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Matt in KC

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Posts posted by Matt in KC

  1. Catelyn was a weakspot for Litlefinger and Sansa will be too.

    But like you said, how will Sansa play it?


    I think we saw a glimpse of Sansa's mindset when she confronted Littlefinger about whether he knew about Ramsey. And two scenes from last night show that Sansa has learned to rules and the stakes of the game. The ending with Ramsey and the argument with Snow in the tent ending with her ominious line about how nobody can protect her.

    I agree. I hope to see Sansa string Littlefinger along. I don't think she is as good at the "chess game" as LF, but she has learned to do what needs to be done, and to trust sparingly. I strongly suspect she will be LF's demise.


    Maybe she should ask for a wedding next to the Moon Door at the Vale on a windy day. . . . :)



    I didn't mind Sansa not telling Jon about the forces of the Vale. I don't think she got a response; she likely just sent an urgent message, doubting herself. Regardless, I think theyu adress this directly in the finale, talking it out.

    I don't think she's "turning evil", I believe you summed it up in the previous sentence, she accepting reality. You have to be ruthless and expect the worst to survive in this world, you can't sugar coat things and wish for the best. Having this mind set makes her much more dangerous, but not evil.

    I agree. They hired something like 500 extra's and it took 25 days to film the battle scene. I will definitely take 7 high quality episodes for the final season...

    They have said there are 13 episodes left after this season. I think they will call them seasons 7 and 8, versus the first and second half of the final season.

  2. Tidbits

    Run in a zig-zag Rickon!


    I was surprised none of the northern houses turned on Ramsey. I think this marks a significant departure from the books.


    Shireen's little wooden stag didn't burn in her pyre (but all of her bones did)? Speaking of which, are they really going to burn Wun Wun's body? (Can giants be re-animated?)


    Iwan Rheon's acting, as Ramsey, will be missed, but I am beyond done watching his sadism.


    Melissandre really just sat on the sidelines moping? wth? This smacks of the show runners having no idea what GRRM will do with her.


    Daenerys can't just pull out and leave all of the slave cities behind, to fall back into chaos. Who do you think is left behind? Is a dragon left behind?

  3. I agree, great episode!


    It was a long-building release and relief to see Ramsey get his due. They stretched it enough to realize most GOT fan fantasies about his demise: John beat him to death, Sana killed him, and his hounds ate him. After following John through the episode, his beating Ramsey was very visceral; it was like we the audience finally got to do what we have wanted for a long time.


    The battle itself was unbelievably realistic and chaotic, a medieval Saving private Ryan. I have never seen anything like that. How many horses did we see collide at full speed? How did they pull that off?


    Where the !@#$ was Ghost? The real answer I think is that they were over budget. Story-wise though, that was unforgivable to just omit him.

  4. After this season, there will only be 13 episodes remaining. And they'll be spread-out over 2 seasons.



    Has that been confirmed? I keep hearing the writers say they can wrap up GOT in 13 episodes and "may" go that route. HBO will certainly push for more...





    Game of Thrones' Director Confirms Season 7 Will Be Shorter

    "Game of Thrones" showrunners Dan Weiss and David Benioff caused a stir earlier this year when they suggested that the next (and final?) two seasons of "Game of Thrones" would be shorter than seasons past, encompassing just 13 episodes between them. Now, one of the show's directors has confirmed that an abbreviated season seven is indeed in order.


    Confirmed: only 7 episodes in season 7

  5. It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.


    -Teddy Roosevelt


    So if Cersei burns down King's Landing, killing Tommen in the process, does she take her own life as well? What will that do to the King Slayer? Could losing Cersei bring him into the Stark/Northern fold fully (with Brienne and Stoneheart's help)?


    Also, if the iron throne is destroyed before Danny and her dragons make landfall, will there be anything left for the conqueror to conquer?


    All the possibilities are fun.

    Yes, I think that's a real possibility. I had to re-read to see if I typed that earlier. I did temporarily then erased it before posting because I am all over the place thinking about the possibilities.


    After Cersei's suicide I could see Jaimie redeeming himself by sacrificing himself for honor/Brienne.


