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Posts posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. It'll be interesting to see how they stalk and attack Negan and his group. We already know Negan's a badass but I think it's interesting the way they're having the group go in pretty much with "open eyes" to what they're getting in to. Hard to believe there are only 3 more episodes this season. Seems like it just started back up. I hate these mid season breaks.

  2. What an amazing episode!


    I cant remember the last time an episode was so good.



    Am I the only one who was kinda happy when Carl got shot in the eye? lol





    That was in the comics.


    Spoiler alert: (I don't know how to use the spoiler blackout option)

    Speculation has Darryl being the one to get his head smashed in by Negan instead of Glen. Since he's filming a new series and with the car being spotted during his RPG awesomeness of Negan's group. Word flying around was that it was Negan in the car and Darryl is killed as revenge.

  3. The smallness helps with the streamline approach and because every time I go things are almost always in same place it usually takes me twenty minutes to finish whereas other supermarkets it takes a lot more time. The only think I am reserved from buying there are meats but their snacks, soy milk, brick cheese and frozen items just as good as labeled brands.

    Having worked there I agree about the meats. As long as you buy the vacuum sealed meat your good. The meats that are in containers and sealed are injected with some solution to maintain color. I would never buy that.

  4. I worked at Aldi training to be a store manager for about 6 months. I can say this, Aldi is as good as the people that work there. If they're lazy you'll see poor produce products. But if the employees are on top of it it's a great place to shop. Many of the "Aldi brand" products are very good. They work on minimal staff and keep VERY little inventory to try and keep things fresh. We used to get 5 trucks a week and kept nearly nothing in back stock. They paid very well. I was getting 23 an hour as a store manager trainee. A better opportunity came along so I left them but like I said, depending on the staff and their work ethic decides on how the shopping experience will be.

  5. This idiot needs throat punched. And any idiot who contributes to her GoFundMe page needs throat punched too. As if it's not bad enough she spends every penny she had, she's openly admitting to needing money to play again! I honestly just don't get people. This country is in serious trouble.

  6. I'm thinking of doing this too.

    Will XBox 360 games work on XBOX 1 and is there really a need to go 1T over 500G?


    Family wish list

    Fallout 4, Gears of War (latest) and Halo

    Fallout 3, and Fallout New Vegas are already conquered on XBox 360

    There's a bundle with the new Gears of War game. I got the 500G with this but I got it free through bank points. Not a huge gamer so not worried about the space but it's pretty awesome. Hulu and Netflix play full screen on my 55 in tv and that was a huge plus. My 360 wouldn't go full screen and had the black bars above and below the picture which annoyed the hell out of me.

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