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Bob in Mich

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Everything posted by Bob in Mich

  1. So, you're saying all sorts of plants have medicinal effects. Yeah, we know that. Odd that the cannabis plant wouldn't have any. You're also saying that you know so much already that anything new could not make a dent in your thick head. Ok, got that too. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Anyone today that chooses to ignore the known and potential medical benefits of cannabis is simply ignorant, intentionally or accidentally. Most of those still opposing cannabis as medicine, internet trolls aside, have dollars somwhere at the heart of their reasoning. The moral high ground against medical cannabis was lost long ago. I have seen no sound scientific reasoning against using medical cannabis. Recreational cannabis discussions involve much more than just 'does it work'. The alcohol comparisons are brought up by the reporter for several reasons. Those that have never used it recreationally, can often get some limited perspective on the experience. More importantly here I think she tries to point out the hypocrisy in the folks claiming moral high ground against recreational users while they stir their cocktails. People don't really like to be shown that they are hypocritical and, like many posters here, they push back. The reporter's point about public assistance, college, and future employment are all tied to a single fact. If a person gets a felony marijuana arrest on their record, they keep that for life and it restricts their access to future opportunities and programs. A felony puts a large and some would say unfair burden around the neck of that person for a crime that most freely admit is 'no big deal'. The punishment does not fit the offense. It certainly helps to be directly impacted in order to want to change an existing law but it is far from necessary. A person can simply see injustice in a law and want that corrected. Most of us were not impacted by most of the civil rights laws but we could see that the existing law was outdated and to some, unjust. btw This following is from page 13 of this thread where we discussed people being arrested for possession of cannabis. http://nationalcanna...ijuana-in-2012/ ...from the article The data, analyzed by 420RADIO News, indicate that 749,825 people were arrested for marijuana within the category of “drug abuse violations” reported to the FBI. Of those, 658,231 were arrested for possession, making up about seven out of eight pot arrests in this country.
  3. You seemingly missed so much of what was said by that reporter it is hard to believe your misses weren't intentional. Did you really watch and listen to the video because it seems her sarcasm went right past you too. You realize that you are right now, today, in the midst of prohibition repeal, right? It is a long, grinding, state-by-state process. It is a political process and this woman is trying her best to influence Americans, specifically Alaskans, on an upcoming vote. She is trying to change the laws. I agree that she should not have used that language on the air and that it was for publicity. Beyond that I disagree with most everything else you stated.
  4. The f-bomb dropping reporter tries to explain her actions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPaqb--5wkM (Warning: the volume is too loud so be ready to turn the sound down)
  5. This was an interesting article Does Legal Marijuana Help or Hurt the U.S. Health Care System? Sam Becker September 21, 2014 From the article... If marijuana becomes legalized nationwide, more people will probably partake, or at least be open and honest about it, in a more likely scenario. The fact is, if people like to use marijuana and want to, they probably already are, regardless of its legal standing. But where the magic truly happens is when people start using marijuana in lieu of alcohol, cigarettes, and other drugs. http://wallstcheatsh...html/?a=viewall
  6. Actually Jim, between this post and the other marijuana post, I was trying to help you with your back issue. Recall I asked about an MRI and how did the pinched nerve come about in the first place? I think you even said that my diagnosis of what happened as far as the sciatica was the most likely one. I thanked you for sharing your story about the CBD drops and wished you well in finding relief. Perhaps you didn't see it that way, but those were attempts by me to help you try to resolve your back issue. I happen to be well versed in problems just like yours. In return, a steady stream of insults and libelous accusations of drug dealing that I didn't feel were deserved. Yeah, I found that frustrating Jim. As far as why you weren't cured overnight, that was perhaps getting your hopes up too high. There is nothing in cannabis that can move misaligned structures in and around your spine. I am sure you know that but what it can do is slow down the pain signals for a time, providing some relief. The other advantage is that it can lessen your need for more dangerous pain medicines like the vicodins. While those can be a miracle worker for short term pain, vicodins will mess you up after a while. Cannabis will lessen the need for the opiates providing you with a safer solution.
  7. Nanker, perhaps this is too late but you are correct. After further review, you didn't deserve to be included with the others in that group. I apologize and I fixed my post. I would be happy to have an honest discussion but have had only a couple of them in this thread. Largely the replies that come in are lame attempts to make jokes about drug dealing from the same 5 or 6 jerks. Sorry, but I don't own a dispensary or grow cannabis. I have nothing to sell. I am making a sincere attempt to help people. I really am. If you can think back to a time when you tried to help someone and for whatever reason that person turned on you, insulted you, and criticized you for trying to help, you will be able to better understand my frustration. As mentioned though, you should not have been included with the jerks.
