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Posts posted by JOHNNYFAIRPLAY

  1. Dude, I agree offense needs alot. But if we cant stop the run, we cant beat anyone. We are 32nd vs run, giving up 172 yards a game.


    We need to give away 50% ownership of the franchise to get picks #1, #2, and #3 and take the following:


    Pick #1 - Colt McCoy

    Pick #2 - Tim Tebow

    Pick #3 - Tony Pike


    Yeah you read that correctly.

  2. Anyone who has watched the Buffalo Bills knows that our Run D (or lack of) may just be the worst in modern day football history. With that being said, its obvious the unit needs some major changes (scheme, personnel, etc). I personally feel the cover 2 is a joke of a defense. I hate the bend but dont break philosphy, and the use of "undersized players with high motors." I want a defense that attacks, has size, and speed (who would'nt).

    Also with the location of our team being in Buffalo, NY it is ESSENTIAL that we be able to atleast somewhat stop the run. (Obviously our cold weather and wind makes it difficult to throw so visiting teams will run) As we seen in late season games the past couple of years. (i.e 2007 bad weather games vs CLE week 15 and NYG week 16)


    Here our some current Bills defensive stats (As of Dec 6 from nfl.com):


    Rush Yards allowed per game: 172 per game (32nd in nfl)

    Total Yards allowed per game: 360 per game (23rd in nfl)

    Pts allowed per game: 21 pts per game (17th in nfl)


    As you can clearly see from that stats above, the lack of a run D is killing us. How do we fix that? There are many ways (like changing scheme) but as far as personnal wise-DRAFT TERRANCE MT. CODY



    6'5 365 LBS


    Career Stats

    2009 25 tackles 5.0 for loss (-10)

    2008 24 tackles 4.5 for loss (-14)


    • Finalist for the Lombardi Award

    • Semifinalist for the Bednarik Award

    • Midseason All-American by both Sporting News and CBSsportsline.com

    • Selected as the AT&T All-America Player of the Week vs. Tennessee with two blocked field goals

    • Anchored a defensive line that is allowing just 68.2 rushing yards per game to rank second in the nation

    • No individual has rushed for 100 yards since Cody arrived at Alabama


    Cody was a 2 years starter at Alabama. He played in a 3-4 defense scheme there. So this was give the Bills the versaitily of choosing either a 3-4 or 4-3 scheme to run for that year. Worst case scenerio Cody could learn and eventually replace DT Marcus Stroud, who is aging. Best case scenerio, he steps in eventually along side Stroud and we run a 3 man rotation of Stroud, Williams, and Cody.


    Where could he fall in the draft?

  3. I'm glad it happened. I think Jauron is a class guy and wish him well. I just don't want him anywhere near the Bills. I also liked Ralph's well written statement and they classy way in which he made the announcement. "Toughest thing I ever had to do etc. etc. etc."


    I know it's tough to see past the pain for us, but I like how our franchise treats people. Hopefully some decisions will be made now in the best interest of the fans.





    Glad that makes you feel warm and fuzzy, i say let class go out the window at this point. Its not tough, they guy sucked, he's gone.


    The tough part was cutting him a check for 7 million. dont fool yourself Cale, its about the money for that cheap old ass.


    Great ralph fired dj, i still hate ralph.

  4. "Still, as it has been mentioned on many occasions, firing a coach is simple to do. Replacing a coach that brings a culture of winning is not.


    Let's celebrate the firing of Jauron, but this is just a battle that has been won. The real battle is getting a real GM and a real front office."


    You're dead on here Wizard you nerd. They need a GM, who brings in a new coach.

  5. Cable maybe, but not Kubiak. They are winning games and not by luck. They didn't quit when the Titans had them by twenty one. The Arizona game may have been a mulligan and they look competive at Indy.


    Yeah Cable for sure. I mentioned there's roughly another 10 that could be added to that list. But yeah Kubiak lost that game for Houston today. He's at the head of a talented group, he doesnt help them, he hurts them.


    Like I said, watch some of their games, he is not a good coach and has no control of that team.

  6. Gary Kubiak has a winning record. SO I'd pull him off that list. and Jim Zorn has the misfortune of working under Daniel Snyder. The only name on that list that really deserves to be there is Dicky J, who is on pace for a 6-10 season and another sub .500 season.


    agree to disagree. might have a winning wrecord at this point, but he has No Control of his team. I watcha ton of Houston football and feel I'm mor qualified to make that call...unless of course you watch alot of them too.


