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Posts posted by pkwwjd

  1. Read a preview in Newsday for the Jets-Rams game and found these numbers on the Rams special teams play:

    Punt Coverage ranked 30th in the NFL

    Punt Return Average ranked 31st in the NFL

    Kickoff Coverage ranked 31st in the NFL

    Kickoff Return Average ranked 32nd in the NFL




    Did the Rams fire Bobby April or was he approached by Coach Mularkey to come over to a real team?


    Let's hope the Sheep can just outscore the Jests....



    Bobby April was let go by the Goats last offseason.

  2. I agree with you all, I was just throwing it out there.

    (I dont agree with me being out of my mind though)


    I can wish for a 7 game winning streak cant I?



    Two things:


    1. As I said in another thread, I don't care about any win streak, except the 11 game win streak we carry into next season.


    2. Nice avatar. There is going to be a big dead space as soon as the NFL season is over and I miss hockey. Thankfully for now, the Bills have more than made up for the loss of the Sabres.

  3. Good poll FFS.  I shut off the second NE game and started doing work related stuff.  I packed it in.  I came back to life during the Seattle game, which I branded the first "real" test.


    This turnaround is akin to the Oilers playoff game.  It would be a shame not to view the damage this team could do in the playoffs...but we need to stop a 13 game winning streak and get some help for that to happen.



    The only win streak I care about is the 11 game win streak that we carry into next season ;)

  4. Who is this "Humpty" person, anyway?



    You can call Bledsoe Bledslow, you can say he holds the ball too long, you can say a lot in criticism of Bledsoe, but ...


    Humpty? Why? Has he shown an RJ ability to get a contusion on his butt? Has he torn rib cartilige by falling on the ball? DB is anything but fragile. To the consternation of most anti-DB people, he just doesn't get hurt.


    I stopped reading this guy a while back.

  5. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.


    And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.


    And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,  Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.



    ... upon whom His favor rests!


    Merry Christmas.

  6. I ran into Scotty Bowman at Disney World in November -- having breakfast at Chef Mickey's. He said to expect no season this year and that the NHL will start next season with replacement players. Just his thoughts. The owners are dug in and ready to let this last forever, just about. He seemed to think that there will be a salary cap or no more NHL.

  7. About 1974, Monday night game @ Rich against the Raiders, Bills down by 11 with 4-5 minutes left.  My Dad, who always had to leave early every where to beat traffic, says "lets go".  We are just outside the gates when we hear a crowd roar, the Bills are coming back.  Score 2 TD's in that time and win by 3.  We are in the parking lot.  I want to say both TD's went to Ahmad Rashad, but that is just a guess.  To this day, I stay at every game until the the clock says 00:00, win or lose



    I was at the BUF/NE game in early 80s when Fergy threw the Hail Mary / Big Ben play that Hooks caught. Unfortunately, my dad also said "Let's Go" a few minutes before. We stood just outside in the parking lot when we heard the roar of the crowd, followed by "Here's the replay on the scoreboard." And there in Black and Amber for all the world to see -- the reason I never leave ANY game early, not pro, college or HS. I even stay all the way through my son's TBall games that don't keep score (although that's for a different, good-father reason). We have never let my father live that game down.

  8. right, I just brought it up because some guy on Countdown last night said that Strength of VICTORY would become a household word in the next week and that the Bills would probably get in because of it -- if we win out. We just need to take care of business and hope to get help. If we get all that help this week, we control our own destiny.

  9. I just did a quick run down of strength of victory for the four teams tied for the 6th spot in the AFC.


    Currently, the wins by opponents that each team has beaten is:


    Buffalo 58

    Denver 63

    Jax 71

    Balt 71


    This assuming each of the four win out and no new victories by any already beaten opponents. Right now, it doesn't look like we have a chance in any strength of victory scenario like they said on Countdown last night -- if only strength of victory meant how badly you beat teams when you did win, then we would be front runners as none of the other three teams have dominated any victories like we have for five weeks.


    This being said, our best chance is STILL the other three losing at least one game and / or the Jests losing both.

  10. While I found it amusing that FM "picked" Miami, the "*" next to a person's record for the week indicates that the computer made their picks for them.



    Ah, so his default is pick the home team? Why did he get 3 points for correctly guessing the monday night score?

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