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Everything posted by Risin

  1. Hope you're not trying to hurt his feelings, speaking truths like that.
  2. I would never try to hurt anyone's feelings. Just calling a spade, a spade.
  3. Just be careful posting the information on here. If someone finds it, maybe they should PM it to people. I think there is a law in effect, that makes it illegal to do download games. I remember hearing about it, when there was a torrent of game 1 of the Sabres/Senators series.
  4. The short passing game was stressed last night. JP attempted 3 passes over 10 yards, IIRC. Two were completed to Aiken, and 1 he was being pressured and overthrew a deep ball, that could have been a TD. (reminded me of the same pass he missed against Carolina last season, if I'm not mistaken.) JP didn't have the time to go downfield, and it looked like the routes run by the receivers were all short. WATCH THE GAME, then post again. (you will look less ignorant) Edit: Sorry, he tried a fourth downfield, after he miraculously escaped a sack, reversed his field, and threw a bullet to Peerless Price that was knocked down. If Price wasn't a pansy, and was more aggressive to catch the pass, it would have made a play of the week clip.
  5. As usual, you claim to be unbiased, yet throw out statements like the sacks were due to "pocket unawareness." You are either a biased fool, or someone who needs to watch more football before commenting.
  6. You need to watch the game. JP wasn't great, but he showed poise we've never seen before. Early on, he was the victim of some drops, and being too uptight. Once he settled down, he looked very good. I don't want to hear he did it against second and third stringers. If you seen how piss-poor the blocking was, and how little seperation the receivers were getting, you'd realize he was at no advantage. I was encouraged by his play, not because he was good, but because he looked improved from last year, all while still learning a new offense. For you to talk about the sacks, without seeing the game is ignorant. He escaped at least 2, that were surefire losses. Out of the 5, 1 was his fault. 1 was a coverage sack, and the other 3 were terrible protection. As I stated earlier, it could have easily been 7. You hammer Losman, then go on to kiss Moorman's ass. If you watched the game, you'd see that Moorman had a couple of brutal punts, to go with the good ones. In fact, the camp fodder punter, had the punt of the night. Maybe you need to take the anti-JP blinders off, and WATCH the damn game. Bottom line on JP: He showed the ability to MANAGE A FOOTBALL GAME!!! On top of that, he showed decent accuracy in the short passing game. Both of those were knocks on him coming into this season.
  7. If Kelly continues to look like this, I see no reason to keep him around. I haven't seen Nall take a preseason snap yet, and I'm ready to declare him the backup by default. Keep Cliff as #3, and develop both Losman and Nall. Holcomb looked scary bad last night, and for all his experience, that INT was unforgivable last night.
  8. If you've seen Joe fight lately, these are the type of fighters he should be in the ring with. He is a worse fighter now, then when he was an up and coming prospect. He has lost most of his handspeed, a ton of power, and gets hit like it's his job. If he got into the ring with a gatekeeper, I could see him losing a decision, or even get knocked the feck out. Right now, his team is doing the right thing. He needs to stay busy, and get rounds. If anyone seriously thinks he'll be a top contender again, I'd disagree with them. He has slipped too far, and isn't getting any younger. Putting him in the ring with a live body would be a bad decision, at this point. I hope Joe gets "it" back. Right now, he's not even 50% of the fighter he once was, and he wasn't an elite talent to begin with. What's sad is the heavyweight division is so weak right now, before injury Joe had a golden chance to make some waves, and grab one of the worthless alphabet soup titles. The injury came at the worst time possible, as he was probably only a fight or two away from fighting for a major belt.
  9. Yeah. He looked just like Ryan Leaf tonight.
  10. Don't know if this has been mentioned, but Joe is donating his purse from this fight to an Arkansas charity. I'm a frequent visitor to Boxrec.com, and have become familiar with Stacy Goodson. He posts under the name American Clubfighter, and is quite the character. I've followed Joe's career the last 7 years, and in his last fight he was a shell of his former self. I don't think he'll ever be a serious contender again, but I will root him on and wish him well, if he wants to continue fighting. On a side note, the heavyweight division in boxing is a total joke. If you want to see exciting fights and incredible talent, the best weight divisions to follow are from 140-154.
