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Posts posted by pkwwjd

  1. I understand we will have this tandem again for the upcoming game. Don has been making some mistakes lately and Steve is annoying by trying too hard not to be a homer in MHO.



    It's annoying hearing how every pass is a "timing throw"

  2. Right now, Bledsoe IS the QB and will probably finish out the season, barring injury. He is playing well but against inferior competition. Bills are the 100-1 longshot to make the playoffs but after an 0-4 start, I'll take it. Confidence can be carried over towards next year. Plus top FA's will be attracted to a team who appear to be moving in the right direction.


    What one has to ask themselves is whether DB is the guy who can take this team to the promised land. I realize that history shows some QB's who went to the SB with half the resume DB has. Lots of other factors enter into the equation,such as the OL, playcalling,running game,turnovers etc.


    Like everyone, I root hard for guys like Bledsoe, who also happens to be the model athlete off the field. I'm looking at the overall makeup of the team and how our QB fits his surroundings.


    I basically rank teams A,B and C. The Bills were a low C to start the season and have progressed to a B status, as of now.( A is the Pats, Steelers and Eagles..that's it. ) Since the horrid mid-November Pats game, the Bills have defeated the Rams,Seahawks and Dolphins...3 teams playing C football. I'm very pleased with the victories and can see our team improving. Still, I take each of those wins at face value, meaning we defeated 3 teams we SHOULD have beaten. Cleveland falls under the same heading.


    Cinci on the road and Pittsburgh will give us a clearer picture of how far Bledose has progressed with this Offense. I'm not making conclusions either way, until I see the games. Recent history shows that if a good D puts 8-9 in the box,stopping the RB and daring DB to beat them, he fails miserably. I will not blindly declare him our QB for the long term until he shows he can BEAT the A teams who have a good defense. Passing blame to the OL or the playcalling each time he fails doesn't cut it. Winning big games is the bottom line.


    The Pats look to be strong for the next few years. They don't fear Bledsoe at all. So should we just plan on achieving a Wild-card birth as the best case scenerio for the next few years ? I can't see the Bills ever being ahead of the Pats in the divisional standings, with #11 under Center. So should we just settle ?  We wouldn't fair too well against them in a road playoff game. So what's the point?


    To get to the SB, it's best to clinch your division and gain home field. Win 2 home games and you're in the big game. Going on the road,especially as a wildcard qualifier, makes it much tougher. That means Bledsoe going up against A teams who will put 8,9 in the box and make him beat their D. They know he cannot move or scramble to make a positive play. Still have my doubts about him, regardless of how good the surrounding cast is.


    I have to think that DB will soon see a quick hook if he starts to look pathetic against a good team, a scenerio which is still very likely. Losman is unproven but provides a mobility factor that could give the Bills a 2nd chance on plays that DB could never turn into a positive.


    I remember back in 1983, a young John Elway looked absolutely terrible in his rookie year. The fans called for the old vet, Steve DeBerg to be the starter and cut down on the mistakes.  The only problem was, DeBerg had zero upside and was never going to take Denver anywhere . In the playoffs, the guy failed. Elway had to go through some growing pains but was well worth the gamble, due to his huge upside. The next year, Elway should signs of improvement and the old reliable DeBerg was soon traded away.


    I view Bledsoe in this light, good but with many shortcomings that will come back to burn you against the top teams, especially come playoff time. Long term, giving Losman a shot in 2005 may be the right decision. It may take a bad game or 2 by Bledose to make it happen but the change is inevitable.


    Losman will get his chance soon, for the long term health of this team.


    JMHO. Flame away.




    I agree with almost all of this -- the one hang up I had (which I'm not sure you intended) is the analogy to equate DB with Steve Deberg. Sorry, that Canadian was at best an average NFL QB all of his career. DB has shown flashes of the spectacular -- not always, not consistently, but moreso than Deberg ever could have hoped for. The equating of JPL with Elway we'll take just because we don't know.

  3. Wow, that IS distasteful.  But, in life, sometimes you have to swallow castor oil (or worse!).


    The Fish looked pretty well organized today - like Jim Bates could be the right guy for their new HC.


    So, I will root for the Fish next week to beat the Fowl. I hate the Broncos anyway. And we don't want the fish getting too high a pick.




    How are the Broncos called fowl? I'm confused ;)

  4. This is all very interesting...now if I buy a book or a magazine and read it, then share it with a friend, then they share it with a friend and so on is that illegal?



    Most magazines have in their title pages a limitation on the number of copies that you can make of a single article. One time I through Rick Reily in SI had a great article and wanted to copy it for the parents in my church. I e-mailed him and asked about making copies and he responded that I could make 25 before needing to request additional copies -- then it would probably be for a fee.