    I think Denaerys. the Dothraki etc. don't belong in Westeros. I could see her setting up final reign in Valyria or Volantis if she survives.


    Other characters' final destinations

    Missandei seems right to rule/govern Mureen long-term.

    Tyrion = King's Landing or Casterly Rock

    Sansa = Winterfell

    I don't think Rickon has a chance given his complete lack of character development)

    John = dead or off in a cave with Denaerys somewhere?

    Yara / Asha = Iron Islands

    Bran = under a small tree somewhere, with room to grow


    I wonder who ends up reigning over the twins. Maybe a more benevolent Frey since there are so many?



    Interesting, I felt the opposite. Arya's desire (and need) to flee her past led her to experience many things that will serve her in the future, but at the end of the day she realized she didn't want to let go of who she is. I wasn't nearly as put off by this storyline as some.

    I didn't mind the story arc either. She changed her face in the brothel scene (though not in the book equivalent). That would be a great skill to have as the larger story wraps up. It is likely to have a big emotional payoff later.



    Littlefinger has somehow managed to convince the world that Sansa is dead, but instead holds her hostage somewhere very secluded. He reveals his "real" self as he hits the old woman on his staff. Finally coming clean, we see he is a total sociopath, who plans to Sansa for years. We see Sansa is again in hell.


    The old woman stabs him in his little finger and finishes him off, then peels off her face to reveal Arya, who jumps into Sansa's embrace....



    It was fun just writing that. More likely though the recipient is Cersei or someone else on Arya's list (Ilyn Paine?).


    Arya is a survivor. We have watched her voyage from being a weak little girl in a cruel world, to having the strength and skill to navigate and go get what she wants.


    I agree the lack of clear motives for the waif and Jaqen and details of Arya's escape were annoying and seemed like lazy writing for the show.


    That's what it looked like, though it could be a mislead. Snow vs Bolton, Snow wins by a lot -- so I would assume Ramsey would have a few tricks up his sleeve to try to even the odds.

    I predict after lining up for what appears to a one-on-one showdown, Ramsey whistles for his dogs and smirks. As they approach, Ghost intercedes, and the dogs all whimper and cower. That is the moment Ramsey knows he is done.

  9. Party in Winterfell Sunday night, any unexpected guests?

    I'm thinking Pod and Brienne make it in time. Who else do you expect to show up?

    I would think the battle for Winterfell would be the perfect event for little Robert Aryn to lose his life through a freak accident, even though he was far from the fighting.


    How about one/some of Tyrion's Mountain Clan friends? Shagga? Timett, son of Timett?

  10. Agreed. She took a slash and then was stabbed multiple times with a twisting of the blade on the last one. And how long was it until she was found? She was dripping blood at a good rate walking through the market, it had to be several hours before she was found. Plus the strutting around town thing, just doesn't make sense. You want to suspend belief when watching, but there has to be some form of consistency. The milk of the poppy can knock you out for several days, so it's unclear if it was the very next day, but still very soon after being sewn up. I am glad this part of the story is done with though, that's the best part of this whole ordeal...

    I think GRRM will do a much better job of making it work in the books, though it might take him 200 pages. . . :P


    Yeah, how about that? Had to suspend disbelief a bit with respect to the stomach wounds, but I like the way it turned out.

    I agree. They at least showed some help getting Arya patched up, and a long night's rest. I am willing to chalk up amazing actions to a burst of adrenaline, but hope they show a little more help/medicine/magic for those abdominal wounds. Maybe a long boat ride to Westeros with a Maester a red priest?

  12. Yeah, I remember how it transpired in the book, but couldn't remember if she actually unnamed Jaqen after Harenhall in the TV series.


    I don't know what to make of his declaration that Jaqen H'ghar is dead as subsequent episodes have shown him to be very much alive at the House of Black in Bravos. The whole Many Faced God facet of the story is weird and hard to make sense of, imo.

    I take it to mean Jaqen H'ghar is not the original name of the person Arya met, just a persona, perhaps the name that was originally associated with that face. In both the book and show he says Jaqen is dead and then immediately changes his face. I think he more means "retired."


