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Everything posted by BF_in_Indiana

  1. Well lately I haven't been the one bringing them up. I didn't start this thread either, but of course I'm gonna reply to it. BUT since you asked. IF the Indiana Pacers do not win the 2005-2006 NBA World Championship I will never mention them even in a reply on this board again.
  2. I'm willing to swallow it whole. I'm guaranteeing that the Pacers win the title. GUARANTEEING it.
  3. Yes I care about "human beings". Jackson is as guilty as O.J. Right charges, wrong accusers.
  4. I didn't know Tito Jackson posted here!!!!
  5. Actually I did find it quite funny considering the thugs from Detroit are getting embarrassed on the biggest stage there is right now. You heard it here first, the Pacers are going to be World Champions in 05-06. I guarantee it on June 12, 2005.
  6. God I want to listen to that song right now. I think I'll take a drive and pop it in.
  7. Happy they got swept? No I wasn't happy about that. I was happy with their season as a whole. If you told me in April of 2004 that the Cardinals would finish second in Major League Baseball I would have taken that since they were picked by most media to finish out of the playoffs and third in their division.
  8. Pink Floyd is at it's best when Roger sticks to the lyrics and the rest of them stick to the music. Roger is a far superior vocalist and lyricist than Gilmour is, while the rest of the band is musically superior to Waters.
  9. David was asked to put together the framework for a song that Roger had written. I believe he was given the lyrics and whatever else he needed to come up with the main riff and arrangement. When he brought it back to Waters and hte producer they didn't feel it was very good and stuck with the original arrangement Waters had come up with, but included the opening from what Dave had written. I'm sure the solo was all David however.
  10. Um you are aware that Dave had very little input into the final product of "Comfortably Numb" correct? The Wall is FILLED with classic material. In the Flesh?, Hey You, Another Brick in the Wall I-III, Mother, I could go on and on.
  11. Roger Waters gets a bad rap. To create an album like the Wall you are going to have to create friction along the way with your bandmates. That's where things really went downhill. Roger was the brains behind Floyd. Gilmour, Wright, and Mason have proven that with their futile efforts to continue under the name.
  12. "Please feel free to tell me how much I suck, how much women suck, and mainly how much I suck. Help me understand why I would date a woman who lived with multiple cats. Also, does anyone know how long I have to wait before I inquire about her single friends (many of whom thought I was cool and that she was an idiot)? " ROTFLMAO I'm sorry but I just can't stop laughing at how bluntly you describe things.
  13. Don't really care about their politics. I just want to see the band on tour
  14. It would be the greatest reunion tour EVER. They could sell out stadiums all over the world.
  15. PLEASE DO ONE MORE TOUR!!!! NOW THAT is a band I'd pay 500 dollars to see.
  16. Nelly showed off his athletic ability in that film. He learned that in the STL.
  17. Megadeth isn't even worth the service charge at this point. Ya you got raped.
  18. He made 132,000 dollars. Not bad for 3 days work. 6:02 PM Pham's button. Schleger opens for $36,000, Gracz calls from the big blind. The flop comes 8h 7c 3s 7d. Both players check. The turn is the 7d. Gracz checks, and Schleger moves all in. Gracz thinks for a while, and calls. Schleger shows Ks Js, Gracz shows Ad 10h. Gracz makes the call with ace high, and he's correct! Schleger needs a king or jack on the river. The 10c hits, and Schleger is eliminated in 5th, earning $132,110.
  19. Would you give up the !@#$ing Ron Artest bit? The original comments I made had NOTHING to do with Ron !@#$ing Artest. Not a !@#$ING thing. I'm not even the one who brought up Ron !@#$ING Artest. Do you get my !@#$ing drift here? Well now that you got that sh-- straightened out. Why don't you read into what the comments were really about? The comments in this thread are of a racist nature and I've seen threads in the past about the NBA that refer to the players the same way they are talked about in this thread. You don't have to say "it's because he's black" for someone to know what you are insinuating. I don't hear any of these comments about other sports which have the same problem. Why is that? You want to know why, because in other sports there is a greater mixture of blacks and whites than there is in the NBA. The NBA is a prodominately black league and there is this negative thought process shown towards the players because of it. Why don't you check the NFL arrest reports before you call the NBA a league of "thugs". We both know what you really mean to say. Deny it all you want, you know the truth and so do I.
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