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Bill from NYC

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Posts posted by Bill from NYC

  1. I guess kind of the respose I was expecting from your ilk! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:   Why does MM scare you so much?  Are you a corporate fat cat?  Have you seen any of his movies?  Seen "Roger & Me"?



    Allow me to take the middle ground here.

    I did see Roger and Me. It was great, and should serve as a reminder to all just how bad a company will screw it's workers and even an entire city in some instances (No, not ALL companies).


    Now, he is nothing but a limosine liberal and an elitist.

    He spoke at the college that my daughter attends and took questions after the speech. He ignored all questions from conservative. students. My daughter asked him a question. His answer was "Next."


    Because her school is in New Hampshire, she has spoken to numerous candidates, including Edwards and Dean on many occasions. She claimed that they were courteous and respectful.


    Moore otoh, is a rude pig who runs when cornered, just like "Roger" did.

  2. Typical October WNY Miami week football weather.  I LOVE IT BABY!!!!!


    Football weather rules.



    Is this really typical? I have been up at RWS for 10 consecutive years, (the latest game went attended was November 10) and I have never seen any snow, just a brutal rain for one particular Colt game.

    In fact, wasn't the Jaguar game in which Flutie scrambled for a TD in mid-October? I remember the weather as actually hot.


    I was thinking that this weather is more of a fluke, no?

  3. Pace slipping? I dont know, but Bulger is able to wing a few td passes, no? Faulk is aging, but he still runs left. Besides, they DID win a superbowl! Btw, Pace on a broken leg, with cancer is better than Jennings in his finest hour.


    Oh, and at my age (49), and married for 20 years, your method of coping just wouldn't work. I go with "soft" stuff, like a nice merlot, or some Long Island Red table wine. :lol:

  4. Cut and paste w/ additions from my post on the college board....

    Why would anyone want a Top 10 pick? It's a great way to %$&* your salary cap, whether the player is any good or not, which many times the player's production isn't near what you expected. Take MW, for example. We have a large tub of lard playing matador to DLs league-wide, and for this, we paid out a huge contract. Okay, a Top 5 pick would be great if you could be assured of getting a Jim Kelly-type player, but that's not what you get now; it's about 1/3 that you get a player in the first round who's still on your roster four years later. And the signing bonus kills your cap; better to spend that money on a FA who can help your team right away or for two slightly-less rated rookies who'll be motivated in camp rather than know the job is de facto theirs and tank it.


    Get out of the top 10 and the salaries go down exponentially. That's the reason why so many teams want to trade down for more picks every year, except for the perennial losers who think a high pick will magically make them better. If Dallas gets that high a draft pick next year, I'm not going to lambaste the move. They can pay some guy a $12M bonus. We paid a lot less of a contract for a player who's got just as good a chance to be an effective starter, a year earlier (too bad he broke his leg tho...).



    I do not fully agree with you about the impact of top 10 picks. If the Rams and Browns didn't grab Pace and Ogden, I am not sure that either of them would have won a superbowl. Perhaps yes, but I dont know. These LTs helped make Warner and Dilfer look like Hall of Fame QBs by eliminating any fear of being hit from the blindside.


    That said, trading down can certainly work. Sadly, the Bills are heading toward a top 5 pick. Look at what the Chargers got for trading down just a little bit.

    It is too early to call Losman a bad move. I guess my post was more about ways of coping with the Bills losing football games. :lol:

  5. I thought you were going to say your constant bitching about McNally and the OL.... sorry, my bad.



    Scott, because of my long time devotion to, and love for this board, believe it or not I always had a fear of getting on the wrong side of you, the "chairman of the board."

    If my posts trifle you, please send me a PM and instuct me on what to change, or, you could merely post said instructions and embarrass me.


    Either way, this is the greatest site on the internet, and I will always appreciate what you have done for Bills fans, and me personally.

    You have provided a forum like no other, that consists of great Bills dialogue, and an opportunity to meet and party with a truly wonderful bunch of people.


    Grat work, Scott. :lol:

  6. Is NOT having a first round pick in 05.

    Look, I know that Losman looks good, and that we needed a qb of the future, blah bla blah blah blah, but at least during the RJ/Van Pelt season of despair, I could find moments of solace thinking about having a top 5 selection. Little did I know we would draft a beached whale (with emotional issues to boot). :lol::P


    The Bills need to win football games. The posters on TSW need a win. Lord knows that I need a win.


    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DO IT FOR TBD!!!!!!

  7. No, I never said that!  I guess if you're not concerned about him, then he's not even a nuisance either... :lol:

    "I'm not that concerned about him"



    You elitist leftists are truly amazing. Your hero, Ketchup Kerry, has taken every stance on every issue, which means he is telling a lie 50% of the time.

    Your previous stalwart, Bill Clinton smoked weed but didn't inhale. Do you believe this, oh pious poster? He "didn't have sex with that woman" either, right? After a sex scandal, he bombed and killed other human beings, this after choosing to ignore terrorism at home and across the globe. How does this sit, oh peacenik liberal?


    The latest leftist scam is to pretend to be obsessed with the "truth." Nice try, but your attempt is at best transparent.

  8. Yes, I remember him.  Probably the greatest Qb to ever play the game.  Good arm, mobile enough, smart, quick release and could throw a long way.  He regular wins the old timers QB contest every year during the Probowl.  He has had coaches kid with him about coming back, because he was throwing the ball through the moving tires at 40 yards, everytime.



