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Posts posted by JOHNNYFAIRPLAY

  1. cowher in buffalo just makes so much sense.... the cold weather, blue collar, similar to pitt, the old stadium, the tradition, the tough running game in buffalo with bill cowher. simply makes the most sense....


    Although I'd love to see it, Cowher in Buffalo makes absolutely NO SENSE. He's a winning coach with a kush job and no real hurry to jump into anything.


    Buffalo is an awful franchise, its cheap in regards to players, personell, facilities, etc.


    If I was him, I would require 51% ownership of the team and roughly a $20 Mil salaray a year for min of 5 years.


    Again, although I'd love to see it, get a grip man. really all of you.

  2. Hey Tim -


    Ive never heard of you and I watch/read more on sports than the common man. However you seem very well respected. My question is:


    What are your thoughts on the Bills QB situation next year? Do they pick-up a vet..and if so, who might be of interest? As far as drafting a rookie, what are your thougts on the Bills picking up Tony Pike out of Cincy?




  3. Yes Stussy - all valid and agreeable points. You forgot - the teams future is basically day to day with the current ownership's age and lack of succession planning. Would you take a job where you have to deal with all of the items you list, plus cap to cash and the potential to have a new owner come in and want "his guy" in place. Unless you are starving for an opportunity...any opportunity, you would avoid this firestorm of the unknown.



    Impressive point Kipers Hair.


    He is right on the money with this one. You could go to JV (College) for a year and wait it out if you were a good candidate.


    I know if I were a premier HC candidate, I wouldnt even answer the phone if the Bills called. ZERO SUCCESSION plan publicly stated, RW's kids could give a **** about this team.


    Why put yourself into this situation, when you can wait it out a year and look at other possible opportunities?

  4. Ugggg. Way to misunderstand the point that he (I thought clearly but I guess not) was trying to make. :wallbash:


    Paraphrased .... Buffalo is a small market economically depressed city that cannot compete with large, thriving cities. The sooner that is realized, the better.


    No it was very clear, some people will not understand what the original poster was articulating.

  5. I must admit, like many on this board, I am disappointed and amazed that the Bills cannot generate excitement about obtaining the vacant head coaching job. From what I have read, positions in Cleveland were openly fawned over – coaching, front office, etc., but in WNY, nothing remotely close to excitement and (outside of our small community of course), anticipation was generated for the GM/Player Personal role Mr. Nix took, let alone where we are today.


    The dust has settled and the organization has presumably made calls to Cower, Gruden, Shanahan and reportedly any qualified candidate and we are met with stunned silence. Like many on this passionate site, I too have done some soul searching and pondered the root cause – the ownership, cash-to-cap, personnel, the city – all were considered and I have arrived as a conclusion that I feel many know in their heart of hearts, but few are willing to acknowledge.


    That is, Buffalo is not a city deserving of an NFL franchise. Buffalo is a small hockey town first, capable of supporting second tier professional sports, lacrosse, arena football, minor league baseball, etc.. There is nothing wrong with this – I myself live in the Capital district outside Albany where collage basketball and AHL hockey are the local sports products – rightfully so, but we have no illusion of being a big time sports city. It's OK. Buffalo simply is not a draw to anyone these days, be it business, upscale professionals, young people, and professional athletes. Buffalo is on par with the Calgary’s, Edmonton’s and Columbus’ of the world. There is nothing wrong with this, it’s OK and needs to be embraced to move forward in life. Buffalo is the “6” looking guy trying to date a “9 or 10” girl – simply out of its league. Undoubtedly in its day WNY was a good home for multiple top tier franchise teams, but due to corruption in local politics and an antiquated economic engine built around industrial revolution policy, the city is no longer a player.


    The people of WNY deserve some love, but this is not the “girl” for her. The Sabres are more realistic, perhaps we can hope for a Professional Soccer team to rival the one in Toronto – that seems more right. That said, I also believe the NFL deserves better. In this spirit of fair competition, I do not believe a team can compete in WNY – key front office personnel are reluctant to come and we would be fooling ourselves if we did not admit, top tier free agents will not come either. At best, Buffalo is to the NFL what the Pirates have become to major league baseball – fodder for the rest of the league.


    Like a beloved dog that was hit by a car and currently exists only on life support at the vets – we can throw a lot of money at it and hope for the best, but some times, the right call is to let the suffering animal go. To that end, Edward Roski seems to have the best of intentions and will provide a team with the support they need to compete – let’s hope they get the chance they need and this suffering ends.



