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Buffalo Baumer

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Everything posted by Buffalo Baumer

  1. I am not even sure if any of this is true but Peter King keeps hinting that some of the Bills members are thinking that Holcomb should be the starting QB. I think this is ridiculous (if true). Is there really a possibility that some of these guys think there is a prayer of getting to the promised land with Kelly Holcomb??!! I am seriously ready to read the news that he is cut. I am sure that will not happen but I can't take another year of people talking about this. The choice for Losman seems to be all but written in blood and it is time to get together as a team and MOVE FORWARD!! ARGH
  2. I have only been a member for about a year and a half but just wanted to say that there is nothing out there even remotely as good as the information on this board. From time to time I will check out some other sites but have learned that it is just a waste of time. Everything you need is right here. When I do post a topic, I try and make sure that it is something interesting (I hope) and find that the majority of posts here do just the same. Anyhow, kudos to the knowledge and wittiness of the posters and here is to sparking up some good debates the rest of the way. I like the way the direction of this team is heading - Go Buffalo!!!!
  3. If Reed and Peerless are on the field the majority of time with Evans, the Bills ARE doomed.
  4. I really do not care who is opposite Evans as long as he does not drop key 3rd down conversions every single game....ehh hem Reed. The bills seem to have about 50 receivers so I am banking on one of them to step it up and take it.
  5. I would love to know who JP would like to have as his starting three. I bet he would name Evans, Aiken and Parrish. If those three can keep improving and somehow a tight end joins the mix, the Bills might actually have an offense again. I was at the Cinci game and don't recall one throw aimed at a tight end.......true?
  6. I could not have said it better myself. Why in the world did Marv overpay so much for these two guys? I just hope that $$$ invested does not translate into keeping them around for the sake of it. I would not flinch if they let go of one of those guys (because I doubt both will be released). I guess we will find out shortly what is wrong with Peerless. In the mean time, keep dropping Reed down the depth chart and hope someone grabs his spot.
  7. I would have absolutely no problem with Aiken being the number two guy. I don't care about who is getting paid what, the best man gets the job in this new regime.
  8. Evans looks like he is going to prove that he is a solid #1 receiver. I think Roscoe can really be a solid #3 receiver who gets open on those third downs with his speed. As far as the #2 receiver, who is this going to be? Now that this Price debacle is starting to escalate, he might not even make the team. 2 games with no receptions and now he is missing from practice!!! Please don't tell me that Josh Reed is going to fill this role. I always have and always will think this guy needs to get off the team. So he had one mediocre year last year - he still drops at LEAST one huge ball a game. Something is wrong with this guy and someone else needs to step up to the plate. Who is it going to be? Maybe the Bills do need to go out and get a FA because Losman is going to need all the help possible.
  9. I will be donning the 2004 Spikes Pro Bowl jersey
  10. If this team can dig up a few more guys that have an upside like Kyle Williams, there could be a reason to be cautiously optimistic. I've got the fingers crossed and actually love the fact that most people think this team is garbage. There is no place to go but up!!!
  11. That is pretty much how I will be looking at this season as well. It will be the first time in a while where I will be looking at individuals throughout the season on a weekly basis instead of the Bills as a team.
  12. Take a look at his team from an outsider's point of view. It would be like a Bills fan looking at the current Jets squad. How many times have people stated how crappy the Jets are? They have just as many question marks as the Bills and regardless of what people want to think, the Bills will be thrown into the bottom of the barrel until they PROVE otherwise. Until that happens, don't let the nay sayers bug you. You know this team better than they do and nobody really knows what is going to happen. I can completely understand why nobody is talking about this team - they are a bunch of players that remain insignificant in the minds of most writers and other team's fans. At least JP has taken the first step into bringing some cohesiveness to this team.
  13. I thought the MNF crew did a pretty good job last night. I think Kornheiser was a good addition especially since he was getting in Theisman's grill ALL NIGHT LONG!!! I thought those two were going to throw down. You could tell Theisman was getting a little frustrated. Time to take the Buffalo by the horns JP. Looking forward to attending on Friday.
  14. I don't think third choice is even an option at this point which is unfortunate. It would have been interesting to see what Nall had to contribute.
  15. If the offensive line cannot provide any sort of time for the long ball, I guess we know who our starter is going to be. I really don't believe that Losman is going to be able to make the quick decisive accurate throws that could prove to be Bills football all season long. Let's just hope the line gels sooner rather than later.
  16. If you boil it down, that is what the dilemma has come down to. So what is the solution? Most fans agree that JP has the most upside and I agree. With Willis in the backfield, that IS your short game which would make one wonder why you would take out the long ball which Holcomb clearly does not have. The last thing management can be is conservative because they know the fans will come down HARD. I really do find it hard to believe that they will pick anyone but Losman to start on Saturday.
  17. I would take those practice unis over our current ones.
  18. The bottom line is that the Bills have a superfluous (look it up) amount of receivers which will never see the ball if some quicker decision making skills are not developed. I am all for giving JP the whole year (no matter what) to develop into a talent. I am so sick of our QB issues over the past few years - it is sickening. I can only imagine how elated Dolphins fans must be after so many years of crappy QBs.
  19. How is this contradicting myself?? JP has not proved crap in practice or games in 3 years . Just because the coaches screwed around with him doesn't mean he can't make smart decisions on the field.
  20. The point is that Cutler seems to be getting national attention right now for his decision making skills. Nobody (after 3 years) has ever said that about JP. Even though JP has not been given a fair chance, it does not look good as I'm sure management has him on another short leash.
  21. I know this guy has not played a down in the NFL so hold off all those comments but apparently this guy looks like he has got EVERYTHING people are looking for. He has already been elevatd to #2 spot. They are saying his decision making skill are incredible with an arm to boot. It just seems as though these are some of the things that people would be saying about Losman if they thought he was going to be a gamer. Time to separate yourself JP - start using your noggin!!!! I keep hearing the same things from camp that I have heard over the last two years - great arm but still making some bad reads.
  22. I believe the coaching staff will not rush anything either - I just hope the TKO does not let his killer dog attitude get the best of him when game one is approaching. There might be a "little something" in the back of his head that tells him to hold off a little longer and I hope he listens to it.
  23. Don't get me wrong, Spikes is BY FAR my favorite player on this team which leads me to think that it would be very wise not to push him to return ONE DAY sooner than needed. If he is still not going full force and not participating in practices that invlove a slick field, I would not mind if he waited a few more weeks to get that mental confidence back. He could literally eat one of the Jets QBs if that home opener is his big return. Obviously, if he feels that he will be ready for the Pats, that's great. It just seems that he will need a little more time. Maybe a couple weeks does not sound like much in the grand scheme of things but I beg to differ. Everone wants him back but not if it is going to risk injury. Any input from people who have seen him practice would be greatly appreciated. Is it a good sign that Posey was cut? Hopefully that is an indication that he will be ready to go. #51
  24. I do realize that both sides are at fault here but CUMMON, at some point, come to your senses, play for the game, be unique (God forbid) and take your boat load of cash and be thankful you are in this position. NO SYMPATHY HERE -NONE
  25. This freakin' kid is a rookie for God's sake - sign your jackpot and get to work. I just hope that he is hearing the same posatives that I have heard about Bowen in camp. Between the OTAs that Whitner missed because of Ohio State's exam schedule and this hold-out, he is really damaging his chances. That being said, take care and brush your hair Donte - this team is moving on without you.
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