  11. Banks Shots 1. We're not expecting Bills head coach Dick Jauron to come out and declare a winner just yet, but the dots are starting to get connected in favor of quarterback J.P. Losman. Losman could still jeopardize his standing with shaky performances in the first two preseason games, but the former first-round pick has turned in mostly solid showings in practice, while veteran Kelly Holcomb has struggled mightily at times. In a Tuesday night practice, Holcomb was 16 of 22, but threw three ugly interceptions, fumbled once and was sacked twice. Losman was 15-of-23 during the same practice, but did not have a turnover. Losman winning the job is the best good development Buffalo could hope for. The Bills need to find out one way or another this year what they have in him before they can move forward as an organization. Having Holcomb, a 10th-year veteran, as the starter would be applying a band-aid to the position. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2006/writ...ills/index.html Take it, for what it's worth...
  12. I'll stand corrected if I'm wrong. Blitz doesn't equal "8 in the box" though. Can you confirm which it was, or both?
  13. Great post, and thanks. JP isn't worse then he is, and is proving that this training camp. I don't hate Kelly Holcomb, I root for him whenever he is on the field. (I dislike his "ballwashers" mainly because they're annoying and redundant) ie:Scott Law and Holcombs Arm I just hope he never starts another game for this organization.
  14. Yawn. Next time add something to the conversation Ray. At least what AJ1 said has some validity to it.
  15. Wow! No offense, but Drew didn't see too much 8 in the box. In fact, the way to neutralize Bledsoe was to drop everyone deep, and make him be patient. (Along with pushing the pocket into his face) Belichick even wrote about it in his book, basically acknowledging Drew wasn't disciplined enough to dink-and-dunk. Giving Drew Bledsoe man-to-man coverage with one of his wide receivers was a death wish to defenses. Just look at his first 8-10 games here, once teams stopped trying to stack the box, and let the safeties help the cornerbacks, Drew started to fizzle.
  16. I say no thanks to Nall. Been to a couple of training camp practices this season, and he looked brutal. Guy has career backup written all over him. Think Mike McMahon, without the athletic ability. If JP doesn't pan out (right now he plays like Mike McMahon), we need to find a suitable starter in free agency next season, or draft another QB to develop.
  17. A TELLING COMMENT: After seeing J.P. Losman have a tough day connecting with his receivers on deep passes, I asked Dick Jauron what is realistic to expect from the deep passing game even though they're not high-percentage plays. His response was very telling. “You would love to get big plays out of the deep passing game,” said Jauron. “Maybe as important or almost as important is to stretch the defense and make them know that you will throw it. If they don’t think you’ll throw it then all of a sudden everything starts getting tighter and they clamp down on every throw underneath. Just putting it up over the top and taking that shot makes a defense play honest most of the game. You’ve got to have it.” Those last five words said a lot to me. You at least have to have the threat of throwing deep. It reminded me of what happened to the Bills passing game last year. There was no threat of the deep pass which allowed opposing defenses to crowd up near the line of scrimmage. It not only hurt the effectiveness of the passing game, but it hurt Willis' ability to run the ball because the defense could gang up against the run. Losman may not almost connect on the deep ball, but he at least is a threat to connect on a big play. http://buffalobills.com/blog/?blogger_id=1 Pretty telling comments from DJ. Hope Scott Law doesn't slit his wrists, if the Bills make JP starter.
  18. Now he's known for that, and piss-poor decisions on 4th and long. I'll take JP, and his bad completion percentage, over the gutless noodle arm. If Holcomb is named starter this season, it will set this team back years.
  19. I agree to a point. His biggest downfall, was his ability to get hurt. Everytime I felt he was turning the corner, he would suffer an injury.
  20. Flutie was the reason we didn't have Thurman.
  21. No need to take it there. We are all on the same team.
  22. No Way! I'm not believing this until profootballtalk confirms it. (just kidding)
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