    Wow, a philosopher on this board...impressive, especially with a handle like "Kipers Hair"


    But agreed, I dont think this could be stated any better or more parallel for that matter. Sad but true. Well done.

  6. While Cowher could use Seattle as a bargaining chip, the truth is he doesn't need one. He has all the credibility in the world.


    Cowher does not strike me as the kind of guy to coach out west. Not that I know the man or anything though.


    Furthermore, I'm sure Cowher remembers the atmosphere in Buffalo. Its a true NFL football city. Seattle does not measure up in any way. For those of you who say that they have a good crowd or a loud stadium, it's a misconception. It seems louder on TV because their stadium is built to maximize crowd noise on the field. I attended the Bills/Seahawks game a few years ago. November of 04 I think. They were a good team that year, but the crowd was very mild-mannered and never got loud. Might have helped that we torched them 38-10 or something like that.


    I hate to tell you this but cower could give a **** about atmosphere

  7. OK, I check this board all the time for updates, rumors, etc. This is my first time ever posting on here bc I have info I simply cannot contain. Bill Cowher has a deal in place with Buffalo for a one year deal for 7MM. I got this from a source in Buffalo that is close to Jim Kelly. Don't know if this is true, but this source has been correct in the past. My question: Is it a one year deal due to a potential of no NFL in 2011?? I find it odd, but thats what I was just told tonight by a person who is close to Jim Kelly. Yes, I'll get bashed for this. Just passing what I heard because this is too juicy not to let everyone know. And if it happens I better get mad props from everyone!! You heard it here first!! Go Bills!


    Just when you thought...."The Bills cannot do any worse, there's absolutely no possible variable that can make this organization any worse than it already is.."


    Well that is exactly what this would do. It would make the situation worse by a very very very large margin.


    I pray to god, that this is total BS.

  8. He DOES want to coach. He DOES NOT WANT TO COACH HERE, and won't.


    This all is pretty obvious from the various reports out there, I don't know why folks here can't get it through their skulls. Stop avoiding reality: Cowher thinks Buffalo sucks. Most of the world agrees with him. Eat it, own it, and crap it out already people.


    This cat is right. If for some reason he is not, I will gladly eat my words.

  9. Anyone going to the game Sunday planning to take any signs to show Buffalo Bill Cowher some love? The game is on CBS, so it'd be nice to get some camera shots of signage back on the halftime/postgame in the studio for Bill to see. Lets show Cowher some love a la TKO in 2k2!


    You're a tard. Going? Nobody will be watching that trash.

  10. 1. Tampa Bay Buccaneers - Ndamakung Suh / DT / Nebraska

    2. St. Louis Rams - Jimmy Clausen / QB / Notre Dame

    3. Detroit Lions - Russel Okung / OT / Oklahoma St.

    4. Cleveland Browns - Sam Bradford / QB / Oklahoma

    5. Kansas City Chiefs - Terrence Cody / DT / Alabama

    6. Washington Redskins - Bruce Campbell / OT / Maryland

    7. Oakland Raiders - Eric Berry / S / Tennessee

    8. Buffalo Bills - Rolando McClain / LB / Alabama

    9. Denver Broncos - Gerald McCoy / DT / Oklahoma

    10. Seattle Seahawks - Bryan Bulaga / OT / Iowa


    This has gotta be a Mel Kiper Jr. copy and paste...right?


    My Two Cents:

    1. Clausen is an awful QB, and he wont even go in the first round.

    2. Bills need to make a play for Tony Pike.

  11. The reason people don't like Fewell has nothing to do with his performance as interim head coach and everything to do with the stink of Dick Jauron. If Mike Shanahan replaced Dick Jauron and went 2-2 we'd all be saying what a difference-maker he is. But because it's Perry Fewell we downplay everything he does. Perry Fewell will be a successful head coach in the NFL and we Bills fans will lament the day we let him get away. But that's the way we roll. We always look for the shiny new toy and quick fix then we wonder why we never improve.





    Yeah and you have no clue what you're talking about. He could turn out to be a complete bust.


    And would you consider Mularky, Jouron, G. Williams, Wade....shiny new toys? Or did you at the time? I particularly remember when the Bills announced Jouron as the new head coach and saying out loud: "WHAT THE F!?!? Is this a bad dream?"


    even considering Fewell is a total joke...and so are you if you think he is worth considering.

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