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Posts posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. Never been there but everyone here in Cbus who grew up in the OV talks about it as legendary. Have fun!

    Thanks! I'm not the biggest country music fan, but it's a ton of fun. Never been somewhere where people are getting smashed for 4 straight days and I didn't see one fight or even argument. Kid Rock will be there this year so I'm pumped for that.

  2. That was dumb. Before I watched the video I thought it was like a slide 1000ft to the bottom. Instead it's 45 feet from the 70th floor to the 69th.

    I thought the same thing. But I don't think I could ride it even only being one floor. I have developed quite a fear of heights in the last 5 years or so from somewhere.

  3. XM had a station on for a few months earlier this year called "onederland" with nothing but one hit wonder songs. I loved it. Unfortunately they stopped it as it was just for a short time. I think less than a month but I wish they'd bring it back. So many songs that brought back memories that you probably forgot about.

  4. Celia and Nick may reunite and become villains? It would suck if that happened. I think strand said "she has her hooks in him".

    The actor who plays Daniel had an interesting take on The Talking Dead. He wonders if Chris is going to become a villain eventually in the show. It makes sense and they've never really showed how people like Negan in TWD became villains. So they could take Chris' character and go that route to show how people became the way they did as the timelines catch up with the original show.


    I'm surprised to see two different people saying that Daniel could still be alive. He was straddling the line of fire. He's gone. He "found" his wife and joined her. That whole thing was such a waste. He's the one guy with an interesting enough background that would really work well in this setting, but they threw it away.

    We never saw him actually die. It's just a feeling. I hope I'm right but he could be gone. I just think he's too dynamic a character to kill off so soon.

  6. I've been a big fan of the show. Not as much as TWD but I've liked it. With that said, last nights episode was awful . I understand Travis feels a need to support his son but to just abandon everyone else seems a bit iffy. Daniel is not dead. That would be too easy and he's one of the best characters and actors on the show. He'll be back but I don't think it will be until the next season. They're going to have to give Ophelia time to deal with her fathers "death". I didn't get the Nick thing at all. I understand he's feeling this new sense of "enlightenment" but there's no way Madison would just drive off and leave Nick wandering among the dead. Just didn't make sense when she's been all about protecting and taking care of her family first. I think it can get better and that eventually after all of them surviving on their own for a bit, they will be reunited. But last nights episode was a mess IMO.


    I'm a firm believer in not getting emotional about it. Yes, the guy probably deserves execution. But quickly and cleanly, for everyone's sake. If a rabid dog tears someone apart, you don't tear apart the dog. You just put it down and move on.

    Not necessarily "emotional" about it. But why let him off easy and be put away quickly? Perhaps punishing someone the same way they killed would work as a deterrent to others committing crimes. I have no sympathy for people that do this.

  8. I have never understood opoid addiction. I've taken opoids. But I have to be in serious pain to take them. They make me feel like ****. I can't imagine anyone wanting to feel that way, or how someone could become physiologically addicted to feeling like that.

    I'm with you. Took them right after my surgery because the doctor made me before I could leave. I took the rest and flushed them as soon as I got home. I don't get it either.


    How many people actually bothered to watch those episodes on the plane? I DVRed most of the season, so I fastforwarded right through them after the first 2 or 3. I had no interest spreading out a 1 or 2 hour story over the course of 8 weeks.

    I watched them just out of curiosity. It actually was pretty interesting how it happened "in the sky". Although I will agree it got a little annoying watching 45 second clips every week.

  10. The plane survivor has to come back at some point I would think. It was widely reported that a character from the web series was going to be tied in and on Fear. If that was the only point to it and the only tie in with the Flight web series I'll be pretty disappointed. Haven't watched Talking Dead yet to see if there were any hints but I know she was on it. Strand is the most intriguing character on the show IMO. But I like the show and loved the last episode. They're starting to figure some things out, like Nick and the zombie blood masking him from the walkers.


    Can't wait to find out where Strand is going. But I'll probably end up pissed because it'll be the cliff hanger for this season like "who died" on TWD.

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