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Posts posted by pkwwjd

  1. I just hope he does not go to the Fish.  I would hate to face him twice and year.  Hate him all you want, the guy is a 1200 yd rusher and the Bills gave up on him too fast.



    We did not give up on TH -- I believe he gave up on the Bills this year.


    Yes, his starting job was taken away. Why? Someone did it better. Does that make THen bad? No.


    Talk about his toughness all you want, but he went down on his first play in a game. Yes, his ankle twisted. I'm sure it hurt, but I question whether or not he really wanted to play for the Bills again. The play he got hurt on reminded me of a season ending turf toe injury in the fourth quarter of a preseason finale.

  2. Yes, there's a big difference between a sneak and a draw for a QB.


    However, I remember at least once-- maybe twice -- that we used the QB draw this year. Both times somewhat successfully.


    Can't remember when though

  3. We used TiVo to go back to the scene where Boone and his "sister" are initially scared by the monster. We did it frame by frame and you can see that there is a trap that is sprung by nothing. A giant net trap that is sprung and the four corners pull up into the canopy of the trees.


    I find it hard to believe that it's all they could do to create a special effect. There has to be something more to the trap being sprung. Is Locke trying to catch something? I know, it was all a dream sequence, but the ABC producer wouldn't make it that obvious -- they would have just done CG to make the monster approach. Go back and look at it if you have TiVO.

  4. "Talking about our QBs" might be a bannable offense.

    Any criticism of Drew brings out a haranguing tirade of abuse from his violently committed supporters. It's like telling a new parent their baby is ugly. They have a visceral reaction that quickly gets irrational.

    So, let's talk about upgrading every other position on the team - just rest assured that QB doesn't need upgrading because it's (cough-cough) in the very (hands shaking now) capable hands of the Drewish one. :w00t:



    Talking about the QBs is fine, especially when someone like Jay makes comments about the situation and doesn't attack anyone (on the board or on the team).


    Jay, your point about how we are moving the identity of the team away from the strengths that DB has is excellent. I think Bledsoe did an adequate (sometimes OK, sometimes crappy) job fitting his square peg into that round hole this year. The game plan was not centered around his strengths -- what's left of them anyway.


    I don't know that the current direction is game planned to JPL's strengths either. I just don't know enough about JP. The little that I've seen in preseason and games seems to be that he is more of a gunslinger, improviser -- not a ball control kind of guy. Time will tell.

  5. that idea may work for guys who are on the bubble (although I don't think it's entirely true because your example was rather extreme), but not for who to start


    no one can argue that Frank Reich wasn't the better man his entire career backing up JK. I know that Jim has settled down now, relatively calm family man now, but before ... no way. You don't select your starter that way.

  6. If I achieved the same level of mediocrity in my job as TD has achieved with the Bills in 3 years, I'd be looking for work.



    So would half of the population of the United States that are employed in jobs where anyone cares what they're doing. By definition, mediocrity implies being average (actually mediocrity is the spectrum from a little inferior to a little above average). Nothing spectacular, nothing hideous. I would say that mediocrity is what keeps most people's jobs. Just don't mess stuff up too bad.


    Again, this is sports entertainment, not NASA, government intelligence, or any of a bunch of other things that averageness cannot be tolerated.


    Yes, TDs franchise record has been mediocre, but we have gone from definitely inferior to just above average. It's a progression.

  7. We need to develop a defensive rating -- much the same as the QB rating -- that takes into account:


    1. total D yards

    2. Takeaways

    3. negative yards (inc. sacks)

    4. yards per play (which we dominated this year, no one even tied)

    5. points allowed

    6. drive lengths given up

    7. three and outs

  8. I'm not saying that we shouldn't talk about this stuff.


    My point was simply the pompous attitude that so many have about their own opinions. I have opinions, I ocassionally share them, they ocassionally change after I share them. Sometimes I even go back and forth between two. This is entertainment. This is sports. The reason I put this 'tongue-in-cheek' poll on the board was to draw attention to the arrogance that so many have. It's not fun to read and it pervades TSW at this point, as it has for a while now. You can't say that I shouldn't read those posts, because all that would be left would be threads about pornography (which is wrong), drinking (which I don't support), and a small smattering of other posts.


    It's been noted how many times someone starts a football thread about one aspect or another that it won't be long before another person of another persuation (regarding the QB situation, coaching situation, RB ... you get the idea) shows up. It happens like clockwork -- and then most of the constructive dialogue is gone. Mostly what happens after that is lost on defensive attacks by both sides of whatever disagreement is in vogue.


    Maybe I need to just leave the board, but I have enjoyed so much of it and got to meet some of you at a Garbage Plate Society meeting this past summer -- which was good for me (and my family).


    Trust me, I'm ticked at the way the season ended; but at the same time it was a successful year. I've been around since the mid-70s and I feel we're in the same place as we were in '87 -- coming off of several putrid years, barely remembering what it was like to be in the playoffs. It's close. Let's not turn on each other. The way I was always taught was "Think of others more highly than yourself."

  9. This is my frustration with the attitudes around TSW for the past year or so. I kinda tired of the constant "Look at me, I know more than anyone else when it comes to football". That is the problem with the DB/JPL situation -- on both sides. It was the problem with the TH/WM difficulties.


    When the guy is ready to play, the intelligent, football knowing people who want the Bills to succeed will make that decision. You guys are trying to micromanage the Bills organization more than most people do in relationship to the job that the President does -- and that's not an exaggeration, as unbelievable as it may sound.

  10. Obviously all you do is read the long, pansy-ass posts 'cuz you sure as hell ain't watching the games. NO ONE denies that the Bills made mistakes throughout the game. Thing is, EVERY TEAM makes mistakes during a game. Sometimes you just need to count on the QB to pull the team's fat out of the fire (or at the very least don't compound the problem with even MORE mistakes). If you really think Drew is one of those QB's, then you are the true pansy-ass sir.


    I don't disagree with the option to move away from DB, but your argument here has holes. I have seen games where other individual plays (besides QB) have just taken the rest of the team on their backs and won it. Or one phase of the game. There is no reason the D couldn't have carried the team on Sunday. No one stepped up, it wasn't just Drew, NO ONE stepped up.

  11. It would be astounding were it not predictable that our two high paid offensive "stars", Bledsoe and Moulds, had awful games and yet there's barely a murmer about Moulds choking in the big game while the obsessives still rail on about the quarterback position.


    Moulds finished the season the same way he opened it, literally allowing our chances at victory to slip through his hands. How such a large portion of the fan base can't see the shared responsibility for these losses between our two offensive "stars" paints a disappointing picture of a fan base recognized in the past for possessing a solid grasp of the fundamentals of the game of football.



    I do agree. Bledsoe looked horrible -- the two non-blind side sacks were inexcusible.


    However, so were the two third down non-catches by Moulds. Probably at least one of the two, maybe both, would have not gotten the first, but EM HAS to make that catch. Making up 12 of the 15 yards is much better than punting on 4th and 15

  12. I think the momentum changer was the pass interference against Reed. That took us away from a 2nd & 2 at the four and gave us 1 & 20 from the 22 (I believe)


    Why was Reed called for interference when it was within 5 yards and it was well before the ball was in the air. Is chucking illegal for the offense? If so, why?

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