  8. Note I am not a medical professional. Hey performer, bbb, Chef, Wacka, Tom, Chano, etc I found a non-cannabis link that I believe may help you all. I promise I make no money on these links. Please check it out. It may not be too late. Honest. https://answers.yaho...13230434AAH0nqs
  9. There is some good information on various diseases at the Americans for Safe Access Site. Covered are topics: Arthritis, Cancer, Pain, Gastro Problems, HIV, Movement Disorders, MS, and Aging. http://www.safeaccessnow.org/asa_condition_based_booklets
  10. Here are the sites that I have linked to in this thread. Some of them have multiple instances. Don't see HighTimes, sorry. http://forums.twobil...the-rise-in-us/ https://www.youtube....h?v=XfO_MpDm5kc http://www.gwpharm.com/ http://pharmrev.aspe...9.full.pdf html http://michiganmedic...44364-glossary/ http://www.nih.gov/ http://www.webmd.com...uana-survey-web http://antiquecannabisbook.com/ http://www.usatoday....ijuana/4797267/ http://www.marijuanaindex.org/ http://www.ncbi.nlm....les/PMC3739469/ http://news.msn.com/...n-with-seizures http://www.cnn.com/2...etes/index.html http://guardianlv.co...-treats-autism/ http://www.mainstree...-treat-autism-0 http://cannabisdiges...nnabis-anxiety/ http://www.nytimes.c...ana.html?op-nav http://www.medicalja...ing-to-science/ http://www.impactjou...233&path[]=3664 http://www.cancer.go...age4#Section_26 http://www.cureyouro...cers-cells.html http://theconversati...-cannabis-30828 http://www.neurology...tent/82/17/1556 http://www.nejm.org/...6/NEJMra1402309
  11. No Jim, I am sorry but you are one of us now. Did you ever see the 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers"?
  12. Tom, this thread has over 2500 views. Hopefully someone not named Tom is absorbing some of the information. Sorry for your personal situation but in my opinion that doesn't give you the right to try to keep others from learning. Please, don't click on this thread anymore
  13. While you are probably correct that I will never live down the cannabis thread, I still think it was worth it. The postings that I have added to that 'Know Anyone With a Disease' thread have the potential to stop a lot of suffering and possibly even save someone's life, though I know most of you don't yet see that.
  14. Might be hard to see from your angle but you really need em. You are angry. It is apparent from your recent posts. It is ok. It is an imbalance. Maybe wash em down with some scotch. No, Tom is an idiot and deserves to be told so
  15. Hey, is this from Dr Tommy or Mr Tom? Take your meds. It is obvious even to me that you missed a dose of your pretty colored little pills
  16. No that comes from weeks of dealing with azzholes, such as yourself
  17. If you didn't want advice why in the hell are you on a public forum posting about your back problems? Sorry I tried to help you. No worries about future advice. Suffer, you !@#$
  18. Well, no one believes some guy making claims on this board without links, right? So, I provided links to articles that I found. When looking for research reports, I went to a site that I thought people would trust. I linked to reports on the US Government's 'National Institute of Health' website. http://nih.gov What websites are more trustworthy for scientific research reports? Have you looked at other trustworthy websites to find out whether or not these claims regarding cannabinoids are valid? Can you provide links to more current valid research reports which debunk these claims?
  19. It sounds like your lifting of the river rocks may have caused a vertebra to move relative to rest of them. Was it a shift of a vertebra that cause the 'nerve pinch' in the first place or is that caused by something else? If the new shift took the pressure off the nerve, you may get some relief 'downstream' in your leg but the nerve itself is likely now 'bruised' and still painful. OK, pay on your way out.
  20. If this is a serious question then you could start by looking into the recent research. I would point out that studies sponsored by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, until very recently, were designed to show the harm of cannabis rather than its possible medical benefits. Keep that in mind when reviewing the studies. Cannabinoid and opioid interactions: implications for opiate dependence and withdrawal. 17 September 2013 http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/23624062 From the research report Research over the past decade has shed light on the influence of endocannabinoids (ECs) on the opioid system. Evidence from both animal and clinical studies point toward an interaction between these two systems, and suggest that targeting the EC system may provide novel interventions for managing opiate dependence and withdrawal.
  21. Medical Marijuana Research Hits Wall of U.S. Law By Serge Kovaleski AUG. 9, 2014 http://www.nytimes.c...l-law.html?_r=0 From the article To obtain the drug legally, researchers like Dr. Sisley must apply to the Food and Drug Administration, the Drug Enforcement Administration and the National Institute on Drug Abuse — which, citing a 1961 treaty obligation, administers the only legal source of the drug for federally sanctioned research, at the University of Mississippi. Dr. Sisley’s proposed study also had to undergo an additional layer of review from the Public Health Service that is not required for other controlled substances in such research. The process is so cumbersome that a growing number of elected state officials, medical experts and members of Congress have started calling for loosening the restrictions. In June, a letter signed by 30 members of Congress, including four Republicans, called the extra scrutiny of marijuana projects “unnecessary,” saying that research “has often been hampered by federal barriers.”
  22. It is great that the guy is working hard in rehab but in my opinion it would be a mistake to rush him back. At 4 months post surgery the knee will likely feel pretty good but the danger lies in the fact that the tissue used to make the ACL graft is still weakening (middle third of the patella tendon). Between 3 and 6 months the body is able to form blood vessels to feed the relocated tissue and thereafter the new ligament gets stronger over time. Relying on the ligament before it is strong enough usually causes stretching to occur rather than an immediate failure. Given that the purpose of the ligament is to keep the bones together, a stretched ligament is soon little better than no ligament as it will allow giveways to occur. Giveways very often cause damage to other parts of the knee - meniscus (cartilage), bone, and the other ligaments. So, rushing him into service, even if he feels wonderful, would be a mistake that could cause him further problems down the road.
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