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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. Somehow my post got mixed up as a defense of your position. Let me clarify: I don't support this nonsense.
  2. You got what you voted for, but you don't have to avoid criticizing it.
  3. He would be fired for saying what he tweeted if he was CEO. But like the people here deflecting and there are quite a few, there is no standard That they care to uphold, so he can keep setting that example and not raise anywhere near the outcry that decency suggests.
  4. Justices and judges sometimes consider other laws, philosophy, religious texts to inform their backgrounds on subjects. It doesn't make them binding precedent. Imagine the nightmare of following the Bible or the Republic literally. But that doesn't undermine them as sources.
  5. I wasn't arguing the merits of the case but your statement about following common law.
  6. Great so he's bad too. I don't even know who he is. But he's not our president.
  7. Hate Obama all day long for the substance LA and especially for extending presidential authority, but this moment is not his to own. Only Trump owns this level of degradation.
  8. The morning joe is not my president. And yes, your two defelctions so far are defenses. His post is reprehensible. Period.
  9. This latest tweet is going to cut him deeper than many others. Watch. He really is a disturbed human. Not one parent would let their child talk to someone like that and yet here we are with a president who does it. Gross.
  10. War, crime, domestic violence, rape, genocide. Yes all still happen. But at levels that other generations would yearn for. And what our poor live on would be upper class for the majority of the world. And the majority of the world can see their next meal coming. We are not perfect but the doom and gloom is ridiculous.
  11. "Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year’s Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!" - President of the United States, 6/29/2017
  12. We are in an era of unmatched peace and prosperity, using the most heated words to argue about problems of great privilege. "How much" incredible healthcare can we give away? "Why can't we stop the small thorn of terrorism from affecting our daily life?" Histrionics abound in our age of plenty. Real strife unites us in a moment. Where we are in dialog is sad.
  13. There's more that unites than divides us. We cannot build bridges by gang-stoning the far left/right idiots and painting them with the broad brush of the party majority.
  14. To delve into the guy I know, he feels like he's outsmarting the man by catching on to his tricks. I like this guy, my friend, but he's not a rocket scientist. When he goes this direction, I ask him about his music. Or JFK.
  15. Maybe. But it's also something people are latching onto as truth. I know one such, who loves these videos and finds it empowering that he knows more than I do about the flat earth, moon landing, and other out there theories. I'd be less worried if the joke wasn't being believed to be true. See Scientology.
  16. Relax dude. This is a thread about nothing but wacky theories. You said something about Flat Earthers and I linked to that crazy video. You're fighting with yourself.
  17. Yeah. I've read all 4 volumes so far. I can't imagine a worse guy to get a better treatment. I hope Caro gets a second life and can write biographies of guys like me. The tragedy of the Manchester Churchill bio was his death before completing volume 3.
  18. I wasn't clear. I was talking about the Civil Rights Act of 1957 when LBJ was the Majority Leader. That took some dirty dealing. If not for LBJ, who was a class one operator and would have made Hillary blush with his tactics, it would have been another 20 plus years before the Senste would have moved, at least. His role in it all was critical and he was an odd guy to play the part, and maybe the only guy who could have done it. Someone more liberal or more principled could not have gotten it done.
  19. I believe that many do, and that they have other priorities too. Being a politician blows. Earlier today someone said LBJ was the last guy to wrangle the Senate to do his bidding. True, and LBJ somehow got civil rights legislation through even though he was himself an awful racist by today's standards and he did it in a devious and deceitful way. It's ugly making sausage.
  20. McConnell "threatening" that if bill fails, he will have to work with the Democrats. What a concept. Work for the entire country!
  21. That guy has endless videos. A FB friend of mine believes all of them. It hurts. But the conspiracists yearn to be the only ones "in the know."
  22. The new Flat Earthers approve your post.
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