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Everything posted by The_Real

  1. Robinson, with out a doubt. The most embarassing moment in Bills history.
  2. She knew I would go and she knew the circumstance, just my dumb ass friend didn't have to talk about it. I'm a guy with 40 guy friends who do guy things, she isn't stupid. I only became uncomfortable once my friends thought it was funny to raz her on it. I was only looking for an escape of the argument.
  3. Dude, my sack isn't in question dumb @ss. I know where my battles have to be chosen and due to the fact I respect her, I am willing to sympathize and listen. As I said, regarldless of where she stands I'm going because it is a celebration for a good friend of mine. My sack is in no jeopardy, slappy.
  4. A good friend of mine is getting married and we are taking him to Atlantic City for his Bachelor party. Needless to say the boys and I have planned the evening's 'entertainment'. Like a moron, one of my friends started talking about it in front of my gf and she's upset about it. Now, I'm not going to not go because she doesn't like it, but I also respect the fact that it makes her unhappy. What should I do? By the way, 4 strippers. t-r
  5. Punk'd is so damn funny, you have no idea. Imagine an actor with the nerve to prank other stars. The show is excellent. Date my mom, roomraider and shows of that ilk are for the kiddies.
  6. That would be HUGE for buffalo. This kid seems to be the real deal and has teams all over the league salivating. I pray we get this kid.
  7. Pay isn't great, but tips and benefits are. 4.00 base plus a quarter for every other game you know. If you knew Craps, Roullette, Poker, BlackJack and the carnival games(carribean stud, 3 card, etc.) You'd still only make 5.25 to start. However, on tips you can make alot of fuggin money. Blackjack tips range from 12 to 20 an hour. Poker is substantially higher. Average rate is about 16 or 17 an hour with tips, but they have a great benefit program as well. Cheap insurance. Also, 40 20 splits or 60 20 splits. In an 8 hour day you may work about 6 hours.
  8. Exactly. Just be careful you don't lose sight of the fact they pay your bills. I agree that no one should work somewhere they are unhappy, but you have to be able to have thick skin in your position. I'm a card dealer. Poker and Black Jack. Any abuse you ever face at work, I double in my first hour. I went to college and hated the 'office environment' so I got out. I love my job but the abuse is horrible. My job goes like this. I have 18 bosses. No matter if i'm right or wrong about anything, I'm wrong. I can't voice my opinion on anything for 12 hours. Customers curse me out with every four letter word imaginable. I wouldn't quit though. I show up early and work harder so that every person that matters, respects me. Gut it out a while and see if anything changes. Good with the bad man, good with the bad.
  9. Local boy, in the top 20 in chips. The musician Tom Sartori. Crazy, but I'm rooting for him for sure. tr
  10. Nick, I noticed you might need a scoot around town. I live on Lake Avenue about a half a mile down from abbott. It's about a 10 minute walk or drive on game days. If you need a ride let me know early so I get you around safe and I'd be happy to host you around a bit. Drinking starts early, fyi. P.S Don't forget your goggles, Buffalo has some beauties... t-r
  11. Ok, I have a question. How does a team cut that number? The 10 million I mean. If his salary is 6 and his cap hit is 10, how do you get that lower? Also, Moulds will be 33 next year and I seriously doubt alot of teams would put a ton of cheddar out for him. Decent money, yes, but the difference should be easy to overcome if Moulds wants to stay a bill.
  12. You think he is average? I don't think he is Randy Moss but he is probabily the most physical wide reciever in the game. He's the best in the NFL at beating the 5 yard bump. How many different DB's talk about how strong he is and how hard he is to line up against? On one hand people praise Travis Henry for playing injured, but if Eric Moulds guts it out he's bad for the team. I can't say that right now he would or should have to accept that big of a pay cut. What if he puts up 100, 1500 10? It wouldn't be the first time. He's got a well rounded offense around him with different weapons everywhere. It is possible. Peyton Manning looks for Marvin Harrison just as quickly as Drew looked for Moulds if not more. Not to mention their offense is 70% pass.
  13. Fantasy Sleeper: The quarterback play of Drew Bledsoe didn't transcend any standards last year, but even so, Lee Evans was able to pull in 843 yards and nine touchdowns. Some people might shy away from Evans because it is unclear what Losman will turn out but put it this way, his numbers won't be much worse than Bledsoe's. Also, teams will likely focus on stopping the running game and force the Bills to throw often which should translate into more opportunities for Evans in the passing game. http://www.sports-central.org/sports/2005/...ffalo_bills.php That is a major slap in the face of Drew Bledsoe. Everytime the media counts a player out he seems to show up and set the league on fire. Now, I don't think Bledsoe is in that situation because he is simply to immobile to be affective but stranger things have happened. I really hope J.P does well and the same Bledsoe. I'm not bitter about his time in Buffalo, he just isn't the player the Bills organization hyped him to be.
  14. I just hate the fact that E.Moulds doesn't get the credit he deserves. The guy has been money in the league for 5 or 6 years now. When are people going to start giving him his much deserved credit? t-r
  15. Did any of you guys read the article on Rosenhaus on ESPN? Willis said himself that the agent really doesn't have to push them to sign with him. They come because they know drew will make sure they get paid. Don't blame Drew for doing his job. Blame owners who pay it and fans who spend the money to watch it and television that promotes it and shoe companies and athletic apparel and..... If a player signs with DR they are all about getting paid. He's just a smart business man working in a lucrative field. Jerry Maguire does not exist people. t-r
  16. In his career he has never missed more than 3 games in any season. In the last 5 years in the league, he's averaged 83 receptions and 1069 yards. That is neither injury prone or underproductive. In fact he has top 5 WR numbers and has been loyal to the Bills over his career and in my opinion isn't overpaid considering everyone knows that he will renegotiate. Eric Moulds is excellent. He's the reason that Peerless and Evans had so much success. Give the guy his props and pay him. He has earned the right to retire a bill if he is willing to be reasonable. t-r
  17. What shwanky club did you go to in the city?
  18. Don't do as I do, you'll get all lovey an try to make a relationship out of it. Just get in, get out and avoid the whole attachment part. VIVE LA RUSS!!! t-r
  19. Little pda is exceptable especially if it is your girlfriend/wife. If you bail on a little peck, you are done for. Drunken excursions are way different. As long as you know it was a she, enjoy yourself. t-r Out of curiousity, did you get the happy ending?
  20. I couldn't agree more. Any opponent of the Bills is going to have fits game planning against our 3 wr set. Both Evans and Parrish can catch as well as having blazing speed.
  21. Hammered a lot. That's a great fuggin name man. Cheers.
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