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Posts posted by JOHNNYFAIRPLAY

  1. Love this thread, but unless Ralph dies there will be a nobody head coach in this job...that is, IF DJ gets fired.


    In Ralphs perspective, he keeps his overhead down by paying DJ pennies, adds guys like TO for a year, and some other type of gimic he can come up with to keep selling tickets.


    The Bills are not the most profitable, but make no mistake about it, they ARE profitable.


    Ralph doesnt care about the team winning or losing. He's running a business, which is still profitable. Win or lose, they're profitable and thats all that counts to him.


    I say, dont expect any major coaching change anymore this year. Just my opinion.

  2. First off I am the first to say I want DJ gone. But i have to admit something, as much as I dislike him and his methods he is showing me something different this season. We finally got a center, we are going with younger more mobile lineman and an offense thats is totally opposite of DJ. He fired an OC that wasnt getting the job done before the start of the season.

    He has not been playing not too lose has been playing to win.

    The offense is looking better to watch and should only get better as the season progresses even better once Lynch returns it will be a nice one two punch with these two in there regardless of who thinks who should start both will be valuable all season long as the truck makes room for the ferrari.


    For those of us valuing TO on catches or how many more catches Lee has we are overlooking the other value the running game as many want to believe its purely Jackson its the fact that the defenses are not playing close to scrimmage anymore they cant do that and lose the big play to evans or TO so they lose in the running game. Also TO is our best run blocking WR on the team!


    The defense looks better then it has but the DC needs to stop changing philosphy when the game is on the line.


    I actually think this team is goint to be one of the best statiscal teams since 2003 and if it is it would be because of the dierection of managment and the coaching of the despised DJ and that would buy him another year. Just coming close to beating the Pats in week 1 was enough to give him a little pass. If he would have won he would have been untouchable for the rest of the season.


    The truth is DJ has this team ready to play new oc, new OL and a rb short to boot. DJ might actually be better than we might admit too. But as its been said before "WINNING HEALS ALL WOUNDS" and for us if he actually brings us to the Playoffs with this team he desrves the credit but I will wait until that time to give hime credit for that for now i am giving him credit for what he has done to date. I am actually becoming more optimistic about the season and might actually feel that my 7-9 projection might be off by 3-4 games they way we are playing now.


    I just thought I would post my thoughts and see if any of the other pessimist and realist might be seeing it the same way or not.


    New OC is the biggest reason for the mediocre start. Things are falling into place for DJ at this point, but IMO he should be released now. PF should also be released, this defense could run itself and PF is in the way.


    ...there's roughly 16 coordeinators making more than DJ. Ralph is extrememly cheap, every decision he makes is based on how much money he "doesnt have to" spend, firing DJ is totally moot.


    Bad as it sounds, ownership is just as much to blame for this team not winning. Great he started the team...what have you done for me lately.

  3. Yes there is a difference, 7-9 is mediocrity, 0-16 is embarrassing. If you go 0-16, you have ALOT more problems and alot more to fix then a team that goes 7-9


    I will start by saying, you really dont get it. My guess is you have a 10th place ribbon somewhere in your box of childhood junk.


    7-9 and 0-16 = THE SAME RESULT (no playoffs).


    Really man, what part of that dont you get?


    The only reason anyone plays the regular season is to make it to the playoffs, for a shot to make the superbowl.


    Please.......please tell me you understand that.

  4. 1. 7-9 > 0-16


    I'm not sure how long you've been a Bills fan, but it really sucks to have a real loser, and I'd much rather have a team who can win most games than a team that has no hope. It hurts more when they do end up being eliminated from playoff contention, but that's because you still care. Try being a Lions fan for a while and see if you still think there's no difference.


    2. Fact: Dick Jauron has not won enough here.


    That does not mean he "has proven he can't win". He won 13 games and was coach of the year less than a decade ago. I'm not saying he will turn things around; I do think he has a better chance with this team, this year, than anyone else you could get to come here right now, especially if we end up firing our head coach after one game.


    We need to be proactive, not reactive. In other words, a decision should be made based on what the outcome might be, not because of what has happened in the past. In my opinion, the likely outcome of keeping him (through this year at least) is far more desirable than the likely outcome if he were to be fired today.


    1. As 7-9 is Greater than 0-16, they both give the same result = Losing season and no playoffs...does having a couple wins make you feel better? Because that is the only difference in those two records.


    2. Proactive would be A. Firing the coaching stafff B. Cutting McKelvin. Both show losing is not tolerated and we're fixing things now, rather than in the off season.


    Either way, its going to be hard to get a good coach in here because Im under the impression that RW just doesnt care.

  5. Is your phone ringing? If he has not already, Ralph will be calling soon to get your advice.


    That is funny.


    Guys, I think McKelvin bringing it out was the right call. However, before McKelvin steps on the field, DJ tells April, "You tell him, to run it out of the endzone, horizontally to kill 6 seconds. One of two things will happen next, one of the Pats will get close enough to touch him, or 6 seconds will run off the clock, either way, FALL DOWN and lay there until he hears a whistle."


