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Posts posted by pkwwjd

  1. We will see if we can stop starting RB Brock Forsey and 3rd string QB Sage Rosenthals.  If we lose this game we are the worst team in football IMO.  We have tons of talent but just know how to lose.  It makes me sick!



    Hey, what about their rookie return specialist kicking in place of Olindo yesterday. I thought it was kinda weird -- how can the punter not be a better place kicker than a WR/KR? 'Course if you saw Turk try to run with that punt, maybe that explains it.

  2. the bills scored way to quick.  with a more confident offense they could've taken more time off the clock, but that wasn't the case at all.  clock management wasn't there....  it's funny but this team is almost a mirror image of the redskins imo. (except they've won a game) and minus gibbs.



    So let me ge this straight ...


    We chuck the ball deep to Lee Evans for a TD, and you're saying we should have run short patterns, and run the ball instead? Why? Cause that work all game?


    For the first time in a decade, I saw a pocket form for the QB when the opponent rushed more than 3 men. The line stepped up and did their job, the TE and RBs picked up a man, and we scored. The only group that didn't do their job in the last few minutes of the game was the DEF, not the Offense, not the play calling. That was not poor clock management. It was a great throw, a great block scheme, a great clutch catch by a rookie.

  3. i understand that IF the whistle blows before someone jumps on the ball it cannot be reviewed ...


    But what about yesterday, when the whistle definitely blew after Clements had the ball in his hands. There should be a way to rectify that error. Once the whistle blows, players stop playing, but until it does, all play should be changeable by replay. There's almost always a second or two lag between when a player is tackled and on the ground and when the whistle blows.

  4. Something has been bothering me since it happened in yesterday's game -- well, a lot has bothered me, but I'll just ask one.


    Dillon's fumble inside our 5 that was ruled down by contact ...


    Why is it that the NFL insists that it is an unreviewable play? I understand why the play is unreviewable when the ball is rolling around on the ground when the whistle blows. Obviously the play is over. However, Clements had the ball before the play was whistled dead. The ruling on the field was wrong. The supposed end of the play (when the whistle blew) did not happen until the Bills possessed the ball.


    Is there any reason why it is unreviewable besides how the rule is stated? I believe that this should be a priority in the offseason to improve the replay rule. No play more changes the momentum of a game more than a turnover!


    Currently the rules states that it is unreviewable when the runner is ruled down, but that should be contingent on the play actually ending. The recovering team should be awarded the ball at the spot of the recovery whether touched down or not if the recovery occurs before the whistle. Figuring out the time of the whistle on the replay would be easily done -- even adding a feature to the digital replay system to send a signal to the replay in a visual form by modifying the whistles would be possible.


    This is just one of the rules that REALLY bothers me -- and we've already gotten hosed this year. Enough already. The other rule that really bothers me is the receiver getting the catch when forced out, but I'll save that for a later thread.

  5. Just sayin'. ;) Maybe a little change-up in the mojo would work where all else has failed.


    Actually, just for stevestojans and giggles, what is the win-loss breakdown in wearing the monochrome unis vs. the blue-white?



    If someone can find this out, please go back into the 90s and find out our record when wearing all white. For a few years, it seemed that we always lost wearing all white -- we started calling it "Pansy Whites". Of course, we usually wore the whites on the road in primetime -- usually a time that we got killed.

  6. If by "reason" you mean the 7 points the offense he lead put up in that AFC Championship game, then yes.  Or maybe it was the Pats' D.  Take your pick.




    Actually, my first thought wasn't the first SB the Patsies won, but the second they made it to in 1996 (Jan 97). Drew did that one for sure. He had a big gun that year.

  7. I remember in Preseason that MM said that the OLine was not going to be there in the first part of the season. Does anyone have a link to that comment? I remember that some were watching the PS and thinking that the line was gonna be alright, not great but serviceable, and then MM comes out with the idea that a good OLine early in the season was a "pipe dream".


