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Posts posted by KeLLy1278

  1. 2 hours ago, Wizard said:

    What are some indicators or stats that you consider to be important "small wins" in today's game against the Bucs?


    Here are some "small wins" I hope to see today.


    1. One running back on the team gets 50+rushing yards and scores a touchdown.

    2. The Bills hold the Bucs running game to 150 yards or less today.

    3. Bills score a touchdown each half and score at least 17 points.

    4. Bills front 7 gets 2 sacks on Brady.

    5. Gronkowski does not score 2 touchdowns.

    6. Daboll and McDermott limit frustrating decisions to two or less.


    What "small wins" do you hope to see?



    Number 6 says it all.  This team wins games despite the mediocre coaching staff.  And yes, that includes Sean.  Win the game Sean.  Can this team get a win vS a team that it is not supposed to beat on paper?  How about overachieving for once? 

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 6 hours ago, GunnerBill said:


    You should try watching the games then.

    Oh that’s cute.  I haven’t watched any yet.  Since it’s impossible to be critical of the HC, can you elaborate on Sean’s in game heroics this season?  Do you have time?  

  3. I’m not sure why so many people on this forum suggest that McDIMWITT  is untouchable.  He coached this team to some wins and a playoff birth since the days of Talley, Kelly, Tasker, Smith, Bennett, Reed, Lofton, Beebe, Thomas & Levy.  Well the Bills have a talented roster and we’re expected to make some noise in January.  When was the last time that you were impressed with his coaching after a game?  What in game decision(s) turned a game around for the Bills?  I would argue that Sean rarely if ever adjusts to what the opposition is doing.  He has a poor feel for the game in real time.  The penalties continue to plague this team and the red zone offense is weak sauce.  What aspect of this team.. actually let me rephrase that.  What phase of the Buffalo Bills is well coached?  Are they winning despite poor coaching?  Are they winning despite mediocre coaching?  

    Sean seemed to be a little more candid and upset after the loss to the Patriots.  This team is searching for a leader.  

    • Disagree 2
  4. 5 hours ago, Scott7975 said:

    McDermott needs to stop trying to make this team something it is not.  This team is all finesse players.  It is a team built to pass the ball and stop the pass.  No amount of forcing some archaic crap is going to change what these players are.  Just play to the damn strengths of the team.  Stop messing around with benching only certain players because they made a mistake.  Put the best players on the damn field and play some damn football.  The time for doing the crap they are trying to do is the off season and camp.  Not the middle of the season in a tight playoff race.  Get back to who you are, not who you want to be.

    Yes.  He’s trying to instill the physicality on the fly but it just isn’t there.  I don’t think that this team is soft by any means.  But this bunch will never be the 2001 Ravens or 2016 Broncos.  Here’s the thing with McDIMWITT.. he talks a smooth, calm and collected game in the post game press conferences.  However, in game he seems like he has emotional meltdowns and makes bizarre decisions like his choice to have the spot reviewed.  Even a casual fan could tell that there was no evidence to overturn the call on the field.  His assistant coaches are blind I guess but that’s on Sean. It’s almost as if it’s arbitrary for Sean.  He chooses to kick field goals when the team should go for two and vice versa.  Belichick decided to run the ball all game long. Simple and effective because the Bills had no answers.  Oh but they will come out strong vS the Bucs this week right?  Right right??? Yes?  Do I hear??? Anybody?? I give this team a 25% chance of winning this week.

    • Like (+1) 2
  5. 10 hours ago, Logic said:

    Bills will lose to the Bucs, drop to 7-6, and kill off any remaining hope that fans or analysts have of them recovering.

    They'll then proceed to win all four remaining games after that and make the playoffs at 11-6.

    I know, I'm a crazy homer, we don't have a shot in hell, blah blah blah.

    11-6 and playoffs. It's gonna happen!


    You know what.. I’m with you.  I don’t really give them much of a chance against Brady but I feel like they will pull off a run to close out the regular season. 11-6 or 10-7.  Will it be enough to make the playoffs?  

    • Agree 1
    • Thank you (+1) 1
  6. Sadly this game will be another L.  You can tell that McDIMWITT can’t get this team focused enough to win big games.  Where are the big plays in crucial spots by this team?  Where is the leadership?  Other than the proverbial “we need to do a better job doing this and this..” postgame pressers.  “How could this happen?  I don’t know.  We need to look at ourselves in the mirror.  The NEXT game is the biggest game of the year” blah blah blah.. The Bills allowed over 200 yards on the ground to the Pats with no passing attack to speak of.  How can they have confidence heading into games against formidable opponents who can do both?  

    Does anyone here still think that this team can make a deep playoff run?  If so.. why and how?

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    • Awesome! (+1) 1
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