    If that happens, the bills win the game due to being up two scores, NE having 3 TO's.


    That didnt happen, and its this type of mistake that in consistently made. It sounds crazy, but I could have won that game as a coach by doing exactly what I typed above. If I could have won, with no experience and NFL head coach, how can we justify continuing a season knowing the staff will not allow us to win? (I think Van Pelt should stay, not because I'm a homer, but because he is a good coach and hasnt proved otherwise)


    Its just been too long, and too much losing and I am for the most extreme measures to be taken.

  6. How can it get any worse than 7-9? 0-16. Followed by paying the # pick in the draft a butt-load of money, then having him come in and do squat. Then being tied to his contract for at least 4 more losing years.


    And firing the coaching staff right now not only could get us there, but it would also make it very difficult to hire anyone good enough to turn things around. Who wants to come work for an organization that just decided 1 game into the season to fire the entire coaching staff? Who, in your estimation would come here following that, who could actually do anything to make things better?


    Good point, but here's the counter-point.


    1.) 7-9 or 0-16 --->Does any of it matter if you dont make the playoffs? The answer is no.


    2.) You have to look at the total body of work. DJ has been given plenty of time, he has proven he can not win and can not get to the playoffs. So, who would come to an organization thats so commiitted to winning......that they fired their coach and are looking for a winner. The answer is a Winner, and thats all I want, playoffs and winning.


    What do you think Caveman?

  7. Easily. We can have an empty stadium like the jags, fights with the coaching staff like the raiders, holdout of the number one pick like the 49ers, injuries like the eagles, have never been to a superbowl, we could still have Losman on the team, we could have TO screaming up and down the field, we could have actually lost to the pats* 60-9 like EVERYONE predicted, i mean, i could go on and on and on.



    All of those, 100 times more interesting than another losing boring "i already know whats going to happen" season....and 60-9...really? I would have given you 60-3, but not 9.

  8. Then there is that sanders guy. We bring him in as a dline coach, and what does he do? He teaches the dline to rush the passer! I mean, a dline that couldn't do that last year, can all of a sudden do it now? Fire sanders for teaching them that!


    what part of "we lost so fire everyone" dont you get? its an opnion. start your own thread praising the new dline coach...I will not post on it.

  9. Exactly! this is working out REALLY well for the Lions!


    Again, when you are at the absolute bottom (ie have not been to the playoffs in forever), which is where the Bills are, HOW CAN IT POSSIBLY GET ANY WORSE?


    Still not one person on this board has been able to answer that question.


    Stop wasting your time trying to justify losing.

  10. hahahahaha...you are hilarious?


    Let me tell you just how dumb this thread is...


    Bills Possessions = 9

    Patriots Possessions = 10


    And the only reason they had one more possession than us was because Schobel picked off the pass and scored a TD.


    In other words they had almost the same amount of CHANCES and DRIVES. So why did Brady have such bigger stats if they had almost an EQUAL amount of chances? Because Brady MOVES THE CHAINS and is MORE effective yesterday in the game and therefore WON the game...


    Guess what else...Brady had more dropped passes than Trent too including FOUR by Moss and Welker...yet he STILL finds a way to move the ball.


    Guess what else, those drops dont kill his drives as much becuase he moves the ball on other downs. We kept having 3rd and long because we either had a penalty put us there or were not doing enough on first and second to avoid being in a 3rd and long where we now have to throw.


    Guess what else, if our WR's are not getting open then AVP needs to adjust and run them short before the double coverage can get there. Guess who did that, the Patriots...guess who didnt, the Bills...guess who won...the Patriots.


    Serious question, how old are you? I mean your football knowledge seems to come straight from the game of Madden in every thread I see you in.


    Brady sorely outplayed Trent and our D in the second half where he was nearly perfect. Not saying Trent had a bad game, in fact I think its more on AVP then Trent, but Brady was the better man Monday.



    Well put. This guy gets it.

  11. "Who do you recommend get the axe? Bobby April for his guy bringing the ball out of the end zone? Perry for having the same defense called in the same situation that NE scored the first one on? Dick Jauron for being Dick Jauron? What do you think the major benefits are for switching these individuals now?

    I've noticed this habit on the board... the SECOND somebody has a different idea on a topic they are called an idiot, and no opposite argument is provided. It's simply 'you don't agree with me?! you're obviously stupid!' People are way too eager to try to prove their superiority over others, and you just look ignorant because of it. Explain your point in a different way and let them know WHY you think their idea is not the proper course. "


    Timba -


    I believe the best way to start is to dismiss DJ. Like Schottenheimer was released for not being able to win in the playoffs. DJ showed he has no control of this team. McKelvin is programmed to catch the ball and run as fast as he can. DJ is responsible for making sure the right move is made, relaying that to the (in this case) Special Teams coach, who then gives the order to the player (if the player goes rogue, then he should be released).


    He did not do this in this case. He has proven that he can not win in games like this...which ultimately determines whether or not you make the playoffs or have a successful season. He can not do either, thus he should be removed.