    You know, it is great to have ones opinion validated by a football expert. :blink: It is hard for me to label a qb as better than Montana. Jones was (in OUR opinion :doh: ) certainly more talented, but did not get a chance to mature ala Elway. Could you imagine?


    You know VA, Losman reminds me of Jones in terms of the way he is built. He will never have his arm, but who will? I just hope that the Bills, somehow, will build the necessary wall to protect this kid.

    This could be our shot at the prize.

  9. Imo, Bert Jones ranks as one of the most sad injury stories in the history of sports.

    As the qb of the Colts, this guy was awesome. Talent? He had touch on his passes AND a cannon for an arm. Not enough? He could run like a deer, and throw on the run. Oh, he was also (as I recall) pin-point accurate.

    I watched him warm up once (sitting in the first row) at Shea Stadium before a jests game. It was a freezing cold day with strong winds. He threw the football as if it were a baseball, and the receiver was grunting in pain. True story.

    Not that I am an expert by any means, but I am pretty sure that that he would have been in Canton if not for the career ending injury, and I am just wondering if anyone else here was lucky enough to watch him play.

  10. If I recall, prior to the second debate, it was pointed out that the 250 or so people in the town hall audience were classified as "undecideds" going into that debate.


    Has anyone asked those people if they made a decision after that debate? With all the stupid polls going on right now, it would seem to me if you want to gauge where the candidates stand right now, asking the decidedly undecideds is a good place to start. And they had 250 of them all in one room, so to me if they didn't poll those people they missed a golden opportunity.


    Did that ever happen?



    I take it that your screen name/avitar is based on Frank Serpico. Are you a fan of his?

  11. Price playing spot duty for Jennings normally would not worry me. The difference now is that we have Price / Smith(newb)/ Tucker (for the injured Teague) forming our left side. That, my friends, scares me ....



    I am scared of the Bills loser OL on virtually every play, and have been for many years. When was the last time you felt good about these perpetual losers?

  12. Dude, that was as good as anything I have ever seen on TBD. Thank you for all the work that you did on that posting. Posts like that are the reason that I don't even care about, nor bother posting on other Bills sites.


    I am most impressed by the comment about LeBeau, the Offensive Line, and the 2002 draft.


    There is no reason for Gray to be DC ahead of LeBeau. Moreover, if/when Gray is fired, imo he will do well to land a job as a positional coach. He is just not good.


    As for the OL and the 2002 draft, these problems are primarily one and the same. Drafting Big Mike in lieu of McKinnie was an unorthodox move and a stupid chance to take. I would like to see another example of a GM passing up a stud LT in order to grab a plodding, obese RT with a questionable ankle at the time. It may never happen again, and was SO dumb, I will never be at peace with it. How does this get fixed? NOT by trading away the possible first pick of the 05 draft, this is certain.


    Another thing that makes your post splendid is the tone of fairness. Yes, TD HAS made some sensational moves. Fletcher, Big Sam, Takeo and the Lawyer are very good players, and London came cheap. That said, the drafts were piss poor, and the Williams pick will hurt our salary cap and thus cripple the organization for many years, and that is a sad fact.


    Again, thanks for a great, thought provoking post. If it were up to me, it would be pinned.

  13. Yeah, that's what I thought... but why did they call it "muddy love" ... they can't use the word "anal" anymore?


    I mean, i thought what they were talking about was like, pooping on each other (for lack of a more Politically correct way of saying it). . .


    Anyway, no, i never heard those guys with the bong. I normally listen from 8:30 - 9:30 on my ride to work. And I often get into near accidents from laughing so hard.


    "Hi Daddy"



    Bro, what is that "Hi Daddy" thing about with High Pitched Eric on the Howard Stern show? Was he in a gay porno movie?

  14. Well said, Bill.  There's only so much a coach, even a well respected coach, can do with inferior players or players who have 'issues'.



    Thanks. :w00t: Think about it, Big Mike has probably collected (including his signing bonus) between 10 and 15 million in 3 short years. Motivation probably has to come from within when a kid has this much money.


    Back to the original topic... I support the move, just as I supported the release of Ruben. Imo, RB was infected with the "Fina" mentality of "If I hold off the pass rusher for 3 seconds and I have done my job." You have got to get rid of players like this, nice guy or not.


    Is Thomas #28? This guy stands there laughing every time he gives up a play. He would not be laughing with my money if I owned the team.

    Mark made a good point several times. The Bills need football players, not dancing, complacent, laughing nice guys.

  15. Actually, I believe that I am a better person. I do not believe that undecided voters should be shot like him. I do not believe that people on the other side are all worthless human beings like him. I do not believe that democrats want new voters so pimps and crack whores can vote. I do not steal things and then brag about it. I can carry on a legitmate exchange of ideas with people who disagree with me. I am not so myopic that I ONLY see one side and totally disparage virtually everything from the other side.



    Let's assume everything in your post is true, in terms of that he truly did say these things.

    Leftists on this board started threads stating that Laura Bush is a murderer because of a car accident. I welcome correction, but can recall little outrage coming from your direction.

    Do you see my point at all?

  16. Why were you skeptical of McNally before the season?  Just curious - most were praising him as a savior...



    For the exact reason that you mention.

    I am thinking that most of our offensive line have been playing football since they were kids. While I do respect McNally's resume, I saw no way he could make Jennings not get injured, Teague strong, Smith a "somebody" nor Williams give a crap.

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