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Bill from NYC

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Posts posted by Bill from NYC

  1. Hello and welcome.

    Imo, this is a tough game to call taking into account your injurues. Btw, is Ogden healthy?

    The Bills have a highly paid and underachieving offensive line. That said, they looked pretty good vs the dolphins, not a bad defense. If our OL plays well, we can be a tough football team. Evans opens the field with his speed and makes it easier for Drew to find Moulds.

    You saw the stats on MaGahee. I obviously hope that he plays. If you see Henry starting, be happy because he will be sure to miss blocks, drop passes, slip down and probably run wrong routes.

    In summary, if the OL continues to improve, and Henry sees limited time, the Bills can be tough.


    On defense, the Bills are a pretty good team. Our weaknesses have been pass rush from the DEs and bad safeties, but Schobel had 2 sacks on Sunday. I know Ogden is great, but I am not familiar with the rest of your blockers. Suffice it to say that if we can pressure the qb, we are tough to run on.


    Imo, the game could go either way.

  2. 1. WM reminds me a little bit of a more physical Thurman Thomas. His ability to gain extra yardage by contorting his body or finding a small crack is the largest similarity. Of course, he has a long way to go to reach such lofty heights.


    2. Travis is a douche bag. I just needed to say that.  I really don't care if you disagree.


    3. I'm almost convinced Mark Campbell spiked the ball on the TD more because he didn't get lit up (as he seems to be the latest BILL afflicted with "Don Beebe Syndrome") than because the team executed a flawless play in the redzone. Almost.


    4. Our defense continues down the road of overrated and poorly prepared. It was painfully obvious to me that Fiedler wasn't completing a pass into the wind if it had to travel more than 15 yards from the LOS, yet we continued to allow their underneath receivers to faux block and then release to the flat for big gains. They only thing that saved snatching another defeat from sure victory was the fact that our offense actually executed when it mattered.


    5. Drew can still unleash the beast. Some of those passes were breathtaking in those elements. Of course, he still made some remarkably stupid decisions (Zack Thomas' dropped pic in the red zone being the most glaring). Shane Matthews would have made Fiedler look brilliant in those conditions. Trust me.


    6. The Dolphins OLine makes ours look "Hog-like". Schobel's sacks were the result of the same pathetic "around rush" that has been so pathetic all year. The first time the tackle simply missed him, the second the responsible party NEVER EVEN LOOKED AT HIM. Amazingly, we didn't fall on either fumble.


    7. Anyone else think the Fish kick returner could be Dexter's long lost son? Same Kazoo-like helmet and "thinking man's" decisions and all.


    8. After watching the film today, Wanny may be found swinging from his shower rod tomorrow morning.  The second Schobel sack tells the whole story of his team.  Hey, guy on the left side of the formation:  STAND THERE and do NOTHING.  Thanks.  Could you come to my office and bring everything in your locker?  Alrighty.


    9. The holding penalty on Campbell was a terrible call. Taylor wasn't making that play no matter what, considering there were THREE players blocking him and Bledsoe was already running forward when NOTHING actually happened.  Drew diving forward was a VERY smart play.  Had no idea he was still capable of such endeavors.


    10. Mooreman's late 2nd quarter punt may very well have been his greatest kick ever. 47 yards into that wind in that situation was AMAZING. Of course, our defense played the ensuing series holding their collective Johnson's, so it was for naught.


    11. Shelton actually showed me something yesterday. It wasn't much, but it was a huge step up from the previous 4 weeks.


    12. The pass play on 2nd and goal from the one was RIDICULOUS. Stop doing that stevestojan. NOW. I'm warning you, OC.


    13. That challenge may have been for strategic purposes (I surmised the same thing at the time), but it doesn't make it less stupifying. Given the incompetence of NFL officials, it wouldn't have surprised me if they gave us the catch and it ended up 3rd and 15.  Not sure how that's better than 4th and 5.  It's not a confidence builder (to me anyway) that we need more than a few seconds to know exactly what we're going to do in that situation.


    14.  If our receivers don't stop dropping easily catchable balls, I'm going to head for a clock tower.  I'm only half kidding.  Let's wonder why Drew doesn't ever get in a rhythem.



    2) He certainly is!!!!!!!!


    6) The 2nd sack by Schobel was great! Are you kidding me? He has weaknesses, but he is lightening fast and athletic. Actually, I am thinking that Edwards was the difference. I cannot remember when any team had to worry about an inside rush from our DTs. If the inside pressure continues, I think that Kelsay and Schobel will have about between 15 and 20 sacks combined, AND increased overall pressure.

