The guy has spent three weeks with us now taking second string reps. This is a stupid statement. Yeah, let's put in the stop gap guy who until three weeks ago didn't even have a job. That sounds like a real boost to the offense. You people are nuts!
  2. Yeah but never the ones that REALLY mattered! (i.e. 4 SBs).
  3. And exactly what leads you to this obvious conclusion? That he played a quarter and a half against 2nd and 3rd teamers in a freakin' preseason game? When the Bills ran a VERY small percentage of the offense's plays? LOL! Give me a break!
  4. Yeah, well look at it this way. We're stuck with and you and your insults of our team for at least that long, too. So WTF?
  5. I may be happily tripping on TD's grape KA, but at least I am not drinking the TBD Guyana punch! LOL! I still have faith in this team and it will be rewarded. And then I'm going to laugh at all you suicide fans with no faith!
  6. Sam ole crap eh Opie? And with whom were the Bills to replace Gilbride after the bye last season, HMMM? And were we going to run the Gilbride offense, or were we going to scrap that one for an entirely new one in the middle of the season? You are TFF! Yeah, that sounds like the opposite of throwing in the towel! LOL! More like raising the white flag. And now we're going to bench the cancer Bledose, and replace him with a guy who would be sitting at home watching games on TV had TB not gone down. A guy who played a quarter and a half in preseason against 2nd and 3rd teamers. Good idea. Better to abandon the best option just to make a change than do nothing at all, even if the change is utterly futile, right? You guys are hilarious!
  7. You tell em' ARGB! I'm witchya all the way. These Nancies are hilarious and they all think they're experts. Let em spend the next two weeks prying those wadded panties from their crotches!
  8. Yeah, and she'll be doing it again several more times before it's all said and done!
  9. Drew will not be great in the win, but he will get the ball downfield more and he will be good enough. But the biggest reason that we will beat the Patties is that we'll finally clean up most of the stupid penalties and other mistakes that have held this offense back! The defense will finally be rewarded for their outstanding play. Oh yeah, and they will chip in with a couple of key turnovers that will seal the deal! Bills 24 Patties 20!
  10. Oh, come on Rico, surely you still have Dougie's life-sized poster on the inside of your bedroom door!
  11. A mere flesh wound! Not soone enough though. Not before Tucker fugged us out of a first down with his holding penalty.
  12. I don't get your little equation thre, Frankly, that makes no sense. I also am not sure of the probability you assign. It is highly subjective. Their are many variables in there. In any event, Marv would have taken the three in his day. You can bet on that! Anyway, as I said, I did understand the call, and there were certainly a lot of reasons to support it, but I don't think in this case it was more right than taking the three. Especially in view of the outcome, which demonstrates that taking what should have been the sure points might have had us in overtime. Of course, I believe that was where the refs fugged us out of a safety when their O lineman clearly tackled our guy in the endzone! Raiders got a little help from the zebras on that one.
  13. I am not hiding, I came out clearly in support of Drew. And I have no reason to apologize! And you can bet I will rub your smug little noses it when you turn out to be wrong!
  14. Yeah, I was just thinking that whomever said that we were arguably the worst team in the league and tied with the Phish at 0-2 should be severely reprimanded!
  15. It was still FAR more pathetic that we had two long returns called back on freakin' holds, neither of which even had an impact on the runback. That stevestojan HAS GOT TO STOP. There is just no excuse for that.
  16. by what I am sure people would call "playing to win" and going for that 4th and 1 at the goal, we may have lost the opportunity to take that game into OT. It is always difficult to say how the game would have gone had we taken the three and kicked off (different time line and all) but the safe and higher percentage play would have been to take the three. There was still lot's of time in the game and we certainly had them shut down pretty well after about halfway through the second quarter. I actually am not saying I think the call was wrong as some tried to say last week. I understood the reason for it. Our O needed a jolt of confidence and that sure would have done it. But on the flip side, we were playing in a hostile environment, and if you fail to get it, you give the Raiders a huge lift. Even bigger than what they would have gotten by holding us to three. I also would have liked to see McGahee in their, but Travis saw the endzone many times on short yardage last year, so there was certainly go reason not to go with Travis this year. It is a shame that Travis tripped over a lineman's leg trying to go in, but that stevestojan happens sometimes and that's what's so damn risky about the play. Once again, we were put in that position by a costly false start penalty on Moulds that turned a 2nd and 6 into a 2nd and 11, an obvious passing down which had the Raiders blitzing again.
  17. Still ON the wagon, and you all will be grudgingly back tryng to cop a ride once this offense gets going.
  18. Our guy does not make top 5 money. This is some old-wives tale you have heard and have assumed it is true. There are at least 10 kickers in the league making more money that our guy. I listed them in a post several days ago.
  19. Maybe because so far we HAVE run it 7 times and have only 5 yards to show for it?
  20. And then you woke up and discovered that it was you who were lucid dreaming??
  21. I think this is a real possibility. We have a new coaching staff, new offense, and once again for better ot for worse, rookie head coach and OC. Much as it is stylish to demand perfection right out of the chute, the reality is that there is a fine line between winning and losing in this league these days. I look for the offense to blossom as time goes on, assuming we don't have serious injuries where we don't have depth. Everyone needs to achieve a certain level of comfort during the heat of battle, which is difficult to achieve when you are in meeting rooms and doing reps in OTRs and training camps. I hope it doesn't take too long, as a team cannot afford to lose too many games early on while they get it together, but that will be the true measure of this coaching staff as well as the players. How long it takes.
  22. Do you think this has anything to do with EM's claim that somebody stepped on his hand on purpose. I had originally assumed that it was a DB that did it. But this makes me go Hmmmmm? Maybe they submitted film to the NFL.
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