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Everything posted by 1billsfan

  1. Here's a question...why was a winless team choreographing end zone celebrations? This team has some real character issues. The big names can cost us 15 yard penalty after 15 yard penalty with no reprocussions. You'd think a 0-4 team would have more to worry about than end zone celebrations. This team is a joke. Unbelievable.
  2. Easy bro, I never said it did. I'm not getting into the tech aspects of how a line is made because you've totally missed my point entirely. I was inferring that there's a perception of the Ravens being a substancially better team than the Bills. The line is a measurable aspect of this perception. I even saw some here making the Bills beating the Ravens a shocker. I've got two words for you and those people, Kyle Boller.
  3. The Ravens are overated. You can tell me that we suck or we deserve a 6 point spread until your blue in the face, but I think you're wrong. I think with Bledsoe and the entire offense coming around like they are and a defense almost as good as Baltimores, this game is a pick em if not a Bills win. What's the safer bet? A Jamal Lewis less Boller led Baltimore giving 6? Or a surging Bills team plus 6? My point is that beating the Ravens away is not the mountain some are claiming here.
  4. After the Bills are through with the Ravens, Kyle Boller will never again be quarterbacking a 6 point favorite.
  5. I just looked at game recaps on NFL.com and this team will be in trouble without Jamal Lewis. It seems that Kyle Boller is a horrible quarterback. He's thrown 5 interceptions and had a couple fumbles lost in his last game. Boller is 29th in the league in passer rating with a 61.3, ouch! Now add the fact that Jamal Lewis will not be playing! People of Buffalo Nation...this game is winnable as long as we run the ball like KC and don't turn the ball over (we can let Boller do that). I'm sure everyone outside of Buffalo thinks this is a mismatch. The line is Baltimore minus 6 for god sakes! I know we've been bad on the road recently, but this Kyle Boller led Baltimore team can be taken by our underated 1-4 team. Plus we've had a much much tougher schedule than the Ravens, here's to them thinking this game is a gimmie.
  6. He didn't score. But, intelligent football people don't judge runningbacks on fantasy football numbers. They judge them on their ability to gain yards, get first downs, and hold onto the ball for 13 minutes and change in the forth quarter draining any chance the opposing team had at tying the game.
  7. I don't care about hypotheticals like "if Henry had the same numbers", he hasn't. End of story. It's sad for Henry he has not been able to perform like he has done in the past, but it's a happy day for Bills fans we have Willis. Trying to keep two RBs happy will not work, and we all know it.
  8. I would agree with you if our record were better but it isn't. This team can no longer afford mental errors from the running back position. What we witnessed yesterday was a dramatic changing of the guard. The coach should recognize it as such and show the balls to sit Henry. This smacks of protecting a players ego and of not wanting a locker room controversy. Swift decision making is neccessary here IMO. Coach Malarkey needs to send a message that present day playmakers will be getting the playing time. Not playmakers of the past. I like Henry, but he is gone and we all know it. I say, time to get on with the gettin on.
  9. Hey, at least we don't have short term memory loss. Forget the forth quarter yesterday? Did you not see Willis drag several members of the Dolphins play after play? It been a while since I've seen a Bills player do that. If that's an idictment on Henry then so be it.
  10. Um...those weren't Henry's results, they were Willis'. Bill's results with Henry 0-4. Who's the fool here?
  11. In one game that the Bills WON! Hello???? Isn't that what we were waiting for? McGahee took the ball in the forth quater and almost single handedly dragged this team into the "W" column. Travis literally helped this team lose games in the forth quater. TH had 4 WEEKS to show he can be counted on and tripped on it. We are not bashing Henry for being a bad player or not trying. We just think starting WM is in the Bills best interest if we are looking to win games. TH's stumbling, dropped balls and blown blocking assignments are a fact. Why do we owe TH another shot at starting after his poor performances this season? I don't know about you but I want the Bills to win games, not take care of egos.
  12. Thank you. Steve Tasker was unlistenable. Before I even knew who it was announncing this game, I had to mute my TV because the boob would not shut up for one second. Everything this person was saying was suspect to say the least. I felt who ever this guy was, he knew very little about football. I was shocked to hear it was Steve Tasker! I also thought he sounded like he hates the Bills. Hey little Stevie, try learning about offenses and defenses and the rules of the game before you try becoming a national announcer. What an idiot. I'm sure his days are numbered, they could find better announcers at a carnival side show.
  13. Henry cost us games, Willis put the entire team (plus a few Dolphins) on his back yesterday giving the Bills their first win and this is how he's repaid? WHY ON EARTH ARE WE WORRIED ABOUT TRAVIS HENRY'S FEELINGS???!!! They benched Adams didn't they? They cut Shaw right? What is the deal here???!!! So much for feeling good about a win.