    Just an opinion.

  7. No one wants to pay those guaranteed salaries. Also when you fire a HC you also pretty much put an end to many assistant coaches and their families


    Who cares about collateral damage with assistants? Its a business. Where are those clowns going to work when the team is constantly losing and nobody goes to the games?

  8. Roger Godell really needs to intervene. Just to name 3:


    1. Gary Kubiak - Houston

    2. Dick Jouron - Buffalo

    3. Jim Zorn - Washington


    There's easily another 10 you can put on that board. Im just shocked that there's little to no accountability on these guys, and dont respond saying there is....because they're all still coaching in the NFL.

  9. My top 5 right now:


    1. Ndamokung Suh / DT / Nebraska - Beast on the DL.

    2. Russell Okung / OT / Ok. State - Could start for alot of teams at RT as a rookie, including ours.

    3. Carlos Dunlap / DE / Florida - Think Mario Williams brother from another mother.

    4. Taylor Mays / S / USC - Hits like a LB and has sub 4.4 speed at 6'3", 235 lb.

    5. Jimmy Clausen / QB / Notre Dame - Heck of a strong arm, accurate on every level of throws, and is used to playing in the cold.


    Agree with all of that, except for Cluasen. Thats a joke right? Guy sucks, dismal 3 years and the weather doesnt matter at all. If your gonna talk QB's, I really like McCoy. I also really like the University of Cincinnatti's QB. Name escapes me right now but I've watched him like 3 times this season. He's nasty. I'd pass on Bradford and Tebow based on injury alone.


    Anyone else?

  10. Hahaha, I wish. This is the team until the day Ralph dies. We'll never see improvements under Ralphs tuetelage.


    Whats he gonna do, replace Jouron with some other defensive coordinator with a winning record, who you dont have to pay very much? Still a losing team.


    Change of ownership is the only hope Bills fans can have. Other than that, this team will be exactly like this one.


    You all know Im right, it sucks, but its true.

  11. I would love to see John "Chucky" Gruden. I think he'd be a perfect coach for this rag-tag operation...............Ralph has to die for that to happen.


    With our luck, Ralph will be alive for another 5 years, which is enough time for me to watch this garbage team lose enough to the point where I wont be interested in the least.


    And if for some reason he brings Hazlet here, I will stop watching the Bills completely.

  12. I know there are some on the board who do not appreciate what they catogorize as "rain on the parade." I just find it sad to think that our "salvation" for the next several weeks is that we play a bunch of weak teams.


    So let's say we be the 5 opponents that are currently 1-15 and lose to the sixth. This means we go 6-3 nine games into the season and look to be in decent position to make a playoff run.


    I say this should not be viewed as a "good" outcome. It just further substantiates that we can't beat the truly good teams. Rather it is simply just continution of the same problems that we have seen for years.


    I know I should probably just "get over it" but I just do not see how or why Dick Jauron will be the coch of the Buffalo Bills come the end of this season. My personal guess is that we do not end up at 6-3. Rather I think we go 4-5 or 5-4 and hold a weak and outside shot at the playoffs if we are at 5-4.


    I agree with this. But I will answer your questions of How or Why DJ is still the coach. Its simple, its the owner. Ralph hurts the Bills more than he helps them.


    Again, this is a business to him, as long as he turns a profit, he doesnt give a **** whether or not the Bills win, and he does not care about the fans. Until Ralph is dead, and someone with passion for a winning team owns them, you will see garbage, inept coaches that cost less money to retain because of low overhead.


    I cant wait for a new owner, Ralph sucks, he did great things in the past, but I wasnt alive in the past. He's a non-comitted owner that does not care about winning. Sure, It'll be sad when he's dead, but it will be the best thing for the organization.

  13. Greg Bauch..no idea how to spell that is halirious...Simon is reasonable. Schopp is an ass...bulldog doesnt do much for me....but to anyone who has a problem with the station's negativity.....wwwwaaaaahhhhh!!! They are saying bad things about my HORRIBLE team who hasnt made the playoffs this decade...what do you want them to say???...i love sully


    Wow, that was pretty much right on the money with what I was thinking.


    I will add I do like when Jeremy White and Nick Mendola chant "Hose" to Howard Simon

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