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Everything posted by CentralVaBills

  1. Deion made about 3 blunders tonight. But the pick he made was pretty nice, I must admit!
  2. one of those was 51 yards. Good thing we got Lindell. Who was brought in as one of the best young kickers in the game. ***The new meaning of a good young kicker is to suck on FG Pct, and hardly ever kick it deep in the endzone, which is what he was brought in here for! Good game Steve!
  3. Huh? We had about 100 yards until the "boys" started to actually somewhat resemble a football team in the 4th quarter.
  4. we were supposed to get. I'm reading the letter right here, and never got mine. Did any of you?
  5. Not really R. Rich. They are starting to develop the North Shores, but still nothing like they could be doing. I actually shoudn't rip on the Burgh too much. They made a nice original transition from Mills to healthcare jobs. But nothing really to keep the younger population from leaving. I'm originally from the Burgh, but it amazes me the political mindset of some of the rust belt cities to realize the way of booming economies isn't manufacturing like it was in the 1970's.
  6. God help you Rudy. I myself, have been trying to convince myself of this exact same thing. Then my head starts hurting and I Rosen back down to reality. Here's hoping the Jets are over-rated and we get on the right track. I somehow doubt it though.
  7. Sure is. If some moron in Niagara NY, or in Buffalo would get with the 21st Century and develop what resources they have, IE waterfronts and natural wonders, people would stay on the American side. But nooooooooooooooooooo, keep worrying about stuff that has been going outta business for years and unions. Yeah, that works nowadays. You'd think Buffalo, Pittsburgh and Cleveland would wake up.
  8. If you are taking your GF, you should stay in Niagara Falls on the Candian side. Cross at the Rainbow Bridge. I've been to both home games this year and I haven't waited to cross more than 10 minutes either way. To cross, if you are American, all you need is your driver's license. Any type of ID, including credit cards and the such will be counted if you need them. I haven't needed a second form of ID ever. Canadian hotels are cheap as hell right now. You will pay a little more to stay over there on Saturday night. But remember prices are in Canadian, so it's cheaper in US money. On Sunday night, you should be able to stay on the Canadian side anywhere from $40 US to $200 US all at nice hotels. You'll have the whole place to yourselves on Sunday. It's great. Saturday, it's still pretty crowded. Check out Infoniagara.com for all hotels and rates. www.choicehotels.com will get you a chain hotel at cheap rates also. In the falls, go to the Skylon tower, Maid of the Mist, and the new Casino. Hell, just stay near CLifton Hill, and you'll have plenty to do.....then add in football, and the trip is like heaven. Good Luck!
  9. Exactly my point as I read this. Calls have gone against us. They have also gone for us in a couple of occasions. One of which London "Let me help the Bills lose every week" Fletcher botched. And it was a huge botch. And mainly because of stupidity, not anything that someone did well on the other team. Let's clean up our own ship, play a relatively adequate game, and then blame the refs if things go against us. But to blame refs now, while we execute at a JV football level is the most assanine thing I've ever heard of. Hey, cheer up, after we lose to the Jets, assuming that we keep up the trend of playing poorly on the road, we'll win 2 of 3 against Miami and Arizona at home. Then everyone can say I told you the Bills were going to turn this thing around. Uh-huh, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Here's hoping the next generation of Bills stars (Losman, Evans and McGahee) aren't nearly as stupid as the current group we have. Go Bills!
  10. Not exactly what I mean, however, the bottom line is that there are problems on this team much much worse than referees calls that go BOTH ways during the course of a year. And those are out of our control. However, the stupidity of this team is mind boggling. Although, we don't necessarily hold football players in the same light as brain surgeons, some of the players (VETS too) on the Bills are the dumbest fuggin players I've seen in years. We have many bigger things going wrong in house, than we do the referees. Let's clean up our own ship before we whine about calls going against us.