    No, sharing a single copy of a magazine is not illegal, nor is it illegal for me to share my copy of the Star Wars Trilogy.

  5. I'm one of those odd people that for some reason has some stupid built in ethics alarm. I stuck a key chain in my pocket once while shopping a few years back because I had my hands full with something else, forgot about it and checked out. When I found it again when I got to the car, I went back in and payed for it.


    At what point do little "harmless" activities give way to accepting things that are not quite as harmless? This is not a slap at Tracey Lee for her parenting, she's by no means the lone ranger here, but sort of an indictment in general as this has become a common and prevelant attitude apparantly not only within our youth, but our society as a whole.


    The mind set is what is bothersome to me. How many kids think it's perfectly acceptable to cheat on tests? The heck with learning the subject matter. Some of them grow up to be the folks claiming their dog as a tax deduction. Things like the internet confuse the situation by making it easier to steal. Having the means to do something shouldn't automatically be construed as permission to do it. Could vs. should. Yeah, many (most?) CD's/Movies/whatever are crappy and overpriced anyway and it's not ax murder-but the rationalization part doesn't necessarily stop there.



    Another great response, thank you.

  6. Actually...nice post.  I don't agree with it (I see a HUGE difference between underage drinking and copyright violation, in particular).  And I think there's a key difference in that your parents didn't enable you (it's not like they put the alcohol in your hands).  And they DID make sure you were informed of the risks.


    Contrast that to what Tracy posted...




    Excellent Response DC Tom -- that was my thought exactly. Big difference between picking battles and helping the opposition (not that her son is the opposition, the opposition is the illegal behavior).

  7. I happened to bump into Scotty Bowman a couple weeks ago while at the Contemporary Resort at Disney World. My brother and I talked with him for about 20 minutes.


    Coach Bowman said that he does not expect any season this year -- and expects next year to open using replacement players.


    Essentially, the salaries have soared and teams cannot keep pace -- even the bigger markets. He told me that Perrault (sp?) only made $350K at the height of his career in Buffalo. Compare that to the money that the Dominator pulled down in Detroit.


    Anyway, he's enjoying his retirement; spending the winters in FtLauderdale and his summers at his home he still owns in East Amherst.

  8. Nobody thought Boston would come from 0-3 down to beat the Yankees and then win the World Series. Why in the heck can't the Bills win 7 straight and make the playoffs? They have won two so far. They win Sunday in Miami and that's 3. They take it one game at a time, forget what everyone else is doing and there is no reason in the world why it can't be done. Nobody knows what is going to happen this Sunday or the next 4 after that. Predictions are 100% worthless. All this negative garbage is just that. Garbage.



    Garbage? Did someone say Garbage?


    When's the next time for Plates? B)

  9. Tacklers are not supposed to lead with their forehead.  They should lead with their facemask.


    Leading with the forehead puts a tackler at risk of receiving an axial load or flexion injury to the C-Spine.  Leading with the facemask, or more specifically, the nose, greatly eliminates the risk of those injuries.  The only exception would be it another defender came over the top of the tackler and hit the tackler in the crown, which could produce a hyper-extension injury (neck rolls -or horsecollars- like Adams and Gash's help reduce those).  Having a player come over the top and impacting on the tackler when his head is down (leading with the forehead or crown) produces flexion and axial load injuries, the most common football-related neck injuries - think Dennis Byrd.



    When I think of neck rolls, I actually think first of Rick Vaive.


    I miss hockey.

  10. There's no wind? Then why is the flag so straight?  :lol:


    Oh well. At least there's cheese.



    The flag on the moon is straight because there is a rod through the top edge, just like the flagpole on the vertical edge.


    Sorry, if that wasn't a real question, but I do know some people don't understand it.

  11. Way to blame everyone else but yourself, DB. I bet the other players love reading that.



    He gets criticized when he takes the blame and says they need to do better as a team, now he gets criticized when he says that he is playing alright within a system that isn't functioning properly.


    I think he has played much better this season. His level of play has been even higher when he has protection.


    Basically, he can't win with any response. If he doesn't say anything, we say that he lacks passion. If he yells at people on the team, we say he's being overly critical and ignoring the fact that he isn't doing enough.

  12. What gets me is that NO ONE is talking about how Ray Lewis tackled Lee Evans (I believe) when the ball what in the air and that is why there was an interception.


    Ray Lewis was almost non-existent on Sunday. Yeah, I know, we game planned around him, but really, what great plays did he make? I know WM went right around him on his biggest run.


    But all I heard was great coverage on Lee Evans. Sure ... it started out as bump and run, making contact legally, but he interfered with Evans, and now we discuss whether or not WM should be taken out and shot for giving up on a play that he may have thought was coming back. Bad choice by a virtual rookie? Yes. Any worse than choices made by veterans this year? Not by a long shot.

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