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Posts posted by WotAGuy

  1. I started the Spirtiual Exercises of St Ignatius last September, and it's basically a 30-week retreat intended to improve conscious contact with God. We are supposed to spend an hour in prayer and meditation each day. I had a hard time getting past 20 minutes at first, but now I do an hour a day and enjoy it. I usually don't do transcendental meditation (where you blank out your mind). Rather I try to have a focus on my relationship with God and feel His presence.


    I usually put on some quiet meditation music, gongs, or a waterfall soundtrack....something without a specific melody that is calming and helps cut out background noise - dogs barking, traffic, etc. The music is in 20-minute tracks, so I can do my hour of meditation in three 20-minute segments. I start a 20-minute track, do a 20-minute meditation segment, and when the music ends, I move on to the next track of music and the next nmeditation segment.


    I turn off the phones, and get in a cross-leg sitting position and take a few deep breaths. I try to do it the same time every day to create a routine - usually my lunch hour.


    First 20-minute segment is spent just repeating a mantra to get my mind clear and to keep my mind from wandering and thniking about work, etc. I usually focus on things in my life I am thankful for and thank God for them. I started with my health, job, kids, etc but now I think about things like a helpful conversation I may have had with someone, a sunset I saw, some birds I had watched....literally everything I encounter is something to be thankful for and to thank God for.


    With the Spiritual Exercises, I then read a bible passage that is given to us, based on a theme for the week. It is usually just a 3-5 verse passage and we are supposed to put ourselves in the scene and take on one of the characters in the scene. I try to experience the sights, sounds, smells, touch that might have come up in that scene. I think about how that passage applies to my life and things I am going through at the present time or in the past. That's the second 20-minute segment.


    The final 20-minutes is spent conversing with God - about what is going on with me, asking his help, thanking Him - whatever...just talking like I would to a close friend.


    This hour of meditation and prayer has really helped me calm down, and given me perspective on how good my life is. It has also strengthened my relationship with God and helped me feel less anxiety, because I know that God has and will always take care of me, so I needn't worry.


    Hopefully there is some useful stuff in there you can try!

  2. Hey, thanks for sharing that, that was entertaining. I would love to hear what NFL coaches and their assistants really have to say about players, the truth, none of the coach speak.


    Honestly, he could not say enough good things about Brees....the quality of person he is, his dedication, smarts and leadership were lauded over and over again. He must be quite a guy in person,the way Joe talked about him.


    And I could really understand how Chan stayed with Fitz. Joe talked about discussions with other coaches that complained they can't do things with their protections that the Saints do because their QB can't handle it mentally.


    Joe ran through an example play using actual terminology and how various defensive looks will modify the play. It had the audience laughing because it was so convoluted and difficult to follow - and the QB has to process it instantaneously. I got a great appreciation for what they have to absorb so quickly during the week. They develop a portion of the game plan on Tuesday (1st and 2nd down plays) and e-mail it at night and expect the QB to have mastered it by practice the next morning. Wednesday they do 3rd downs and expect QB to get it down before practice Thursday morning. Thursday they develop red zone plan and expect QB to have it cold by Friday morning.....amazing. He said everyone is burned out come Friday.

  3. Today I heard Joe Lombardi, grandson of Vince, speak in Syracuse at IGNITE - a Catholic men's conference. Joe spoke about his Catholic faith and did so in the context of the qualities that a quarterback has....because that is what he can relate to, being a QB coach for the Saints. So, he compared a good QB's qualities with those of a good Catholic. A few tidbits:

    • Joe is an engaging, honest and authentic speaker; I enjoyed his talk.
    • He didn't play up the Vince Lombardi connection, which seemed very humble but also accurate, since he never met the man (Joe was born about 10 years after Vince passed).
    • Joe LOVES Drew Brees - total mentions of Drew Brees = 37 (est). Total mentions of Jesus Christ = 0.
    • Joe said he has been studying Ryan Nassib and said "he reminds me of Drew Brees". Unfortunately, you have to qualify that comparison because he pronounced his name "nass-EEB".
    • Joe never mentioned a QB's physical skills, but instead completely focused on intelligence, consistency, dedication, work ethic and leadership (not surprising given the topic of his talk, but it made me appreciate a little better why Chan was so stuck on Fitz....the mental part seems much more critical - and hard to find - from this coach's perspective).
    • Told a funny story about when his 5th kid was born - two of his young daughters wanted to name him Sarge or Chief (because they also had just gotten a puppy). When told that they needed to name their brother after a saint, they said "like Reggie Bush?"

  4. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder- but I will say Mrs. Wilfork is a pretty cool lady. My nephew and I were walking up the stairs to our seats at the Ralph a few years ago and she was walking in front of us. We asked if we could get a photo with her and she was very sweet and allowed us to do so. It's almost as good as the pic I took of my nephew with Ralph!

  5. What was worse was another time when it was dinner at our house. In-laws were there. Wifey's dad sitting next to me. Oh, did I mention that we all like wine? Well, we do. That and candles are a staple at dinner time around here.

    Well, her dad was seated to my right. I was again serving something, and while so engaged, I deftly swept my right hand in an arc that I swear I can still see today. The back of my hand caught my wine glass with a clunk and it fell cleanly over and it was relieved of its entire contents of red wine in a sea of red that engulfed the tablecloth and my father-in-law's kaki chino pants.


    He still talks to me though. Sometimes.


    And now - for the 15,000th post of this abomination... who's up next?