  11. LOL, I hear ya. And understand too. Maybe I'm giddy. I had $300 on the Cards tonight, at 170-100 odds. And I had yet another $300 on the over 9 1/2 runs in this one! WOOOOOOO-FUGGIN-HOOOOOOO! And that, my friend, is $600 bones!
  12. Easy Don. As much as BF in Indiana makes everyone hate the Cards even more than the Yanks, which I didn't think was possible......... Bottom line is the Dodgers have no chance of hitting any pitching staff, let alone win this series. If the Cards will get exposed it will happen by only Houston in round 2, if they get by Atlanta. Houston is the only team that has a chance to outslug SL in the National League.
  13. You're the biggest whiner I've ever seen. THE PLAY DID HAPPEN. AND REPLAY WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN A FACTOR IF FLETCHER WOULDN"T HAVE FUMBLED. Who gives a damn, if it was reversed or not. If Fletcher would have half of a brain in his fuggin head, BOTTOM LINE WOULD BE THAT THE BILLS HAVE THE BALL AT THE 2. You're one of the coach or parent types that make me sick. WAHHHH, the refs did this, WAHHHHHHHHH, the refs did that. "It's ok guys, you guys are great, because if it wasn't for the refs, we'd be soooooo good." Your living in dreamland. It's amazing. Quit blaming other people for the Bills miscues. There's nothing more sickening than people who blame referees for everything. We no doubt haven't gotten all of the calls go our way. But my god, you sound like a whiner. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woe is me. Woe is me. The Refs don't like the Bills. Nevermind we play like the dumbest NFL team ever, let's not correct that, let's use the WOE IS ME approach. Sickening!
  14. Gimme Travis Henry's salary, and I'll sure as hell give it a better effort than he does in picking up a blitzing LB.
  15. NO friggin way. Henry doesn't even have a 100 yard game for christ's sakes. Pounding people? Pounding Jax? Are you kidding me? Leftwich wanting to go home? Yeah, at times, he looked shell shocked. Here's a news flash about Jax though.......THEY SUCK ON OFFENSE. They haven't done jack-stevestojan against anyone this year. Imposed our will? I'm sorry, but we did not impose our will on them. We pounded them one time with McGahee, and of course, we couldn't sustain it and messed it up, and then, for one drive, and some idiotic plays by our secondary vets (Nate Clements), and LB London Fletcher (a repeat offender) we again bumbled it away. Dumbest team in pro football. And it's not like it's kids making the mistakes. It's vets folks. And it's old.
  16. If that is correct, which it probably isn't totally accurate, but if it is.......gee.......so in the most important game of the year, at home, we stopped them a few times in a row. Big Friggin Deal. This, in a game that we had to have, and in a game that Belicheck said his team basically played like stevestojan. If we mounted any kind of sustained attack in the 2nd half, we win. We were totally outclassed in the 2nd half. And the last fumble sums up the last 3 1/2 years of Buffalo Bills football.
  17. OK, my opinion is no better than yours.....but can you tell me......How the hell did we pound Jacksonville? A ten point pounding? At home? Oh, yeah, I was there too, and while I think we played OK, we far from pounded them AT HOME. The Raiders.......well, we had three points. Got some garbage late, on a lucky play, and made it seem alot closer than it was. The NE game, oh yeah, I was there too, we competed better I think. But when the chips were on the table......we failed......AGAIN. And we scored ZERO points in the 2nd half, and played like morons. Just my opinion, but it's damn near impossible to like this team. I love the Buffalo Bills, but I'm really starting to hate this group of players representing our team.
  18. Oh yeah, and one more thing........if you're so worried about whining on what the refs do on the field......go to ref school, and work your way up to get a job at a high level of football. Otherwise, there will always be human error. You're probably one of those parents at a youth game who blame referees, but when it comes to sign up and volunteer to do it yourself, you're no where to be found!