    Add that to ICE's conversation with TD last week.


    Be patient people. All this negativity is getting old. Yes, for the last few years we have been almost equal to the Bengals and Cardinals. It takes time, I want to win now, but only 1/2 of the teams on a given week can do that, only 38% can go to the playoffs in a given year, and only 6.25% can go to a SuperBowl. We've been to 10.5% of the SuperBowls, it may not be our time yet. ;)

  8. my first take on the title of the post had me thinking "which job would be really unwise to do while hungover" not "which job would really stink to do hungover" ...


    that being said, and never having been hungover in my life, I would think that my job as a pastor would be the dumbest job to come to on Sunday with a hangover. Might as well update the resume before you step into the pulpit.

  9. You are a fine, fine man. You should be fine after yoiur recuperation. Just can't play hockey, tackle football or dive from a high board  from now on. I know-  had a kidney removed when I was 4.



    Actually, as a living donor, the Drs. told me that I wouldn't be a viable candidate if they thought that I had to undergo any changes in my lifestyle. No dietary changes and most importantly, Turkey Day football is still a go. <_<

  10. Long story ... short,


    A man in my church (I'm a pastor in Clarion, PA) has been diabetic since age 20. Shortly after that, his kidneys failed, too. Five and a half years ago (at age 42) he had a pancreas/kidney double transplant from a recently expired person. The pancreas works great, but the kidney was a lemon; it's been failing since early 2003.


    This year, his family takes him off of the transplant waiting list and begins their search for a living donor. After ministering to his kids in the youth group for a few years, I am very close to the family and decide to pursue the process of testing for a match.


    I've been going through testing for almost 2 months now and I am being presented to the surgical transplant board for approval on Sept 30th. My wife (themommy) and I are actually really excited about the prospects. We're looking at the possibility of surgery on December 7th -- and I should be home in time for the game on Sunday <_<


    If they can take the left kidney, they'll do it laproscopically -- minimally invasive, 2 small holes and one 3" incision. If they have to take the right kiney, it's a 15" incision and I might lose my bottom rib. Obviously, the recovery time would be greatly extended if they take the right.


    Anyway (I thought I said it would be short), I am an excellent candidate for the surgery and just wanted to ask for your prayers through the approval on the 30th and I'm praying that they could take the left kidney.


    Thanks in advance.



    And no, Portis is not hurt, he's very healthy. :ph34r:

  11. The Pats defense is a bend but not break defense that tightens up inside the red zone as it looks to cause turnovers and keep the opposition to FG's instead of TD's.


    Last night was a PERFECT example of how the Pats defense works.  It gave up a ton of yardage between the 20's yet it caused critical turnovers at key times which stopped scoring drives.  This is exactly how the Pats defense is designed to operate and function.  it's why yardage stats in the NFL is the worst indicator of how well or bad a team is. 


    The Pats gave up 24 points to an absolutely loaded Colts team last night and won the game by 3. Against most other offenses, the Pats defense keeps the score down into the teens.  Most days and nights, the Pats offense is good enough to put up 20 points.  Thus they win, and usually only by a few points. 


    That's the way the Pats team is designed.  It's been happening like this for several years now and will continue to be like this for as long as Belichick operates the team. They won't generally blow anyone out and they will rarely dominate.  They will just win football games in every way possible.




    It seems that it isn't that different from the Walt Corry days in early 90s in Buffalo. Frustrating to see teams march up and down the field, but still make the plays when they needed to happen.

  12. as much as I like to take credit for the bogus report, I don't want to.


    It was really well done, fooled me big time, and I rushed to post it here because I wanted to be the first so I wouldn't get flamed for being second ("didn't you see the other post" "check before you post" etc.)


    My mistake, but I'm glad others got fooled too -- especially if it was on the air. Internet mistakes are one thing, but on the radio too? wow.


    Next time I link to a bogus article, I'll make sure it leads right to pixyland!

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