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Everything posted by PTS

  1. If he falls to the 4th round, I can definitely see TD taking him and why not? The guy would have been a Top 5 pick if he entered the draft after his Freshman year. And again, this would be a guy with something to prove to everyone. Willis is a mad man, he's pissed at everyone for counting him out and he wants to prove himself on the field. I'd love to have him as our backup RB.
  2. That sucks, we was actually a pretty good player. He would have made a solid 3rd/4th line player with the big club. At least he realizes he can't go on, unlike certain NHLers (88) who will pay for it dearly later on in life.
  3. Thanks, I took your advice, re-read it with an opened mind, and I do see it differently. Now I see blah blah blah, yada yada yaya, and even more blah bull crap blah.
  4. As Texas hick would say, Losman ain't winning no super bowl any time soon. Just hope the rest of our team is good enough to get us into the playoffs.
  5. CNBC ... but that's because their only alligence is making money. They praise good economic decisions and bash bad ones no matter who you are or what party you belong to.
  6. Thanks. I do believe this article along with the original post fall under both abbreviations.
  7. Stupid question, but I never knew what SUW as well as LAMP stood for. Any help would be appreciated and at least some good would come out of this thread.
  8. Reggie Witherspoon is a class act. People bashed him on this board over a year ago saying he wasn't a good coach and that his team would never amount to anything. I backed him up then and will any day. Buffalo will only get better. They've gone from one of the jokes of the MAC to being a 40-ranked team in the nation. That's pretty damn good! Good job Reggie, good job Bulls. By the way, Kent State made a big run a few years back as well. No one except them to do anything. It's all about getting into the big dance, then you hope the magic works wonders for your team.
  9. My girlfriend's brother told us about "blow job parties" that were held by girls in his middle school. It's scary now and days. I didn't know what to do with my thing until high school. Now and days, kids are doing stuff at a ridiculously young age. But who do you blame? I think there is enough blame to go all around.
  10. Getting a Mac is like putting up a rainbow sticker on your car's back window. My rant is that people just don't know how to use computers. Dell's are awesome. My desktop at home is a Dell. I have a HP Pavilion laptop as well. Both are awesome and run like clockwork. People will always say company A sucks, or company B sucks. I'm of the notion that user of company A's computer and/or company's B computer sucks.
  11. On a totally separate note, Chuck was the absolute biggest dick I've ever worked with. And I mean biggest figuritively and literally.
  12. All I saw in that post was blah blah blah, and more blah blah blah.
  13. I guess secrets is a bad word in this case since most if not all of the people who work for and/or deal with the Sabres know of the plans to change the jerseys/logo. Golisano also spoke about it a while back saying that would be one of his priorities ... restoring the tradition of Blue and Gold. But again, can replacement players be called replacement players if they are already current members of the NHLPA. There will be a massive amount of players cross the line.
  14. Regarding this whole Barry Bonds situation, I'd have to say WHO FREAKIN CARES! Baseball is the worst sport in the world. They are all a bunch of pansies and I am dreading the day I have to start watching countless hours of SportsCenter devoted to that crap. I rather watch a scrambled movie on Lifetime.
  15. Link? There is no link to post. #1. These things are kept secret from the public until they choose to unveil it. I don't believe they are 100% finished either, although I'm told that Larry Quinn has a prototype in his office. #2. If it was finished and 100% ready to go, there would obviously have to be much hoopla and grandstanding about it. Do you think that will happen during the lockout? As I mentioned before, I'm 99% sure that if we have a season next year, they still need to keep their goatheads. The league needs a year or more notice to prepare their future media and promotional marketing materials.
  16. What Aikman were you watching. Troy wore #8.
  17. Would it really be scabs if it was 85% of the current NHLPA members? The Union is lead by a select few who call the shots for the entire membership body. If they had a vote to accept the NHL's final offer, at least 75% of the PA would vote to agree. Once you put your request in to change your uniform/logo, you need to give the league a one year notice. Golisano said he wouldn't bother the league until they finish the important business at hand. But yes, Blue and Gold are coming back soon ... that is ... if the NHL comes back.
  18. I looked up another word in the thesaurus for choke ... and i got this!
  19. Minor details my friend, you're too interested in the MINOR details.
  20. Sabres: a revamped version of our old Blue and Gold jerseys, like they should have done instead of going to the Red and Black Adelphia colors.
  21. Thancs dude. But I don't thinck neone realy kneeds that hear.
  22. I'll take my chances without the Big Man. Cowbells are in, rosaries are out. Plus, I said a prayer right before Norwood's kick. The Big Man is just not a Buffalo guy.
  23. I'll see your house and raise you the summer home I don't own that he will do well next season. Drew is still a good QB. He's just not good for the Buffalo Bills but he will be good for the right coach and the right team. Hopefully for him Parcells and Dallas is what he needs. Hell, I'll also bet my hot girlfriend -- she gets bitchy at times which is why I am betting her -- that we'll be calling for anyone but JP by Halloween. "I was just worried about my leg."
  24. Circa December 2003. Some jackass accidentally sent his rolodex of sports celebrities to a record rep that one of my co-worker deals with. My assistant and myself call a new name each Friday. There about 500+ phone numbers. 70% of the people we called changed their numbers, but we got through to guys like Bill Murray, Mike Eurizone, Ralph Nadar's B word, Lynn Swann, Don Cherry and Harry Neale. Harry was the only Buffalo number in there. We got thru to voicemails for of sports celebs as well. Bill Murray was the best, he actually chated for a few minutes. Haven't tried this number though so I don't know if it's still good or not. Angry hockey fans, please give it a whirl... I have Bettman's as well, but I dont think it's active because he was one of the first people we wanted to call ... regarding June 1999. Goodenow Bob 416-482-4182 (h)
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