    Look at it this way...whether or not you all want to admit it, this entire season is a total wash because the Bills will not make the playoffs (you'll kick yourself in December when that becomes more evident)...so, the Bills can begin the process now, lose big and hope for a big draft pick, or maybe win something like 5 games, and just keep Joe Fan waiting to see what happens. Personally, I prefer sooner than later, it demonstrates to me that the organization wants to "FIND" a way to win. And they cant win with this coaching staff.


    May sound drastic, but if it were me, I would dismiss the entire coaching staff other than Van Pelt... and start over...yes, in the beginning of the season.


    Just My Opinion, and yes, if you dont agree with me I tend to believe you're an idiot.

  12. 9/10 8:30 ET At Pittsburgh -5.5 Tennessee 35

    9/13 1:00 ET At Atlanta -4 Miami 43

    9/13 1:00 ET At Baltimore -11 Kansas City 37

    9/13 1:00 ET Philadelphia -1 At Carolina 43

    9/13 1:00 ET At Cincinnati -4 Denver 43.5

    9/13 1:00 ET Minnesota -4 At Cleveland 40

    9/13 1:00 ET At Houston -4.5 NY Jets 43

    9/13 1:00 ET At Indianapolis -7 Jacksonville 44.5

    9/13 1:00 ET At New Orleans -13 Detroit 48.5

    9/13 1:00 ET Dallas -5.5 At Tampa Bay 39

    9/13 4:15 ET At Arizona -6.5 San Francisco 46

    9/13 4:15 ET At NY Giants -6.5 Washington 37.5

    9/13 4:15 ET At Seattle -7.5 St. Louis 41.5

    9/13 8:20 ET At Green Bay -3.5 Chicago 46




    Monday Night Football Line


    9/14 7:00 ET At New England -10.5 Buffalo 47.5

    9/14 10:15 ET San Diego -9.5 At Oakland 43



    I can not believe that only the Lions are giving more points than the Bills. Hell Oakland is giving 9.5 and they are sappose to be a train wreck. I know I am hoping for the best as there is nothing I hate more that the Patriots but 10.5... WOW


    GO BILLS!!


    I hope you took that bet because NE is going to winn by minimum 21 points. This game is going to be very very ugly.

  13. Im glad Schonert got canned. That guy totally sucked ass from the beginning. DJ should get $hitcanned too, he brought that dirtbag in, and he's awful. I would like to go into the season like the last game from Friday Night Lights, players as coaches.


    ..ps..if you didnt get my point, this coaching staff is worse than the worst than the worst high school football team's in the area.

  14. I expect football players to win football games, not the coaches. I expect the best 6 teams in each conference to make the playoffs, and the other 10 teams in each conference to watch them on TV. I expect the team whose place kicker makes the game winning attempt (i.e. the Browns last year) to defeat the team whose place kicker misses the game winning attempt (i.e the Bills). Do you expect money to rain from the sky as well sir? Hope and expectation are very very different, but clearly you have no grasp of that.



    boring post and even more boring opinion....i blame the coach for his short comings and you blame the players for the teams down comings....chicken and the egg.


    you're looking for an argument, not what made me think that 7-9 was underachieving.



  15. It does seem like the scales have tipped to the agents. I remember Bill Parcells was really good at using the media, and actual disciplinary action to make players push their agents into getting signed. But he was an exception.


    I’d like to see the rhetoric cranked up a little bit, tell him as Parcells used to craft-fully indicate that with any more time missed, he would only be able to learn enough to be a special teamer for the season, no D snaps, as the first team is jelling. Start bringing in free agents for visits to fill the depth chart at OLB and DE.


    Agents can downplay exchanges behind closed doors, but the media can help give rise to doubts, which in turn will drive Maybin into pressuring his agent to close a deal.



    Awful grammar and spelling...but this cat is right on in my opinion.

  16. I love Marshawn as a guy on the football field. I think his attitude helps bring teams together, he's always the one flying a towel, jumping around on the sidelines pumping us up. However, I don't know if he is a tier 1 RB in the NFL. He's too indecisive at times which compounds a bad play with our mediocre O-Line. If you look at the better RB's of this decade, most have been quick burst guys - it took AP some time to learn to just run and hit the whole rather than looking around. Guys like Slatan, Cjohnson, LT today - they are quick to make a decision on where to go. Time will only tell, but Marshawn seems more of a grinder RB to me than an all purpose back.


    no, you're wrong. he is a tier 1 RB. no offense.

  17. Is there any team in the NFL who doesn't aspire to get to the playoffs and then beyond? I mean what do you expect him to say in a press conference?


    "Well football is a difficult game, and it is hard to win in the NFL. But that issue is compounded exponentially by the fact that our entire football team sucks, so the playoffs are an unrealistic expectation for this season."


    I...expected him to say "My job was to get this team to the playoffs. I failed at doing that, therefore I am no longer qualified or able to coach this team. At this point I will continue front office duties until ownership finds a suitable replacement"


    Thats what I EXPECT SouthGeorgiaBillsFan. I expect playoffs, which ultimately falls under the head coaches responsibility.


    What do you Expect?

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