  3. Part of the problem here is that some folks little brains and little hearts seem to be so limited in that they view their love for a Bill as a zero sum game where either they love WM OR they love WM and rooting for, respecting, valuing them as members of the Bills or loving them (in our fan like way which is great but isn't the real love we and they fell for family and other folk) and they can't love both.


    This view is unfortunate as it does not seem to match the reality shown most recently in Carolina that a winning team which is RB dependent needs two RBs in this league.  There was more than enough glory and reps to go around.  Even with the limitations of the cap which restricts a team to paying the big bucks usually to one player per position, even NFL back-up bucks is more money than these players have ever seen and as long as the hold the ego in check they'll do fine and if they play hard and get lucky with injuries they will get an even bigger payoff from being a team guy when their second (or more) contract comes around.


    Certainly for the Bills, both players are under contract and there is no need to move one or the other until after the season.  The reality of how they perform and how their bodies hold up will determine which one to keep and their market value as trade fodder.



    Certainly, it is not that simple. If TH (or WM for that matter) blows out his knee, or gets in trouble with the law, his value after the season will be little to nothing, right?

    Now, Travis has at least some value. The team is 1-4 and has NO first round pick. This is a team with well known needs.....OL, Safety, perhaps a cb, and depth. Imo, the question consists almost entirely of what we caqn get for Travis. Would the example that you cite, Carolina, give us a #2?

  4. I love how all of a sudden I've become a Henry Apologist on this board.  :w00t:


    Was my original proposal so unreasonable? Play Henry for 1st and 2nd downs, play McGahee for 3rd and 4th and goal-line, and take Henry out if he fumbles once or misses a block that leads to a sack once?


    I, too, think WM is the better back. However, I think Henry is still a pretty good one as well (top 15 NFL RB), and if there is any way we can keep both on the same team (as injury insurance) - and even on the same field at the same time (putting WM at FB and TH at HB) - then I am all for that.



    I respect your opinion, but I am wondering if a 1-4 team needs insurance at the RB position. I would rather have an extra draft pick. We need to go after linemen, safeties, another lb, and perhaps even a corner.

  5. I absolutely believe that gays should be able to have the exact same right to marriage as heterosexuals. There is no question about it.


    However, when that time arrives...and I believe it will come in my lifetime...I certainly hope they realize that if they are allowed the rights of the married, they are also held to the rights of the divorced.


    It all sounds good until you immediately surrender half of everything you own simply for getting married.



    I think this is your best posting on this board.

    Believe me, they will be just as sorry as hell.

  6. Read my above post.


    Maybe WM = RJ?  :w00t:



    I dont think so. RJ did two things well. He was a great passer, and he could run. That said, he didn't seem to have a head for the game. He would get brain freeze. Think about it.....why is a guy with that much talent jobless?


    Travis can run. Period. He has problems in many other important areas of the running back position. Will you concede this? He cannot/will not block. He is a lousy receiver. He is a character risk. He runs incorrect patterns.


    WM seems to be a complete back, and he is just getting started. Give him a chance, no? :blink:

  7. I have no problem with Henry starting, provided Mularkey does the following:


    1. plays McGahee for all third-down and goal-line situations.

    2. replaces Henry if he fumbles at all.

    3. replaces Henry if he misses a single blitz assignment that leads to a sack.



    How about if he runs another wrong pass route, or drops another easy pass?

  8. OK, OK....I didn't start this thread to continue the Willis/Travis debate. As far as I'm concerned, they should both let their games do the talking, and whoever is in the game should play hard and produce. I think we have a good situation with our running back depth and competition, yet some people around here want to act like we have a Rob Johnson-Doug Flutie thing going on all over again.

    I'd like to hear more about the play of others. Ron Edwards played well? That's good. Someone wrote something about Josh Reed? I don't even remember seeing him in the play-by-play. Did he do anything?

    Did we control Jason Taylor?



    Marcus Price controlled Taylor. Yes, you read that right. Edwards was superb, and Schobel made a truly athletic sack. Drew had a good game, especially taking the wind into account.

  9. Absolutely ridiculous. 


    You can't give McGahee credit for all that.  Last week in NY, Jonas Jennings was a turnstyle at left tackle. That was the sole reason for at least 3 Bledsoe sacks.


    Secondly, McGahee had one benefit that Travis did not.  He got to run the ball WHEN THE BILLS HAD THE LEAD.  In fact, 70% of his yardage game on that last drive.  Henry has not had that chance.  Most teams stack the box wait for Bledsoe to beat them when the Bills are playing from behind.


