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Everything posted by philburger1

  1. Czaban this morning spent 10 minutes ripping into the Sunday Night Crew's coverage of the game. Glad to see other people besides Bills fans were sick of the fan boy gushing of Bruschi. It was even worse than I thought is was going to be. I thought you might hear "Nobody ties his shoes with more passion than Teddy Bruschi. "Thanks for making me hate Teddy Bruschi, ESPN" Steve Czaban this morning on the Fox Sports Network.
  2. More Fun from Iran: TEHRAN, Iran -- Iran's hard-line president marched in the streets of Tehran on Friday alongside tens of thousands of people supporting his call for the destruction of Israel. As he marched alongside demonstrators in downtown Tehran, Ahmadinejad renewed his criticism of the West, saying: "They become upset when they hear any voice of truth-seeking." Many marching with him held placards reading, "Death to Israel, death to America," Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said the president's comments represented Iran's long-held policy of not recognizing Israel. "Unfortunately the Western countries have remained silent on the increasing inhumane activities of Israel (against the Palestinians)," Mottaki said a Tehran march. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Uh, Jack Ass, if Israel wanted to "Wipe All The Palestinians Off The Earth" they could do so in about a day. Tell me another country would put up with bombs going off in their street markets. Why so threated by 8 millions Jews when there are over a billion Muslims? Another interesting fact: Why are all the Islamic "holy sites" in Israel built over Jewish and Christian sites that are a lot older? Wonder how that happened?
  3. If the Bills beat the Patriots I will stop having sex. Oh wait, my wife already saw to that. I will quick drinking coffee then.
  4. Corey Simon. Oh wait, the Bills passed on him because he was fat and out of shape. Boy, and how the Colt's D has sucked since they got him!
  5. Hmm, I don't agree. When thinking of how Roscoe could impact this team, think of him as a Steve Smith type, not a Dave Megget type. I watch a LOT of ACC football, and that Roscie guy just has "it". Every time he touched the ball, something good happened for the 'Canes. I think the Panthers were shocked at what Steve Smith could do. Sure they knew he could be a weapon on Kick returns, but man does he fight for the ball on passes, and plays way bigger than his size. The Panthers got smart and worked him in to become the feature of the passing game. My fingers are crossed we have the same weapon in Roscoe. And boy is he fun to watch on kick and punt returns.
  6. At least people in Buffalo speak English. What doesn't miami just seperate from the US and become part of Cuba already.....
  7. "Maybe the Buffalo Bills are doing J.P. Losman a favor by sitting him on Sunday. The Miami Dolphins defense has been frightningly stout thus far and a well rested Jason Taylor is due for a multi-sack performance. Buffalo Bills head coach Mike Mularkey announced that Kelly Holcomb would get the starting nod over the Losman earlier today The problem is that Holcomb might find himself on his back alot on Sunday. The Dolphins have recorded seven sacks in three games and are coming off a bye, so they should have little trouble breaking through a Buffalo Bills offensive line that has given up an embarrasing number of sacks (11 to be exact)." From www.miamifootball.com. That is mighty cocky for a team that hasn't won on the road yet, and got their arse swept by the Bills last year. GOD I HATE MIAMI!!! KILL THEM! WIPE THEM OUT!!
  8. For this sunday against the Dolphfags, I perfer this movie quote: "On my command, unleash hell" Maybe the Bills D at last getting to face a slow, white QB is just what the doctor ordered.
  9. I wonder sometimes if the news outlets show just keep running the same headline: "Muslim terrorists blow up innocent people" everday. They would just have to change the date and location. BALI, Indonesia -- Terrorists targeted the Indonesian tropical resort of Bali for the second time in three years Saturday with coordinated bombings that devastated seafood and noodle restaurants packed with foreigners, killing at least 25 people and wounding at least 100. Saturday's near-simultaneous blasts at two seafood cafes on Jimbaran beach and a three-story noodle and steakhouse in downtown Kuta occurred almost three years to the day that bombings blamed on Islamic militants killed 202 people, mostly foreigners in Bali. No one claimed responsibility for the latest bombings in the world's most populous Muslim nation, but suspicion immediately fell on the al-Qaida-linked militant group Jemaah Islamiyah, blamed for the 2002 attacks and other deadly attacks in Jakarta in recent years. Saturday's bombs detonated at about 8 p.m. as thousands of diners flocked to restaurants on the bustling, mostly Hindu island, which is just starting to recover from the 2002 blasts. Baradita Katoppo, an Indonesian tourist from Jakarta, said one of the bombs on Jimbaran beach went off in the Nyoman Cafe, where he was eating with friends. Five minutes later, another explosion rocked a neighboring restaurant. "I could see other people sustained injuries," he said. "There was blood on their faces and their bodies. It was very chaotic and confusing. We didn't know what to do." Another witness, I Wayan Kresna, told the private El Shinta radio station that he counted at least two dead near that attack, and many more were taken to the hospital. "I helped lift up the bodies," he said. "There was blood everywhere." At almost the same time about 18 miles away in Kuta, a bomb exploded at the three-story Raja restaurant in a bustling outdoor shopping center. The area includes a KFC fast-food restaurant, clothing stores and a tourist information center. Since the 2002 attacks, Jemaah Islamiyah has been tied to at least two other bombings in Indonesia, both in Jakarta. Those blasts, one outside the Australian Embassy in 2004 and the other at the J.W. Marriott hotel in 2003, killed at least 23. The group wants to establish an Islamic state across Southeast Asia.
  10. We would have traded Eric Moulds to the Chiefs to get Todd Collins back.
  11. i saw holcomb light up a pretty good Steelers D in their house during the playoffs a couple years ok. give him a shot
  12. wasn't that way before two big hurricanes in the gulf?
  13. Don't forget the chant of "OSMA! OSMA!" coming from the gringo haters.....
  14. good teams at least try to show up for road games. they don't let the Eagles run up the score at will. or the bucs run it down their throat the whole game. Bills 'should' be way above the lions, 49ers, and browns, and... green bay may be in that group this year. they might be the worst team in the nfl this year.
  15. the Bills and Cheifs are neck and neck. Lambeau Field is kicking Gillette Stadium arse. good
  16. Oh hell, preseason I picked the Colts to win the AFC. This Bills team is not Super Bowl team, but their talent should make them a 10-6 playoff team. That egg they laid in Tampa is something you would expect from the Browns or 49ers....
  17. 1989 was the year of the "Bickering Bills" a talented team on the verge of greatness. The next season started off on the wrong foot, with the Bills being hammered by the Dolphins on the road. The Bills used that loss to regroup and refocus. The result? A march to the Super Bowl. Here's hoping the early season loss to Tampa was the slap in the face this talented group needed. I say the Falcons don't score more than 10 points. Bills 20, Dirty Birds 10
  18. SHWING! Great, now I have to stay at my desk for 5 minutes while Mr. Happy settles down. And there are fresh bagels in the break room. Damn.
  19. Could they please be of Kelly Monaco? http://msn.tweakzone.nl/uploaded/bg/708.jpg
  20. Last time I checked all they were selling were baseball cards. You know, the guy who YELLS all the time.
  21. This will be very cool if they get the cost down to about $800 per unit. I'd buy one the first day they come out if they work on the price. http://www.canada.com/montreal/montrealgaz...a6-090911200e96
  22. Sure, lets all use bikes to get to work, so China and India can have cheap gas. Great.
  23. Sam Adams: In on 12 tackles, 2 sacks, 1 forced fumble recovered and run back for a touchdown. And the big man dances.
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