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Posts posted by KeLLy1278

  1. 22 minutes ago, Warcodered said:

    but he was liable. 🤷‍♂️

    Perhaps.. probably.. but not 100% beyond a shadow of a doubt.  

    Either way it has zero to do with his ability to dominate football games pretty much by himself.. in an era when every opponent knew that he was pretty much the entire team.  We are debating if he should be removed from Bills history.  The answer is a resounding F*** NO!

  2. 1 hour ago, Mr. WEO said:


    Absolutely not!!  HE didn't nearly decapitate his kids' mother----what a piker!



    Head to the bunker!!

    He was acquitted in a court of law.  Whether you agree or disagree with the verdict is completely irrelevant.  

    And no, I’m not shy about expressing my opinion. Should everyone who doesn’t embrace cancel culture go hide in a bunker?  Someone gives you guys a finger and you want the entire arm.  It wouldn’t hurt to have cameras directed at people like you at all times.. to ensure that normal people (people who do not live, breathe, eat & drink PC culture) can live free.  

    Congrats on the most recent cancellations.  

  3. 1 minute ago, RobbRiddick said:

    Pull them down, burn them at midfield and then rearrange the letters into an amusing anagram like OJ Piss On. That'll learn him

    I think that anyone that has anything signed by OJ, be it a card, photo or memorabilia of any kind..  needs to be arrested and sent to trial immediately.  We have to send a message to these insubordinates that the party is over.  


    I guess we should treat Jim Kelly in a similar fashion since his wife accused him of hitting her.  Everyone wearing an OJ or Kelly jersey should be sent away in cuffs.  

    Cancel Culture is thriving and there is no end in sight.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Warcodered said:

    Like I said previously he did still lose the civil case, which is why when he tried to profit off of the death of his children's mother by selling a book about how "he would of done it" about real people that were murdered, he had to give the money to the families. Also no one is taking away his numbers, nobody is saying he doesn't hold the records he holds, what people are saying is maybe we don't celebrate him because he's shown himself to be a terrible person.

    It is weird seeing all these people complain about being canceled on national television.

    You support and lend a hand to cancel culture.  Many of us do not.  If we have to live among people like you, then you have to live among people like us.  

    Can you give us an idea of what will be getting cancelled next?  This should probably be a separate thread.

  5. 1 minute ago, Warcodered said:

    It's not for what he did on the football field.

    He was found innocent and was allowed to go home after the criminal trial.  I get that it was “the trial of the century” but he faced a long trial and was found to be not guilty by the jurors.  So now the Buffalo Bills need to make a stand and avenge murder charges from 1994 in 2021?  🤣 😂 


    3/4 of the players who have their numbers/jerseys retired have broken the law in one way or another.  A player tribute is strictly a tribute to what the player did ON THE FIELD.  Wow what a saga this has turned into. No one can separate a person’s private life from their career as an athlete?  Maybe Ty Cobb shouldn’t be in the baseball hall of fame?  Should Mark Messier not be in the hockey hall of fame?  He landed so many cheap shots that I’ve lost count.  Where does cancel culture end?  

    At the end of the rainbow!!!  🌈 yaay!

    3 minutes ago, Gugny said:

    I absolutely despise this new, stupid usage of the word "cancel."


    No one is asking to cancel a goddamn thing ... let alone a mother ***** person.

    It’s nauseating.  You can’t step outside without seeing them spread their “culture”.  Whether it be at a bookstore or cafe, etc..  And they do it unapologetically.  They managed to get certain Dr Seuss books banned!  If someone doesn’t like a book.. here’s an idea, DON’T BUY IT!  What a concept.  But no, we need to ban everything that some people dislike.. and if you do not agree with them, you are a bigot and should be condemned to purgatory.  This is what modern times look like.  The smart phone generation.

  6. On 12/13/2021 at 3:36 PM, NewEra said:

    Apologies.  I was quick to comment after reading your first paragraph.  I didn’t read the 2nd paragraph.  

    Been here awhile.  Thanks for the advice though.  

    God bless.  

    Go Sabres and go Bills!

    34 minutes ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    Tom Brady senior is not worth 3.1 billion. I know it is on the internet but it is not true. He was an insurance salesman so 3.1 million is possible, maybe even 31 million but he is not worth 3 billion. 

    I wouldn’t be surprised if TB12 was worth that much, but his dad?  WTF??  Based on what?  An act of indiscretion 45 years ago?

  7. 3 hours ago, badassgixxer05 said:

    Cancel culture will say yes. Football fans will say he was the best Bill to ever run the ball. Him being a ***** person doesn't change that fact. He should stay.

