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Posts posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. "Hey Willie, that was a great sack, planting Drew's head in the ground like a potted plant."


    "Yeah, I didn't even know that wasn't real grass...how did you get through the cement?"


    "Easy guys, you know what Coach Belechik said...we can't knock Drew out of the game! If they put their backup in, we'll actually have to run to catch him."


    "Okay, okay...so who's turn is it to sack Drew this time?"



  2. Nobody thinks it is possible.  Bills are 0-2 and Patsies are 2-0.  That, however, is deceptive.  The Bills could easily be 1-1, and the Patriots 1-1.  The Bills have an excellent defense (especially at home).  The Patriots Run defense is weak.  Here is the key folks: the game will hinge upon Bledsoe being able to hit his receivers to loosen up the Patriots and stop them from stacking up the line.  And Bledsoe will be ready for this game, if he is ready for any game. 


    This will be the turnaround point for the Bills season.


    You think I am high don't you?  Just wait and see.  Remember the name Tolstoy, my friends.



    You are obviously smokin' crack, AND you have not seen a single game played by the Patriots this year. That team is a friggin' MACHINE on defense! If we can't stop the crappy Raiders, what the heck are we going to do against the Pats?


    It's fun to make up fairly tales then believe in them. The truth is the Bills are in for the ass-kickin' of their lives. Sorry, but that's closer to the truth than what Peter Pan is tellin' ya.



  3. This board bitched and whined over GW's bad replay choices. I watched the game and they did not have a sideline camera angle available, at least they didn't show it after the play. Coauch M did the right thing not wasting a precious timeout in the 2nd half. There was little if any chance that play would have been overturned.



  4. I'm a huge Bills fan and don't want to give up on Donahue but I need a reason to support this guy.  I can't think of a single big decision he has made here that has worked out:


    1. Mike Williams instead of Roy Willams or Bryant McKinnie.

    2. Gregg Williams instead of Marvin Lewis or John Fox.

    3. RJ instead of Flutie (I would actually rather have Flutie than Bledsoe right now but that is a seperate topic).

    4. Bledsoe for a #1 pick (Talk about a win/win, Belechick got a #1 AND screwed a division rival at the same time!)

    5. Letting Ted Washington go.


    The only thing that can save Whitey now is for McGahee/Evans/Losman to all turn into all pros and best case we have a contender in two more years. 


    Am I missing something, are there any Whitey backers out there???  I'm ready to throw in the towel in this guy!



    Are you talking about Phil DonaHUE the tv talk host, or Tom DonaHOE the Bills GM? Just want to be sure.

  5. The problem starts with the offensive line, but ends with Drew Bledsoe's inability to sense the rush and escape it. And I'm not talking about Michael Vick. I mean just taking a step up in the pocket to get one more second to throw. Drew is incapable of doing even that.



  6. It matters not whether the Bills sell out games and LA fans would not. What matters is reestablishing an NFL presence in TV market #2.


    I have said it many times...all you need to do is build a stadium halfway between LA and San Diego, and call 'em the So.Cal Chargers. Poof! LA gets a team and SD can still call the Chargers theirs. It's like the Boston Patriots moving to Foxboro and becoiming the New England Patriots.


    And speaking of TV markets...people forget to consider Rochester in the Bills equation. Buffalo (rank 45) + Rochester (rank 75) makes a TV market equal to Baltimore or Pittsburgh (rank 22/23) with over 1 million TV homes, and representing almost 1% of the US total. So it's pretty disingenuous to call Buffalo a small market team.


    I should also point out that Jacksonville ranks #57 and Green Bay ranks #69. But Green Bay also counts Milwaukee (#33) ad the entire state of Wisconsin.



  7. It's a little early to judge Coach M, but what I see so far isn't promising. To give that same "we gotta do better" speech every week gets old. Right now it looks like MM is trying to stand by his players. But if they keep playing like this, he has to stand up and say "we suck and I am making some drastic changes."


    If he doesn't, then we have GW part 2, a puppet coach who won't defy Tom Donahoe.



  8. The ominous thing to consider is that Ralph may have the Bills mortgaged to the nines. He knows his kids have no interest in running the team. So he takes out loan after loan using the Bills as collateral. When he passes on, the notes come due, and we find out that Ralph's estate owes about 800-900 million, but the Bills, are worth only about 500-600 million.


    That's when the NFL steps in and finds a buyer to take the team to L.A. where a franchise would be worth 900+ Mil.


    It sucks but it could happen. Sometimes I think we are watching the last few seasons of the Bills in Buffalo. What a shame they will go out as dogs. The only reason the Sabres are still around is that no one wants an NHL team. They would probably fold outright before they move.


    The last person left in Buffalo please turn out the lights.



  9. What would Bill Parcells do in a time like this?



    Why do we have both our #1 picks on the bench? Willis and Lee Evans should be in the game making something happen on the offensive side of the ball. What a shame to see them on the bench.



    I agree with you about lighting a fire...but I wanted to respond to your comment about having #1's on the bench.


    If you think back to the Super Bowl days of Marv Levy, rookies hardly ever played, even #1's. It's really a desperation move to start a rookie early in a season. You risk damaging a players psyche if they get overwhelmed. It's always best to ease them in.


    Having said that...I think the Bills are in full-bown disaster mode! I'd be thinking about starting Losman, if he weren't injured. (way to go, Vincent, you a$$clown!) I wouldn't strat Losman against a team like New England (talk about being overwhelmed) I hope Shane Matthews gets a shot. Losman has been set way back by this injury. I wonder if he will get to play at all this year.


    But one thing is for sure...Bledsoe's gotta sit!



  10. I think I place most of the blame on the O-line.  Drew is gonna turn some heads in two weeks.



    What is he going to do? Drop his pants on the field. That is about the only thing he could do to "turns some heads."



  11. The lowlight of the game for me was when we had 4th n goal and they took the timeout.  Bledsoe comes to the sideline and Mularkey asks Bledsoe 'should we go for it?'  The look on Mularkey's face was sheer terror.  In preseason he has talked big.  Mularkey better not turn into a spineless GW-clone!  We'll find out about what Mularkey is about in the next two weeks.



    Now we are predicting what the head coach is thinking? Very weak. Going for it was the right call. I watch the same gae as you. I didn't see any fear in MM. I did see a QB suck out loud for the 20th straight game...I saw a O-Line suck...I saw a D give up big plays...but no, I did not see a fear in the head coach.



  12. If SDS could dig up the posts from 3 years ago, I could prove this, but I was against trading for Bledsoe from the beginning. I was in favor of sticking with AVP, or finding a FA QB, or drafting a QB, and invest the cap money in the O-LINE!!!


    They are still laughing at us in New England. I'm sure Bill Parcells probably called Bill Belichick to thank him for trading Drew to the Bills. He gets a top 5 pick next draft for sure.



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