  6. Absolutely right on the money. And in my personal understanding and belief **** happens because God wants us to value the lives that we were given, and to live out our Christian faith by being God here on earth to others, especially those that suffer, because as a Christian it was part of the plan that I should suffer in the form of trials. It is guaranteed. And I certainly did. However the suffering strengthens faith and when you come out on the other side you help those who are in the middle of their trials, and bear witness that since you made it, so can they.


    Amen brother! Well said. 12-step recovery works the same way - and beautiful things happen out of a lot of misery and despair.

  7. And the most awesomest thing about that of course, is I could continue badmouthing him and his religion as utter nonsense until right before I died and then suddenly reverse course and say "I believe!" and then get the same awesome God treatment and salvation in Heaven as you


    GENIUS! Even if it's not proven to you, you might want to say "I believe" as your dying words...just to be safe! (EDIT: and BELIEVE it!)

  8. I have heard enough people claim that some thing doesn't bother them, to have doubts when I see it related to volatile issues. Especially when they haven't given much thought to the issue (which you imply when you call it an "interesting point").


    So you are basing your supposition of my dishonesty on your observations of other people? Given your reasoning, because I have seen other people act like "douche nozzles" on this board (thanks jboyst!)...... then you, sir, are a douche nozzle. :nana:

  9. I am just letting you know why some don't like Tebow...you are too far gone to bicker with.




    That point never occurred to you? That is the blind spot in so many of these Christian arguments. It's okay if it's Christian based, but no other religions allowed (you say you wouldn't mind, but I doubt that, and plenty of Christians would LOSE THEIR MINDS if that happened).



    What do you know about me to suggest I'm not being honest?

  10. Would you guys who favor what Lewis and Tebow do on the field or sidelines think the exact same thing if Ray Lewis, Tim Tebow, or Muhammed Hussein spread out a prayer rug on the field, faced Mecca, performed his ablution and thanked Allah for that nifty 72 yard interception return for a TD and said he couldn't wait to get his hands on those 72 Virgins?



    That's a really interesting point - and I wouldn't have a problem with it - although he'd likely get an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty for using a prop in a touchdown celebration.

  11. Interesting quote from ESPN.com'sTMQ:




    Hey Everybody, Look at Me: Last week, TMQ zinged J.J. Watt for pointing at himself during games. Reader Doug Williams of Pittsburgh writes, "Watt's immature dancing is a learned behavior. One need look no further than the AFC title game for the prime example of that. Ray Lewis points at himself constantly, he even has a pregame song so he can go through his outlandish gyrations. The result? He is lauded and praised by the sports media. That is the stuff that makes TV, and those are the tactics young players imitate in order to get attention."



    I guess this is at the root of why I was put off by Ray's actions after the game Sunday. He has a long history of being a showboat and self-aggrandizing guy who makes WWF antics look meek. And that's fine, it's all part of the entertainment value of the game. But when he comes out after the game being so demonstrative about his faith and all the attention God has apparently spent on him, it's hard for me to not feel it's an extension of his self-aggrandizing behaviors.


    But if he's a truly Christian guy and living it, then good for him. I really enjoy watching him play football.


    I was interested in reading how others compared Ray's actions to Tebow's.


    For me,Tebow seems more sincere because he doesn't do the over-the-top "look at me" antics Ray does before and during the game.


    That's just my perception of how sincerely they express their faith on the football field.


    This has been an interesting discussion and I've enjoyed reading other's views of God, evolution, the Big Bang, and especially - comments on my "personal and intimate" relationship with God. Giving Jesus a "bee-jay" is a TSW classic.

  12. The whole debate is not who God likes more. It is who best represents what God is supposed to be. Tebow does it best, ironically, though he comes off as a huge phony. Lewis just comes off as an egomaniac narcissistic douche nozzle. Tebow, for the record is just a douche nozzle. But both are better then that little btch Tom Brady.


    This cracked me up and made my day!


    My feelings leading up to starting this thread were somewhat along these lines, but I never could have expressed it as eloquently as this!


    And "Douche Nozzle" would be a GREAT name for a band!

  13. Watching Ray Lewis at the end of the game last night, kneeling on the field - butt crack showing and dozens of photographers surrounding him in a circle - and then listening to him talk about God....well, it seemed a bit "over the top" to me.


    But then I started thinking maybe it's not all that different than what Tebow does, in terms of how Tim presents his faith in God on the field and in interviews.


    To me, my faith and my relationship with God are intensely personal and intimate, but I understand not everyone feels that way.


    So, I'm interested in people's opinions about their reaction to Ray Lewis' post-game actions/words on his faith, and how that compares to people's perceptions about Tim Tebow's actions/words on his faith.


    This is strictly related to how they present this to the public as part of their football (professional) personas.

  14. Okay. So let's say I had this set up. Where does the the input to the Onkyo come from. Out the TV or out the Direct TV receiver? If it's out the TV then anything I'm watching off the computer will go through the Onkyo.




    I have an older Onkyo 1000W 7-channel receiver and it has been a great buy and has served me well. You'll have multiple inputs, so you can plug your computer, TV, satellite receiver, DVD and probably a few other sources into the Onkyo. The method you use for the connection will affect the sound quality (optical cables are the best for my system). The Onkyo will accept the surround (5.1) signal from your TV, DVD or Direct TV receiver and turn it into kick-ass sound, if you have placed the speakers correctly and set it up correctly. I have a couple dozen concert DVDs that sound awesome. I occasionally watch the start of NASCAR races, just for the surround sound. The guys at Best Buy will hook you up, but if you can figure out computers and satellite stuff, you'll be able to set this up too.

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