    Cancel culture cancelled numerous Dr Seuss books. Every Agatha Christie & Sherlock Holmes book should be cancelled too I guess.  Wait why stop there.. we should just cancel every color except the color rainbow.  Can we get a “Cancel every color except rainbow!” chant going? 🙄


    Perhaps we should cancel sports!  Most people are not athletic and they find it offensive to rub athleticism in their faces on a regular basis!  What about a lack of women in our pro leagues?? I SAY… for every male draft pick, there needs to be a woman picked by the same team in the next round.  Same with athletic picks.  For every athletic person picked.. there needs to be an out of shape couch potato picked by that same team in the next round.  I don’t care if out of shape pot bellied people are not available in college.  Go on the street if you have to.  They usually stand around the soda aisles.  Maybe send a scout to the local liquor stores to take some names too.  What’s fair is fair.  I will not rest until every sports league looks like a rainbow.   Great now let’s all go play duck duck goose.  


    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 36 minutes ago, Bobby Hooks said:

    No. The biggest point for me being he was not found guilty. 

    If he was, okay let’s have the discussion. But you can’t just decide someone’s a bad person because you believe it to be true. 

    It starts a very bad precedent, and one that surely wouldn’t stop at being accused of murder. 

    Agree.  Also, no one can argue what OJ accomplished on the field as a Buffalo Bill.  First ballot hall of famer.

  9. The Juice is obviously a very controversial individual. Whichever way you side with is your business.  

    Should OJ Simpson not be in the Hall of Fame or not be on the Bills Wall??  Obviously he SHOULD BE.  I wasn’t there to see him live but I’ve heard stories, seen highlights and read some of his stats.  4.7 yards a carry for his career.. he also did pretty well as a receiver if my memory serves..  

    OJ stays.  Top five RB to ever play.

  10. 55 minutes ago, NewEra said:

    The fans are venting on a message board.  The adult, for some reason, thinks this is business meeting with money on the table. That’s not the case.  Welcome to the message board…..the place where we come to celebrate when we win and cry when we lose.  Wake up, splash some water on your face.  If you don’t like it, don’t  click on the thread entitled” If anyone wants to say the NFL isn't rigged, please re-watch that game”.  That’s what the adult in you would do.  But, yeah. Ok

    The arrogance spray is thick..  but you failed to recognize that I in fact perceived YOU as the adult.  The game is over and you missed the point entirely.  You also advised me to omit a thread and advised other members to ignore my posts… yet you showed that you disagree with my posts since you chose to comment on them.  We’re all just waiting to read the next contradiction at this point.  

    Reminds me of something my father used to tell people who couldn’t really agree on much or get along for one reason or another.  “Don’t go away mad.. just go away.” 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, Generic_Bills_Fan said:

    Yea that’s kind of my point…we had absolutely textbook no doubter holds/PIs on Tampa that were not called so what gives.  Clearly you’re not letting both teams play because you’re flagging one team for them.  That play where diggs’ jersey gets stretched for 5 yards in the first half was literally laughable…romo laughed and said ‘how is that not PI’ 😂 I have no doubt the nfl reviews that and feels similarly that we got a bit robbed and who knows maybe we start getting calls in the future 

    Yep I’m totally on board with that… I think we’re due for some questionable calls going our way after that one. Sucks that the division was super winnable if we win that game…just goes to show you how important each individual play is. 

    The Bills can still make some noise.  But if they lose the next game??  

    It’s on to the 2022 season and maybe the Sabres can turn things around???  Not betting on it tho.

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. 6 minutes ago, Shaw66 said:

    Well, sure, the Bills should have won the game, even with the calls.   That's clear.   But that doesn't mean the calls aren't worth talking about.  They happened, and they happened largely one way.   There were some obvious missed calls that could very well have changed the outcome of the game.  Those are facts, and if people want to talk about that, there's good reason to talk about it.  If you're not interested, if that's not an aspect of the game you want to talk about, fine.  But it's real, it happened, and people want to talk about it.  It's not a meaningless topic just because (1) the Bills could have won anyway or (2) it's happened to other teams.   54 passing plays without one penalty on the defensive backfield must be some kind of record in the modern NFL, especially where there is clear photographic evidence of multiple blatant holds by the defense.  

    I usually stay away from the whole “conspiracy / shoot the ref” crowd.  But it’s just been brewing jet black in this foruk as of late so I decided to give my two cents.. which lead to a dollar. 🤣  I think I’ve had my fill.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Generic_Bills_Fan said:

    Oh yea I think we have had this same convo in like 3 different threads 😂 but if it was just that late questionable no call on that diggs play I would be a lot more understanding and totally agree with you.  We got flagged 5 times for DPI/holding most of which was a lot softer than what the bucs were doing all game. We threw 50+ times on them and despite trying to remove diggs’ jersey at every possible opportunity their dbs get called for 0 penalties out of 50+ passing plays? Something is not right there…over the course of the game the bad calls usually even themselves out but everything went the bucs way this game right down to the spots.  Obviously in a huge moment late in a game refs don’t like to insert themselves into the conversation but they very much owed us that call and it was clear PI and not even close to controversial if they throw a flag there 