  19. Oh gimme a friggin break. Quit whining about the refs calls for christ's sakes.. And I'm talking about a play THAT DID HAPPEN. And because we are the absolute dumbest team in football at this point, we DIDN'T MAKE OUR OWN BREAKS. The play would have went BIG TIME our way, and ONLY because of Fletcher's stupidity (which he has displayed multiple times this year), we lost the play. At least be another "I'm a fan who watches tape" apologist. But jesus, quit blaming referees......at least until we clean up our own sloppy play. If we continue to bumble along, and make stupid plays game after game......we'll keep continuing to be on the short end of calls. Your whining like a Major League Baseball pitcher who has thrown 12 balls in a row, and then barely hits the corner, but doesn't get the strike call. Gee, do ya think?
  20. That's just outright stupid. High school kids on bad teams blame officials. While we have been on the short end of the officials' calls this season.......we have done more to kill ourselves than the officials have taken away from us......EASILY. Simply put, in a call that was wrong.......but would have went our way......the ball London "I'm killing this team every week" Fletcher FUMBLED through the end zone was pathetic. If he hangs on to the ball, Belicheck has no more challenges and we have the ball first and goal on the 2. But all anyone wants to mention are the calls that we lost....which are a few. But we can't even take advantage of the one's we have go our way. If the moron Fletcher, who has a reputation as a cheap shot artist (which is why calls go against the hot-head), would have SMARTLY and like a veteran covered up the fuggin ball, we would have been in business. But of course, yet another brainless play, and by a veteran nonetheless. If we were playing good and smart.....ok......blame the refs........but while we continue to play like retards, don't blame referees for our haplessness.
  21. Jesus. We suck. Period. Not saying that we won't or can't turn this around some, but overall, we suck. Period. Do we do some things well? Ummm, yeah. Do the friggin Arizona Cardinals do some things well? Ummmmm, yeah they do. They also still suck. What makes me laugh about all of this, is how some of you claim that we have new coaches, and it's a new system, and shoe's change their soles every year, so the players need to get used to them and all other kinds of BS. I guarantee the bottom line between McNally coaching and other O line coaches is just beat the guys ass who you are supposed to block. You can sit here and tell me about this techinque, and this move, and that move, and how well Mike Williams third step from his stance is......but the bottom line, in the simplest of terms is beat the guys ass across from you. I'm a high school football coach in VA. I took over last year. I'm the D coordinator. My teams are 11-2 since that time with 8 shutouts. I never played defense in high school. The school won a combined 5 games in the previous four years. I have a new system, that I made up on the fly. We blitz alot to put pressure on high school offenses who can't handle pressure. It's easy in my opinion. When we play a team that runs the wishbone or double wing or some other crazy thing, we have to change the entire D in two days. Then have a walkthrough on the third day. Then it's ready. Football is NOT brain surgery. The bottom line comes down to beating the guys ass across from you and be more physical without hurting yourself with negative plays. While an NFL system is no doubt complex, if the Bills were good enough to line up and run simple power stuff, and block correctly, they'd be fine. They aren't. And worse yet, they are killing themselves, which is why this isn't a coaching problem at all, IMO. Don't make football out to be some kind of cure for cancer, because it's not. The only difference between paid football coaches and lesser paid coaches are the time they are able to put into things such as practices, and organization, to make it seem like football is as structured as building a nuclear bomb. If you're good enough to push the other team around, you win. Period. If you are good enough to make the other make mistakes, you win. You should see what happens to a high school team when you send 9 guys up to the line and run blitz their ass. It's hilarious. They panic before the play even starts. Our last game, a 15-6 win, the other team's offense ran 44 plays offenisvely. We stopped them 27 times for negative yardage. Right about now, I bet with how the Bills O looks, the defenses of other teams feed off of that non-confidence that the Bills seem to give off. As soon as you have a team doubting itself like that, it has nothing to do with coaching. It's a mind game from that point on. And with what the penalites show, the Bills football mental ability is about the dumbest in the NFL. Teams can have talent, but if they can't handle the mental part of the game first, they are finished. Period!
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