  14. Ok tough guy...and you can stick 0-4 you know where 34-78-83. I think this guy is a stubborn jerk like GW and comments like those prove it. I've never been anti-Malarkey until I read those comments from our winless coach. If you like guys who are incapable of making adjustments then you just might be a moron fan. I remember what it was like to have a coach like Marv Levy. What do we get in return? Excuses and inept offensive game plans going on two years now. I don't have to bow down to these morons because they have the title of head coach. You can, but not me pal.
  15. The problem is we do have a crafty QB (85.5 passer rating) that has been spot on with the passes this season. Mr. Moron final used extra blockers on the Evans TD play and look what happened. Now he's saying we're crawling back into the shell? Saying you can't do something with "between the lines" comments is contradictory to the job of the head coach. Think Levy would ever utter something like this? Wasn't in his vocab. He looked for ways to attack, not go into the fetal position.
  16. ...and more cowbell. I agree with all your comments. Too bad we have another moron for a head coach.
  17. This guy has just admitted a "can't do" philosophy. I really hate "can't do" philosophies. This coach has officially got on my nerves and made me angry. What I saw in the forth quarter on Sunday verses the Jets was a team that had the capacity to put up quick scores (like Indy)...throw deep (like Indy)...a tailback that can make backbreaking plays (like Indy). Marv Levy would never tell players what they couldn't do. It's the "I know more about this stuff than you do" condescending crap that we've dealt with for the past 3 years. Now we have to hear it from this rookie HC moron? What ever happened to shutting your trap about what your "philosophy" was going to be anyways? Why give your upcoming opponents the heads up? Hey Dolphins, we are sticking with the three yards and trip on your toes game plan in case you were wondering. Jerk. Malarkey's press conference comments: "When you say opening up the offense I'm not sure what open up (means). Are we going to be Indianapolis? No. I can tell you no," said Mularkey, who has initiated some no-huddle to change the pace and some gadget plays but without much success. "Throw it a little more, maybe deeper? We tried that (vs. the Jets) and we got sacked. We're going to keep doing what we can to protect (Drew) and take some shots when the shots are there. But I don't think we're going to change our whole offensive philosophy because when we've done it right, it's worked. It's something we believe in as a staff and I know this team does because you would know when there was doubt and there's not."
  18. Attention!! Attention!! Drew is having a good year! Travis Henry, the offensive line, and coaching miscalculations (Evans and McGahee not being used, predictable playcalling) have been the iceburg to this season. I just don't get the Bledsoe preoccupation this season when he's been producing under fire.
  19. Do you share these golden nuggets with your other Bills buddies? If so, I feel sorry for them. I think the Bills are on the brink of a new era. But the new coach, new star receiver, new star runningbac and new star QB will take a little time to form a nucleus. The defense is absolutely fine...Not spending millions on a first rounder is not neccessarily a bad thing...and we can use that money to sign another veteren lineman. Try having fun watching a new and more talented Bills team form. That is why we watch, right? This team doesn't have the right stuff, but the 2005 team just might.
  20. Time to rethink the 2004 season. We'll have an entire season to watch Evans, McGahee, and maybe Losman get ready for the new generation Bills of the 2005 season. I'm looking forward to a lot of exciting games this year. In fact, every game this season has been exciting when you really think about it. I truly feel sorry for the players on this team because they do not deserve the overkill bashing going on. They play really hard, but they have this sadistic trait for game killing forth quarter penalty and mistakes. This season defies logic, it defies discription. I can't believe I'm saying this, but they are becoming very lovable losers to me. Only one team's fans walk away happy at the end of the year...we just found out sooner than later that we weren't going to the party. This team will absolutely be ruining other team's seasons this year and it's going to be oh so much fun for me to watch them make other team's fans cry in agony.
  21. You can tell? Not so quick Swami. TD has three aces up his sleeve...Evans, McGahee and Loseman. This team has a real chance at long term success with these guys over the next five years. What we are witnessing is the afterbirth of a failed Drew Bledsoe era and the dawn of a new one. Wilson will judge TD's fate on which way this team is heading and how well these high picks are playing by years end.
  22. Now if only Malarkey had the balls to actually use them early on!! No wait, I'm happy...I forgot. Henry and Reed should be relegated to backup duty to make way for the real stars of this team. This 2004 season may actually be fun to watch after all. BTW, to all those amatuer GMs who've trashed TD, look out. It looks as if he's hit on these two first rounders and going 3 for 3 with Loseman would be a mighty sweet trifecta. The future looks very bright to me and I'm looking at this season as the preview to the real rebirth of the Buffalo Bills.
  23. Choose one: 1) Bills lose on a 4th quarter player mistake. 2) Bills lose on a 4th quarter official mistake. 3) Bills lose on a combination of the first two options. I'd be shocked if they won.
  24. Because that skank Janet Jackson wipped out her boob at the Superbowl everyone in the media must learn to bow down to big brother FCC. It's laughable what's cracked down on in this country when thousands of illegals are pouring over our borders every day. Homeland defense? Yeah right. Dale Jr. is the real threat to peace. Unbelievable.
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