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Posts posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. That Carol scene really bothered me as well. Leaving that dude tied up in the basement with walkers all over the place isn't a bad thing...


    And Morgan takes life philosophies from a guy living in the woods. How many people does he encounter? All life is precious when you only see a handful of people a year...It just doesn't work in the zombie apocalypse world!!!


    Is Deanna alive? they didn't show her shooting herself or getting attacked by the mob of walkers. She easily could have slid under the bed, cut the walker bite right out of her side and fight off walkers from under the bed until they got bored and just walked away...hey, it's possible. :rolleyes:

    Unless they're trying to throw everyone off she's definitely dead. Tovah (who plays Deanna) was on the Talking Dead and seemed pretty legitimately pissed that she was killed off...lol..

  2. Do the Canes have much of a following in Carolina? It seems that when the Sabres play them at their place the facility is filled with more Buffalo fans?

    There are a lot of snow birds down south from Buffalo. When I was stationed down there I would go to all the Sabres/Hurricanes games in NC. Proudly wearing my Sabres jersey.

  3. I liked the episode. Was it realistic that Glenn didn't get a single bite? Well is anything in this show realistic at all? SUCKS that next week is the mid-season finale and it won't be back for months. But there is a huge opportunity for an epic cliffhanger I suppose. I'm thinking the fuel truck and rpg's make an appearance next week for sure.


    Anyone keeping up with Fear's web series? That asian woman seems to know an awful lot about what's going on considering this is the very beginning of the outbreak.

  4. Or that's how they get the herd away from Alexandria...They definitely dropped that "they just walked into the fire" line for a future episode...

    I agree. Reedus did say that you have to pay attention to every detail this season because it all ties in to future episodes.

  5. But if it was truly just the 2 of them, why would they want to draw anyone near them. My guess, if it was the "douche couple", is that they were captured by Negan and their plea to spare their lives was to draw Daryl and Co. to them. The Forrest guy did say, they have to trade things to stay alive or at least be sheltered in that group.

    My theory. And it's just because I hope Glenn is still alive is that they will use the truck and an RPG and do the same thing the couple talked about with starting the fire the zombies just walked in to. They're going to blast the truck to draw the zombies away from the dumpster to save Glenn.

  6. I'm torn from that last scene last night. I only remember them taking Daryl's crossbow and bike. I don't remember them getting his walkie talkie but I could've missed that. I'd have to rewatch to be sure but if they didn't take his walkie then one would have to assume it's Glenn right?

  7. IMDB lists him in many episodes which have yet to air. Other lesser characters seems to be listed up to a point and then drop off. I don't think the credits or IMDB can be trusted. Nor can the pictures of Yuen, dressed in character and seemingly on set in yet to air episodes. They can pull whatever shell game they want.

    I agree it could all be to throw everyone off. The producer Scott Gimple already said there would be more Glenn to wrap up the story in some fashion. So he will be in other episodes.

  8. One thing of note on last nights episode, and for those wondering if Glenn escapes. Last night was the first episode since the first episode of the series where Steven Yeun was not listed in the opening credits. Show regulars are always listed regardless if they appear in the episode or not.

  9. I voted for a bunch, but how Ozzy, Chicago and The Steve Miller Band aren't in I don't know. But there are MANY on that list that deserve it.


    EDIT: I know it's tough in today's age since bands tour so late into their lives but IMO I think they should be retired from touring before being able to be in. But since that doesn't count I'll keep my votes the same, even though the R&R HOF is a joke. I read something a few days ago that Gene Simmons was wanting to buy it.

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