    Running with the lead and running without the lead are vastly different.  That said, Willis played a hell of a game and deserves 50% of the carries.



    You are right. I did sound as if I was giving MaGahee ALL of the credit, when in truth many players had good games, to include Spikes, most of the OL, Edwards, and yes, Drew.

    The fact still remains that they played a better football game with Travis on the bench.

  10. It's a shame.  The guy is a very good RB.  Unless Willis damages his knee again, TH will get traded.  If I'm TH, I want to get as far away from Buffalo as possible the way I'm being portrayed.  All he has to do is click on a message board, listen to sports talk radio...or read a newspaper and it's all negative news about him.



    Well, he sits out 1 game, and the OL looks better, the qb looks better, there were far fewer mistakes, and his team wins. His replacement also carried the team when it counted and put away the game.

    Yeah, the future looks bleak for TH in Buffalo.

  11. I was very impressed with Price. The thing is, he had a very good game vs. the giants last season, and got creamed the next week.

    Consistent good play from Price would be a huge plus for this team, and yesterday was a great start.

    Maybe he is a player who can be helped by McNally.

  12. No it isn't.  They looked better Sunday because we played a lot of max protect and threw on first when they were not expecting it which helped take pressure off of the line.  We did that because we had those reserves in so the coaches were more conservative in terms of pass protection.  We threw 2-3 guys at Taylor on every play.  It is what we did in NY in the 4th quarter.  Lets not get too giddy over the line play.  The team, primarily due to the offense I suspect, was booed going into the locker room at the half.  They had a nice drive that stalled resulting in just a field goal and another scored a TD but that started at the Miami 37.  The offense was not exactly all world.  They were better than they have been and they were good enough to win but we still have problems on the line.  Tucker and Price are not the answer to the glaringly bad O-line play we have seen for most of the season.



    Another reason they looked better was because a stupid player was sitting on the bench. He therefore didn't have the opportunuity to miss blocks, drop easy catches, run wrong routes, nor fall on his ass, right?

  13. I was most impressed with MW's game yesterday. I know the Felons didn't blitz much (that bomb to Evans must've scared the crap out of them :w00t: ) but I didn't see 1 mental breakdown or blown assignment from the big guy. ;)


    KEEP IT UP!!!


    Yes, he did play, especially well under the circumstances. Weather conditions would seem to make run blocking tougher when going into the wind, because the defense knows that passing is difficult.

    I truly hope to see more from the kid.

  14. They were okay.  They did let Sammy run all over them for most of the first half, but seemed to control him a lot better down the stretch.  Third and long is still a major problem due to our lack of a consistent pass rush.



    R.Rich, from where I sat, some of the formations seemed odd as well. On one play, after a great sack, I saw Edwards downfield in pass coverage. The pass was completed to McMichael. Edward was about 5 yards away, possibly more.

    If a DC MUST send a dl into the secondary, wouldn't it be a better idea to send a fast guy such as Schobel?

    Speaking of Schobel, I dont think a linemen can get much more athletic than he was on the second sack. He had the coordination of a cornerback. If only he was 10 lbs heavier!

  15. Actually, he played pretty well last year before he got hurt and was IR'd.


    I think some people on this board think that only draft choices who produce in their first or second year are worth a damn.  It usually takes a guy at least two years to get up to speed, and usually three.


    I like that Texas Aggie combo!  I like that we were getting a push up the middle on the pass rush.  To be honest, I think that is what has been missing more than the DEs.  If you're getting push up the middle, your ends are going to get sacks because the QB is going to be forced to the outside.  He won't be able to step up in the pocket.



    I agree. Big Sam and PW are a wall vs. the run, but they rarely penetrate far enough to sacks opposing qbs.

    The thing is, I always preferred SA to PW. That is why I hope this situation is resolved, but if it cant be, I hope we get something for SA. This would NOT be like cutting Shaw, you know.

  16. I believe that overweight lineman to which you refer has actually lost a bunch of those lbs and has played very well so far this season!  :)


    I think Sam is too fat and all he does is occupy blockers.  That's OK if you are commanding double teams and holding your ground ala Ted Washington, but I don't think it's all that great when you aren't.    I think Sam would improve a great deal (ala a certain offensive lineman) if he would drop about 40 pounds.


    Anyway, maybe he needed a little fire lit under his ass (OK, maybe a BIG fire! LOL!).  BTW, I am psyched about Edwards play.  He is the future!!



    Watching Edwards makes me wonder why he produced so little in the past. I know, inexperience, but I wonder if he was held back by unjury.

    For 2 weeks, he has looked strong, quick and instinctive. There is a wonderful target for a contract extension.

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