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Everything posted by Kultarr

  1. It's John Madden. His picture is in the dictionary next to the word clueless.
  2. Not really. Stevens was open and they did have the right game plan. The 'Hawks were kicking the Steelers CBs asses at will and if Stephens could've held onto the ball they would've burned Mr. Free-Flowing-Hair like a human torch. #43 was being badly faked out of his jock. Stephens just played like crap today. What can one say? He didn't make plays, other than the stiff-armed TD catch. He choked. At least Darrell Jackson didn't revert to his old form too -- he actually caught a basket of balls in the first half there. Too bad Itula Mili was inactive. Hannam tries but isn't a real threat at TE.
  3. Super Bowls should never be decided by the refs. It should never even be close. This one was. Way to go NFL. Add some more "judgement" calls to the game to "improve" things, ya morons.
  4. That was, by far, the worst game the Seahawks offense had all season. The officials helped the Steelers defense significantly, but the Seahawks were brainless at times. Wow. PS. I think Marv is on to something. Never trust a guy who wears his baseball hat backwards. Roethlisberger was the guy that made Bill Cowher a "genius". How many season saving plays did he make in the playoffs? One for the kid. (And wear your hat any damn way you want, dude. You deserve it.)
  5. WHAT?!? Since when can you not TACKLE below the waist?!?!?!?! Where was the holding?!?!?!
  6. 1 guy attacks the wrong place in the line and Parker goes 75 yards and the entire team folds like a lawn chair in a hurricane. Nice.
  7. I didn't know the Steelers were preordained to win this one. Steelers in every other ad holding the trophy. Officiating a little slanted, I think. Sheesh.
  8. Yes, he just ripped them for that pick. He just couldn't bash it hard enough. The guy is a walking "40 times" encyclopedia and seems to know some factoid about every football player on the planet, so I give him props for that. I just think he'd be a tad more tolerable if he took himself a wee bit less seriously. He's going to take "shots" from rabid fans just because he expresses an opinion. The "because, I do my homework!" defense isn't going to stop that. At least he doesn't endlessly psycho-analyze TO...
  9. I read on a Pats fan site that he had cured cancer in his spare time. He's also submitted a paper on his theory for ball lightning. Should be a great talk, but it may devolve if Pats fans are present and insist on asking him about his Super Bowl rings. <sigh>
  10. You think this has anything to do with him not showing up for media interviews?
  11. Yeah, his attitude, or at least what he shows on EPSN, is definitely more concerned about "being right" about the prospects. Maybe he's a little self-conscious about being an outsider to the "scouting fraternity"? Who knows. Who cares. It would be a better entertainment value if Mel would take a chill pill and focus on the players, the teams, etc. and not get all hung up about his "record".
  12. Oh, I don't necessarily disagree. My comment was intended more generally. Actually, if you really want to talk about shuffling lineman around and its effects, you need not look far at all. Consider Tom Donahoe and his attempt to shuffle up an NFL line. 1) Drafted a RT because he might be able to play LT. He stayed at RT but then got moved to LG. The move was a disaster. 2) Signed a LT and moved him to C. At LT he was on one of the best lines in the NFL. At C, he's overpowered and a below average player. Still making the good money though. 3) Signed a RG/utility lineman and moved him to LT. He's below average at LT. 4) Signed a RG and moved him to LG. He's horrible. 5) Signed a TE and moved him to RT. He's athletic enough to pass block, but is learning on the job and his run blocking is suspect. He's also perhaps the "best" lineman on the team. <sigh> 6) Signed a RG and moved ... no wait! ... let him play RG. But, he's old and injured and ineffective. The point being a line made up of shuffled players doesn't necessarily work too well.
  13. It's a "fan thing". The truth hurts. It hurts to admit that players on your favorite team suck. So there is a natural desire to think that by reshuffling the deck some of the proven tubs of goo in the trenches will suddenly blossom into half decent players. The line of thought follows the predictable path: If that guy was only playing another position, he'd be smarter, more motivated, stronger, quicker, faster, better suited to our systems, less injured... Some players do get better, of course. But that is because they are motivated to be good players and/or tired of getting their ass handed to them every Sunday and being a joke on the street. But for those that do rise to the occasion and improve, it is rarely the result of shuffling guys around on the line.
  14. TO is exactly who Marv has in mind when he says "high character".
  15. If the choice is between keeping Nate and fixing either of the lines, then ... "So long, Nate. Good luck!"
  16. But, he said that he's all about installing a "winning atmosphere" in Detriot.
  17. Absolutely not. Fix the lines. Both of them are awful. I mean, c'mon. Denver has made Jake Plummer an "All-Pro" QB because they have a line that can produce a legit running game. That proves a team can win with just about anyone lined up at QB.
  18. Don't get me wrong, I agree completely that the QB position is a lower priority than the lines. (Indeed, it's one of the lowest priorities on the team at this point because there are so many other needs and Holcomb and Losman are already here and give you a servicable veteran and a young, developing player mix.) The OL is so bad that it is totally irrelevant who lines up at QB; you could put anybody under center and still have no offensive production because the line is atrocious. Breaking the bank for a FA QB or drafting a QB in the 1st round would be supremely unwise and the Bills franchise would wallow with Arizona and Detriot in suckitude. The Bills would lock-in their right to become the new Bungles of the AFC.
  19. Sure, he's not the "final answer" at QB. He's another veteran journeyman, like Holcomb. There's the Fairchild connection. I think he has a little less of a noodle arm than Holcomb... Actually, the crop of UFA QBs is a really yawner other than Drew Brees (and he got busted up). I think a guy like Martin gives the Bills a better chance to "win now" than most of the scrubs on the UFA list.
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