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Everything posted by davefan66

  1. Ron Jeremy. (earlier in his career)
  2. I truly believe when these two pair up, it leads to Josh’s best games. Beasley has a knack for finding the open spot. He saves plays when everything else falls apart.
  3. What I love is how the game has shown down for him. He’s feeling the pressure and steps up in the pocket. He’s seeing the whole field instead of keying on the one guy. My favorite play was when Diggs got held to the ground and the dudes rolling out and pointing out the penalty to the refs as it happened! All that being said, we will see clunkers from him. He will throw an ill advised pass (or two) in a game. Thing is, today’s Josh wins the Houston playoff game.
  4. Can’t believe we are down 10 - zip to the jests. Our defense was not great from game one. What happened to our offense?? What is the coaching staff doing??
  5. Doesn’t help our chances when the refs call crap penalties against us.
  6. Such BS! Throw that flag 10 seconds afte the play! And it wasn’t PI!!!
  7. First they miss an obvious hold on the long run, and then a BS PI call.
  8. We miss Star. Need the run stuffer to allow others to concentrate on their jobs. Josh looks better then last few weeks but jests have not put the pressure on him. This game scares me.
  9. I believe the last two games have exposed the lack of depth in our defense. 1. Need CB depth. Norman either needs to get his legs under him, or he’s washed up. Don’t really have anyone else. 2. We miss Star Lotulelei. His ability to run stuff let others do their thing. Oliver and Murphy are certainly suffering without a true run stuffer. 3. We miss a healthy Milano. Having the ability to stop the run helps all aspects of the defense. Free’s up others to do their jobs instead of focusing on both the run and pass. As far as the offense, our o-line is killing Josh. Maybe it’s the schemes called, not sure. Had a few jail breaks yesterday on important downs. Josh has certainly been out of his rhythm the last few games.
  10. Interesting hearing they practiced last week. Wonder what type of punishment the league will impose? I guess it makes me feel a bit better about the season knowing the players knowingly violated league rules causing the number of players with Covid. This may show the leagues precautions are working and keeping the players safe.
  11. Gonna be a miracle for the NFL to play a full season. A miracle if they even finish the season.
  12. Sad news. VH may not have been my favorite band, but he was an excellent guitarist. Sad on many levels. The worst being we are holding on to bands from the 70’s and 80’s like we are. No newer bands playing that type of music any longer.
  13. I see a stoppage after this weeks games with a few weeks to quarantine and set up some sort of “bubble”. Not sure how they can pull it off unless they use multiple stadiums and rotate teams thru. Playing Thursday, Saturday 2 time slots (Would hurt college games), Sunday multiple time slots and Monday. Be difficult as hell.
  14. Someone else said it earlier in the week. Bass does look like Norwood with his helmet on....
  15. Yep. Best $99 I’ve spent on a tool. Home Depot Rigid brand. Pretty darn good.
  16. Go to court. Will probably knock it down to a non-moving violation. That way the municipality keeps the revenue from the ticket and doesn’t send any to Albany.
  17. Welp. Called again and nothing. Have the RZ free only on mobile devices for being a season ticket holder this year. Tried watching it yesterday, but it was periodically blocked stating I don’t have “authorization to watch thIs content”. Believe it’s because of an ongoing dispute between NFL network and DTV. Also, can’t cast the NFL Network app to a TV (which is were the RZ channel is shown) had only audio. Truthfully, all I care about is the RZ channel. Tried the student edition and they blocked my address, my sons address and my daughters address. Appreciate the years I’ve gotten it. Not happy they won’t offer me anything. Girl I spoke to today told me to call back after billing cycle ends and maybe they can work something out. It just ended 2 days ago.
  18. Excited for this game! Without preseason, feel I don’t have a handle in how good they are. Believe today shouldn’t be too difficult for the Bills. Bummed I can’t be there. Usually on the road at 8am, pulling up in Southwestern about 8:40 waiting to turn into the Bills Lots. Cracking our first beers a few minutes past 9:00. Lets go Bills!
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