    If Arya hadn't gone to the house of black and white, I doubt that faceless man (himself now "nobody") would have been wearing that face. I think that has been done for Arya's sake, the same as the choice for the waif. The only question I have is if the waif is also actually in training like Arya, or just playing the role as a part of the training. Given the waif/Jaqen substitutions we have seen (e.g. when she went blind), I assume the later. Then again, all that smirking by the waif makes me think she is in training and might not ever finish.

  13. So, does the MFG still owe Arya one life? I can only recall Jaqen killing two people she named (season two seems like centuries ago).

    In the show she says she will unname him if he helps her escape, but then does not revisit the point when they meet up for one last time in Season 2, when he says Jaqen H'ghar is dead.


    In the book she asks Jaqen to help her help the ~100 Northmen that were just imprisoned at Harrenhall to escape. They accomplish this by dowsing the guards with boiling-hot soup and attacking them before they can recover. At the end of that, is this passage:

    "I take back the name." Arya chewed her lip. "Do I still have a third death?"

    "A girl is greedy" Jaqen touched one of the dead guards and showed her his bloody fingers. "Here is three and there is four and eight more lie dead below. The debt is paid."

    "The debt is paid," Arya agreed reluctantly. She felt a little sad. Now she was just a mouse again."


  14. All of Jaqen's Season 2 scenes:


    JH: 3 lives I will give you. No more, no less


    ... 7:20

    A: You promised you'd help me

    JH: That wasn't the promise, lovely girl, only death. There must be others. Give a name, any name.

    A: And you'll kill them. . . anybody?

    JH: By the seven new gods, and the old gods beyond counting, I swear it.

    A: Alright. . . <leaning in> Jaqen H'gar



    His final words in Season 2:

    JH: Jaqen H'gar is dead. <changes face> Farewell Arya Stark.



    I noticed watching again that she never un-names Jaqen. She just said earlier, when threatening, that she would unname him. This paired with him saying the act is certain, but the timing of the death is not makes me think he may well have finally given his life up for Arya in season 6. That's one reason to tell the waif to make sure she (Arya) doesn't suffer!


    I would assume because she saved his life.


    Forgot about that. "Three lives for a life," wasn't it? And she only got two?


    Holy crap, I think you're on to something. Not just that, but she named him as the third name on her wish list, and used that as leverage to have him help her escape Harrenhall.


    She saved 3 lives and so could name 3 to give to the many-faced god. In the book there was a large fire whre she helped them escape the wagon; I don't remember the show as well. The other two were Biter and Vargo Hoat.

  16. The more I think about it, the more I agree some trickery is at work. While I agree the actress Lady Crane would help her, I don't really buy it. How would Arya know she wasn't going to get her throat slashed, get poisoned, or whatever? And there's no way the waif wouldn't realize her blade wasn't actually sinking into her flesh.


    I think it is more likely someone else was wearing Arya's face. Has Arya stolen a few faces on her way out?

  17. How does he survive what happened to him? I was disappointed in his return as there was no way for him to heal from those wounds.


    Much like I have no idea how arya is actually walking after multiple stab wounds to the stomach.


    you want more reality with your fantasy?


    The preview shows arya leaping from a building--must've been flesh stab wounds. Seriously, I'm expecting some kind of many-faced gods twist there?


    Neither clegane should be alive, but the gods have plans....


    I think there needs to be an explanation to the viewers Miraculous events like that shouldn't be just glossed over. Perhaps they are forthcoming but I doubt it in case of the hound.

    I agree in general, SDS.


    I can forgive the Hound's recovery, given so much time has passed. How explicit where they with his wounds? I remember the normal brutal hand-to-hand with Brienne, and a fall that largely did him in.


    But for Arya, that was 3(?) stab wounds to the mid-section. She should be dead soon, and certainly not running, jumping, fighting again anytime soon. Unless there is a Bran/Lord of Light/3-eyed Raven intervention, her "walking it off" is a huge distraction and problem for me.


    Perhaps Arya is going to become the TV version of Lady Stoneheart? Of course it doesn't look like she is going too lay dead for a long period, which is what made Lady Stoneheart what she is; she was too far gone to bring back whole.

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