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Tony P

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Posts posted by Tony P

  1. Back in the sixties, when someone abandoned their ideals for money, we used to call it "selling out".


    If GRRM signed-off on this crap that I've watched the last three weeks, then it proves what I've thought for a number of years: he has no clue where to take this story and is allowing the HBO team to take it wherever they want just to cash a check.


    The worst three hours of this series ever IMO.

  2. I don't have a memory of which Bills game in the early 60's was my first. It's just what my brothers and friends and I used to do on Sundays (or Saturdays) - go to the Rockpile whenever we could to watch the Bills.


    The crowd screaming "Yoho" on kickoffs (for our kicker, Mack Yoho). The fights in the endzones for the footballs after each PAT. Throwing snowballs at the opposing teams. Watching Cookie Gilchrist literally run over would-be tacklers. "we want Lamonica" chants. All these were a regular part of our weekends.


    But the very first game which I attended that I will NEVER forget is the AFL Championship game on Saturday December 26th, 1964. 40,000 people exclaiming "oohh" all at once and then going quiet as Mike Stratton broke Keith Lincoln's ribs. You could hear the crack echo around the stadium. I remember that Lincoln lay on the ground for quite some time before they finally got him off the field. He never got back in the game and the Bills won the League title.


    That was my first taste of what it meant for "my team" to be a champion. It happened again the next year but as they say, you never forget your first time. :thumbsup:

  3. If you haven't read the below linked column, you should really check it out.


    Thanks for posting this link!


    That was during winter break of my senior year at Brockport so there weren’t too many people back in town yet. I joined a few of my Rugby teammates over at a friend of a friend’s house to watch the game, there were about 20 of us there. We all started drinking early so by halftime, we all had decent buzz going. It was a pretty boring 1st half so at halftime we went outside to play a short game of kill the man with the ball. That got us all fired up for the 2nd half. The party was jumping as we got back into the game and then went completely nuts when Christie hit that FG. After the forward lateral, all the energy was sucked out of the place but quickly returned as anger after we saw the 1st replay. Then once the ref went to the replay booth, the energy turned back into excitement because we were all certain that it would be overturned, it was just a formality, or so we thought. Once the ref came back and said the play stands, we were all like WTF and it basically ended the party. We had planned to stay there for the 2nd game and beyond but everyone was so pissed that we all just went home.


    I don’t care what that ESPN Sport Science show says, that was a forward lateral and you’ll never be able to convince me otherwise. Adam Schefter agrees too.



  4. My take on it is that he never mentions Tanenbaum and Rodgers by name. His intention himself could very well be to keep the team in Buffalo. So he writes the letter. Then the two guys from Toronto who want the team in Toronto overrule him 2-1 and he says "Oops, I tried."


    Been my thoughts on this all along. If JBJ owns 30%, he can easily be outvoted by a consensus of the minority partners, no?

  5. What a great read. Thanks for the link, OP. I am a firm believer that this organization has changed for the better, and an article like this is very encouraging.



    Great job by Yahoo that shines a light on the lazy work by some of the folks at the Buffalo News.


    It's so disappointing how certain members of the News' staff would rather spend time making Mario Williams’ foot a big issue rather than taking the time to do some research and give their readers an interesting piece to read.


    Do we really need these clowns asking the same question 7 different ways so they can try to get a reaction out of Marrone on which they can fixate?


    Please give us something insightful for a change.

  6. I live down the road from it. Come early to get a good parking space (Stay OFF of Cottage St. We have enough parking problems without you tourists blocking our street :thumbsup:) . Don't bring a lawn chair or blanket, because they aren't allowed. Bring money, because the beer is expensive. Leave early to avoid the crowd. And NEVER go see Charlie Daniels unless you enjoy a thousand bikers and rednecks getting drunk. Other than that, it's a pretty decent time.



    Thanks for the great advice! Say..can I park at your house?:flirt:



    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  7. The missus and I are heading back home to Buffalo (for something other than a Bills' game!) this summer and are thinking of taking in one of these "free" concerts in Lockport. They're offering VIP passes for a pretty reasonable price and I'm trying to decide what to do - having never attended one of these shows.


    I'm not a big fan of being jammed-in with my fellow concertgoers and I'm thinking of springing for the VIP passes. So...the question is: has anyone attended one of these concerts? If so, is it pretty much wall-to-wall? Even better, has anyone bought the VIP passes and if so, is it worth the money?








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