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Foxboro Mike

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Everything posted by Foxboro Mike

  1. I missed the memo - is the Patriots defense suddenly going to turn into the Chiefs defense because of a rule change? It affects both sides. More room for Branch, Givens, Johnson, Watson, Graham, Brown and Patten to work with. The Pats D is still miles ahead of the Indy D. I'd be worried if I were a Bills fan about the new rules. Troy Vincent is a physical corner, and without a semblance of a pass rush, he'll struggle. Ty Law won't become Elvis "Toast" Patterson because of the new rule emphasis. The Pats D will still pound on Wayne, Walters, Harrison etc.
  2. Probably because they prefer to win. Actually, either would be a good fantasy play this week.
  3. The Yankees pitching is in disarray right now, but this time off may actually help an injury-prone older pitcher like Kevin Brown. Mussina usually pitches well in the post-season, and Orlando Hernandez is the best big-game pitcher of the last 15 years IMO (since Dave Stewart). When it gets to the post-season (and you can shorten your rotation), the Yanks will still be tough - and they'll still have Quantrill/Gordon/Rivera at the end. The Sox achilles' heel will be the middle relief, but with the rotations getting shortened to 4 men in the playoffs, hopefully either Arroyo or Lowe augmenting the Timlin/Myers/Embree/Mendoza/Swilly hodge-podge to get to Keith (That's All) Foulke.
  4. You made the point I was going to make when someone responded. I saw a LOT of crappy football growing up, and a lot of Yankee fans around my age (I'm 32) saw the same thing in the late 80's/early 90s when they couldn't beat the Sox with any regularity ( '86, '88, '90). The whole "bandwagon" phenomenon exists with most successful teams - do you see Chicago Bulls jerseys anymore? - but it shoudn't disparage others who have been there the whole time. The bandwagon Patriots fans KILL me - the ones that think the franchise was founded when the Tuna & Drew came on board. I'm sure the same thing happened during the Bills' run, people who had no clue that Dieter Brock once was at the helm. My first season tickets in 1990 were $175 for the season. $17.50 a game!!! I used to be able to lie down on the steel benches at Sullivan Stadium without touching anyone in the late 80s/early 90s. I was close enough to the field in the late 90s to hear Pete (The Poodle) Carroll try to get his players 'jacked and pumped.' Whoa, I'm really off subject now. I hate the Yankees, but I respect them. As for the rest of the season, It's on.
  5. I'm not sold on the Jets at all... but I'm becoming increasingly in the minority there.
  6. When - not if, but when - the Red Sox do beat the Yankees, it will be that much sweeter to see ignorant Yankee fans crushed. It's called karma.
  7. And as you Bills fans love to point out (rightly, I might add), the past has nothing to do with this year. And when legit baseball talk is responded to with "THE YANKS ALWAYS DO IT!" and THE HISTORY AND THE RINGS!! and 1918, well... I know you're worried.
  8. How is the guest's post different from your first one in this thread?? At least he pointed out the Angels are a good team... you used a clever "redsux" witticism (hilarious!) and claimed out the A's are better... is your confidence the Yanks that fragile that you have to hope other teams do your dirty business?!? Of course, that's what Yankee fans are all about. As soon as their team struggles, they'll be gone, right? Just like Pats fans? I might point out that Boston, Minnesota, Oakland, and Anaheim are playing better than the Yanks right now. For the record, I'm thrilled about the Sox, but it's about getting to the playoffs and seeing what happens in October - although winning the AL East would be nice. Lot of baseball to play.
  9. Wonder why that is? BECAUSE THAT ONE YEAR HE WORKED AT IT. His play-passing hasn't been good since then.
  10. In '96 under Parcells, The Drewfather made it his mission to become a good play-action passer. He was terrific at it that one year, leading the Pats to SB 31. He never put the time or effort in on it again, which was too bad - he made himself a good play-action passer when he worked at it. Laziness - or more accurately, doing the bare minimum - has always been DB's downfall. With Wyche riding him, perhaps that's the prescription to get him back to his previous level of established mediocrity. (Sorry - couldn't resist!)
  11. One of the <many> benefits of turning the channel whenever I hear the dulcid tones of Stu Scott is that I can't get hypnotized by the evil eye - with my luck, the next thing I know I'll be wearing a Bills Bledsoe jersey screaming, "Can a Statue get some love?!?!?"
  12. Hey - my pleasure. I'm trying to live up to my pledge to keep the DB negativity to a minimum until the season starts. This is the time of year when hope springs eternal (as it should). Hope is the opiate of the masses, right? There will be another team that will come out of nowhere like the 2001 Patriots did - why not the Bills? After all, the Drewfather was prominently involved with both teams.
  13. In other words, "I am a Bills fan and I am better than you." Please.
  14. I have no evidence to support this (and it hasn't been in the local papers that I've seen), but there may be a nod& wink agreement with Miller that they'll re-sign him as soon as he's healthy, supposedly ~week 4. They did the same thing with Larry Centers last year, so that's my thinking there. The Pats should also be in the market for a backup RB (maybe Antowain II if TEN cuts him?).
  15. I have no idea what you're talking about. In fairness to me I was founding member of the New England Chapter of "ABD": Anyone But Drew.
  16. I didn't see the game either - I was at Fenway. I just keep myself sane by repeating, "It's only pre-season," and "In Bill We Trust". Other than that, I got nothin'.
  17. Say what you want, but DB has been and always will be a hot-button issue on this board... despite what some will say. DB threads are good for business! The Drewfather is omni-present.
  18. It's probably 60/40 pro-AFM, but there isn't any chance that a "Start Flutie Now!" movement would happen.
  19. "America's Favorite Midget," copyright Jim McMahon, 1988.
  20. Well, the Patsies do need a back-up QB (Davey started and STUNK last night) and it's not like AFM could lay claim to being a starter, right? RIGHT? Although AFM is a diminutive man, his delusions (like his ego) are legendary.
  21. America's Favorite Midget in Foxboro... again?
  22. It is really early to draw conclusions on MM. I tend to think he'll do okay, but he doesn't neccessarily have 'his guys' playing key positions just yet.
  23. What was the initial reactions to GW when he was hired? I don't know - I'm asking.
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