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Posts posted by USMCBillsFan





    Totally agreed that there is something interesting going on with Strand but I'm not sure what it could be. That was an awful lot of trouble to go to to transport a few "slaves" to a bigger group. It would have also required. They're going to Mexico almost for sure...he had an idea of where to go for sure....but why would he know more than anyone else knows? And if he is looking for "slaves" why try to kick people off the boat like that little kid and his brother? It is too early for anyone to be part of some big plan unless they knew what was coming.


    It is conceivable that The maps could just be from his prior life and unrelated...and that he is talking to the chick from the flight who is his girlfriend. She seemed to know a lot about what was going on too. Was flight 462 headed to San Diego? This does not seem likely but is possible.


    Why does his phone still work? If the cities are burned the networks must be toast. Satellite phone?

    I agree. I definitely think he knew something of what was happening and maybe that's why he was locked up initially. That would be an interesting tie in if that chick is working with him. And yes, that was definitely a sat phone he was using at the end.

  2. IMHO last night was a very good episode.

    One question that I have is the following. After a person

    is dead, how long is the transition time before they can become a

    'biter' and infect others? I have never watched

    TWD so I am new to this.

    Perhaps this is explained in TWD.

    It seems to vary. Most of the time it happens in minutes. But when the little girl bit her mom last night I was a little surprised mom turned so quickly and have no idea how she made it out of the house as a walker when the dad was right there when it all went down. But in general, if a person is bitten it can take a while to turn. They normally get very sick and suffer for quite some time before they die but once they do it's normally minutes before they turn.

    Sorry it wasn't Cliff, I meant Travis. That dude needs to sack up soon. I thought last night's episode gave me hope that this series will grow some legs and start to take off. I'm thinking Strand is some kind of "double agent" type guy. I feel like he might be a recruiter or head-hunter for some bigger entity or group (ala' Woodburians, Termites, Negans hoard) and he's bringing the main characters to some other group to serve as underlings of some sort.

    Yeah, they touched on him a little in the Talking Dead. Good questions were brought up like why was he in "containment" in the first place? He didn't appear to be sick. It was like he was being held for other reasons. There's a much bigger story line with him that should play out throughout this season.

  3. I wonder who Strand is talking to at the end of the show last night? Obviously a bigger plan for him that he's keeping to himself. Also thought it was cool in the previews for next week they showed the chick from the web series Flight 462 floating on a raft. Last night was a pretty good episode.

  4. The thing I like about this show is they're figuring it out as they go. They have no idea what's going on and don't know if these people are just sick or actually infected with something. They're really trying to capture what real life would feel like if something like this were to actually break out. There would be tons of confusion and doubt. It's not designed to be as fast paced as TWD but I like how they're pacing it. I think there will be both land and sea battles throughout the season. Obviously, they're in a multi million dollar yacht with a desalinization plant so everyone on the water is going to want what they have.


    It's slow but it's meant to be that way.

  5. I guess technically maybe it isn't an "active shooter". He is in a standoff with police right now. This town used to be the one you could go anywhere and leave your door to your house unlocked with no worries. Now you don't even want to leave your car unlocked to pay for gas. The drugs and people who just want to live off the state in subsidized housing have over run this little town. So sad. I came back here after retiring from the Marines and don't even recognize the place anymore.

  6. Guy goes to evict a tenant. Said tenant shoots him 6 times in the abdomen and barricades himself inside his apartment. Every cop within 30 miles is here right now as negotiations continue. The victim was flown to, I believe, Buffalo via chopper.


    I guess this jackass decided instead of being homeless he'll shoot his way into 3 squares and a bed, or his grave. We'll see how it plays out.

  7. Negan has to hit back in a huge way, so yeah, just a single killing would be nothing. We've seen what, at least 30 Saviors killed so far vs. one death from Alexandria? At this point, the only single death that would shock their world would be Rick and we all know that isn't happening. They're probably banking on the huge fan support for Daryl, but that won't be enough.


    All I know is that I'm glad Abe has been given a reprieve. This world needs more Abraham-isms.

    "picking up the clean side of a turd" :lol:

  8. Yeah, I'm crazy - bracketmatrix had 50 out of 58 bracketologists with Bona in, and 20something for SU. A lot of craziness out there......Even worse, is Tulsa with 0 out of 58!


    Oh, but you're the guy who saw this.

    According to Dance Card, St. Bonaventure is now the highest ranked team to ever miss the tournament (according to their amazingly accurate rankings).


    2016: #34 St. Bonaventure



    previous was 2015: #38 Temple




    100% - Bonas

    3.9% - SU


    The formula has correctly predicted 141 of 146 at-large bids over the last four years combined (97%).


    Like I said, the bigger crime is Tulsa. I just found out now that their AD is on the committee and it was very heated in the room. I think the OU AD was the head of the committee. Nothing fishy there.

    This.... St Bonaventure was totally screwed!

  9. If you take a detailed look at the Constitution, the separation of powers clearly vest military power with the President..."The President shall be commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States". Interestingly, though, the Constitution does not grant military powers with regard to the Marines, the Coast Guard or the Army Corps of Engineers. So really, he can kick ass with the Army and the Navy, but he can't tell the Marines, the Army Corps of Engineers or the guys in the speed boats what to do.


    My understanding is the President is a veteran of the Army and Navy...but not for the other branches like the Marines, Army Corps of Engineers, the Coast Guard or the Postal Service.

    Well technically the Marines are a Department of the Navy. Granted we are the mens department but... :nana:

  10. It's interesting that after the wolves attacked the compound, they now will not hesitate to attack first. Usually Rick's crew only retaliated, but they know this what they need to do to survive. I think most would have thought Rick was crazy for wanting to attack an unknown group before the wolves incident, but times have changed. Great second half of the season to this point...

    I agree. I like how they're building the story the second half. I love the action but I've really enjoyed the writing in the second half so far.


    There's 5 left.

    Awesome! I don't know why I was thinking only 3.

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