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Posts posted by WotAGuy

  1. I really like the idea of everyone sitting on the Jest sideline. You still go to the game, can root for them and all that crap, but on TV it will be a ghost town and they will know something is up. We WILL get on the national news for that.


    Please talk to everyone around you if you are going and get them to sit on the Jest sidelines.




    The main cameras shoot from behind the Bills bench, so if everyone sits on the visitor's side, it'll look full. I think what you want is for everyone to sit on the Bills side if you are going for the "empty" stadium look.

  2. As Turbosrgood said earlier, the Bills are still unbeaten when holding opponents to less than 45 points. If we can somehow manage to do that against the Titans, I like our chances.


    GO BILLS!!!


    If I had seen this stat before the season started, I'd have bet the farm we'd be 5-1 now.


    Glad I'm not a farmer.....

  3. This article made me laugh, only because the Cardinal game was so typically Buffalo Bills football - a roller coaster ride that was fun when it was over, but I really don't want to go on again...though I know I will.


    This excerpt is classic:


    "This was all so gut-churning to watch — and I say this as someone who cares about the Bills the way you might root for a favourite niece’s under-7 soccer team — it required several stiff drinks afterward. This is why they tailgate so hard in Orchard Park — they’re drinking to forget something that hasn’t even happened yet."



  4. This is a myth that is commonly accepted by this board but it is just not true. I think everybody could agree that 1988 was the start of the Golden Era of the Buffalo Bills lasting thru 1994(the first season after thei 4th super bowl loss & 1st year they did not make the playoffs in that stretch)


    1988 - Sold out all 8 games including 1 game in December where actual attnedance was over 77K. Average attendance that year - 77,849


    1989 - Sold out 7 out of 8 games. Lone game they did not sell out was against New Orleans Dec 10th. Actual attendance that game was still over 70K. Average attendance that year was 77,464


    1990 - 1st Super Bowl year, sold out all 8 games including 2 December games, one the day after Christmas. Average attendance was 77,693. In addition they also sold out 2 playoff games both in January. The actual attendance at the Raiders game was over 80K in the AFC Championship, ONLY 42 NO SHOWS AT THAT GAME.


    1991 - Sold out all 8 games including 2 games in December, one being against the Lions 3 days before Christmas in which the game meant nothing to the Bills & they rested most of their starters. 635,889 bills fans walked thru the gates that year setting at the time an in house NFL single season attendance record. Average attendance that year was 79,486. They also sold out their 2 home playoff games, both in January & both with actual attendance over 80K.


    1992 - Sold out 7 out of games including 1 in December. The only game they did not sell out was a game against Denver december 12th. They still had actual attendance of 71,740. Average attendance that year was 77,916.


    1993 - Last of the Super Bowl years, Bills fans became kind of a spoiled bunch & an entitled fan base. Little did we know what lied ahead over the next 18 years we may have appreciated that team a little more. That year they sold out 7 out of the 8 games including a game against the Raiders in December. The only game they did not sellout was the Jets game on 12/14 in which it was one of the coldest games ever to be played @ Orchard Park. They still got over 71K fans at that game. They sold out their 2 home playoff games once again but only got 61K in the joint for the Raiders game which was even colder then the Jets game & I think was the coldest game in the history of Orchard Park(0 degrees, -32 wind chill).


    1994 - Attendance started to fall off. They only sold out 6 out of 8 games. They still averaged over 74K per game in actual attendance.



    So please for the last time spear me the crap, you & Promo & whoever else that says they had trouble filling up the place even in their super bowl years. Most other owners would of killed to have attendance like the bills had back in the late eighties & early nineties.





    Why are you obfuscating the argument with FACTS? There's no room for that kind of nonsense here...please go start a "fact" thread. (nice job, BTW)

  5. Disclaimer: I started going to games in the Rockpile in the 60s, so I come from a different era.


    I understand the need to improve the Ralph for engineering safety and integrity purposes - 40 years is old for a concrete structure.


    But do we really need wider concourses, more video screens and try to make the stadium more in line with the new stadiums being built?


    I've not heard many people say they don't go to games because its too crowded or too hard to see the replays. It's not the most comfortable place, but I prefer to get to my seat and stand there and scream for three hours and then slide on out. If I want comfort I stay in my comfy living room. I kinda like our stark, old school stadium! I'm going to watch football, not the friggin opera!


    And we aren't competing with Indy or Dallas or Jersey for where we choose to watch a game, so why do we need to upgrade the stadium to try and keep up with those cities?


    Just seems like the stadium improvements could easily be limited to what is necessary to maintain the structural safety of the Ralph and leave it at that. If we do keep the team here long term, a new stadium is going to be needed eventually, so why spend the extra bucks for comfort improvements now?


    Just wondering if I'm in the minority and most people (who actually attend the games) feel we need to improve the comfort factor at the Ralph.

  6. I was at a game in the early 80s that I left early and wished I hadn't. It started snowing and we thought the game was lost, so we left. I'm pretty sure it was the Patriots. Fergy threw a hail mary to Roland Hooks for the winning score.



    Yeah, I led the charge out of the stadium after Fergy threw a late INT, and as we were in the parking lot, heard the roar and knew I had really f-ed up. My buddy still has to remind me to "never say die". Wish I had hung around for that one, but it taught me to stay till the bloody end.


    I've been to the Raiders and Chiefs AFC Championship games, the last Super Bowl, the 1980 Dolphins win (goalpost to Ralph), a bunch of OJ's great games, but I would have loved to have been at the Comeback game and the 1964 AFL Championship....comeback game wins in a close one!


    I watched the Comeback game from home, and my family was visiting from Buffalo - they left disgusted at halftime. I kept watching, but they didn't realize what had happened until they got home! Never say die!


    The Raiders AFC Championship game was very special....after all those depressing seasons in the 60s, 70s and 80s - I finally got to see them in person make it to the Super Bowl. I had tears in my eyes looking up in the sky wishing my Dad was there with me (and I think he was!).

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