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Everything posted by Ralonzo

  1. They're gonna pick up the flag aren't they. Instead of defensive holding and a first down
  2. Taron replacement, and pretty much was beat on every pass that drive
  3. Yeah, don't wrap up 3 yards behind, go for the big hit and let him slip by for the 1st down
  4. I hate to say it but it's such a Steelery game, they just don't give it away, they hang around and hang around and hang around and give you a chance to beat yourself and no team seizes those chances like the Buffalo Bills.
  5. Is burning up half the 3rd quarter on a FG drive when you have the wind really the best game management?
  6. McGovern takes the injury karma and tags Pittsburgh in on it.
  7. Might be Edwards getting the call here. Between him and Bates, G is maybe the one position they can sustain a loss.
  8. The other thing I've noticed is somehow the Bills managed to be against the wind in the 2nd AND the 4th quarter again. Does anyone even understand what ***** stadium they play in?
  9. Thing is they did have the perfect drive start for the second half, the short pass over the middle for 5-10 yards. Trouble is Knox dropped it because it's just the next domino in a preposterously unlikely sequence of events that's come to define Bills game management.
  10. Bills *top 4* linebackers out: Milano, Bernard, Dodson, Spector
  11. Knox is to the Bills like Jeff Skinner is to the Sabres, possession killer
  12. What a great call that was on first down, and Knox nukes the drive.
  13. It was the second down call that started the "Final Destination" sequence of events that has followed the Bills this year. A conservative call there takes you to 2:00 if nothing else, as Romo pointed out. That was the failure, and it was Brady's failure in game management rather than McD for a change.
  14. lol @ Nate "Allen running into danger? He says "I am the danger!"
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