    Lol.. yeah I know about the multiple threads.  😂 


    I don’t think it would hurt to do this: The Bills FO should study the film and contact the league office.. demanding a response.  Meanwhile, Sean needs to prepare the team for the stretch run and emphasize winning every individual battle which will lead to winning a game.  A game.  Not games.. but one game.  This team can go on a winning streak.  I’m tellin’ ya. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  14. 5 minutes ago, Generic_Bills_Fan said:

    Yea I think we’re having a bit of a boy who cried wolf moment here…complaints about the refs are not gonna be taken seriously if you complain about the refs every time there’s a bad call 😂 but to me at least this game was special…in a bad way of course.  How the bucs secondary skated through that game not getting called for a single penalty is absolutely mind boggling but obviously nothing can be done about it now.  Other people might say it’s an anti bills thing but every time I see a game like this Tom Brady is on one of the teams so I don’t think it has anything to do with the bills lol he was getting that opportunity for a walk off win in OT to set the passing TD record unless diggs was decapitated in the end zone. 

    Maybe, possibly, who knows man.. I hope this team can just dust itself off at this point.  The last few weeks have been disasters and every game from here on out is a must win.  They have the personnel to do it.  I’m not sure if they have the coaching to do it.  That said, I predicted that they would lose to the Bucs but win the next four.  I have a weird feeling that it will happen.  

    If the Bills do not make the playoffs this season, I think that Sean should be on the hot seat as a result.  Just one fan’s opinion.

  15. 30 minutes ago, Fan in Chicago said:

    I am at a loss to understand where you are going with this line of argument. First of all, I did not say, nor think that the NFL is rigged. What I do believe, and is obvious to most, is that officiating is very very inconsistent across games, but more importantly within the same game. This is a problem. 

    Of course we as fans cannot directly do anything about it. But as with playcalling and player performance, fans tend to talk about things that influenced the outcome of the game. Thats what fans do, that is why this board exists and has thrived. 

    But you are going on and  on that fans should not blame the officials, when clearly they were a factor in the outcome yesterday. 

    I understand where you’re coming from. Do you think I’m happy that the Bills are losing games right now? Yes, the officials were a factor in yesterday’s game. A few flags did not have to be thrown and maybe MAYBE the Bills would have won.  However, that is a big MAYBE.  Did the PI call in OT automatically lose the game for us?  No.  Brady threw a TD pass. Where was the defense there? A focused and well coached team focuses on one play at a time.  The Bills can’t seem to execute that.  

    Controversial calls are a part of sports.  How about that call that went against the Saints a few years ago that knocked them out of the playoffs? The call against the Cowboys in Green Bay in the playoffs..  I believe they ruled that Dez Bryant did not complete the catch even though he had possession and turned around while never losing control of the football near the sideline.  It happens..

    and not just to the Bills or Sabres. 

  16. 8 minutes ago, NewEra said:

    Some people just like to complain about other people complaining on message boards.  Ignore it.  People with eyes realize we got the short end of the stick and the stick has an impact on who wins and loses each game. While bad officiating is rarely, if ever, the sole factor in determining who won or lost a game…..there are far too many games that have their outcome affected by terrible officiating.  

    we didn’t lose solely because of the refs, but we probably would’ve won if the officials hadn’t missed 3 crucial PIs.  

    The adult walked into the room.  But the adult doesn’t walk into the room when fans are crying and tripping all over themselves while they blame wins and losses on officiating.  As if it will make any difference either way.

    Virtually every gameday thread criticizes the officiating with a whoa is me attitude.  The league is squarely against the Buffalo Bills winning a Super Bowl.  This is what many fans in this forum believe.  If you have failed to notice that, then you haven’t spent much time on GDTs.

  17. 14 minutes ago, UKBillFan said:

    Just to add, there have been some bad calls against us this season but do I think they affected the outcome of the games? No; I think every other game this season has been lost, at it's base, on play calling or execution. To an extent you could argue that was the case yesterday, being 24-3 down at the half and that horrific 4 & 3 punt. BUT, after such a stunning fightback in the second half, to have calls go against us in such a way is difficult to accept - it's the first defeat this season where I say the officials are at least partially responsible for the outcome.

    I’ll take the bait.  Currently, as a defender in this league you have to play the ball.  I can’t overstate this.  If you simply play the body before the ball gets anywhere close then you’re a dead pigeon.  Typically if a safety or cover corner turns his head and at least makes an attempt to make a play on the ball he’s in the clear.  It’s the players that are poorly coached that always have that trained look of utter shock on their faces that are either undisciplined, poorly coached or both.  Either way it results in a big fat L.


    If a receiver is making a move to make the play and all a defender does is try to stand in his way and makes contact with him in the process IT WILL BE A PI.  Some teams take advantage of this and some don’t.  This is coachable  and can eventually turn instinctive on the fly.  

  18. Just now, ToGoGo said:


    Wake everyone up, and then, slowly, stop watching.


    When you wake up, it takes a long time to lose the emotional attachment. There's all the stages of grief. But slowly, you start to detach and care less and less. 

    This is true.  100%.  Watching any sport at length becomes one heck of an addiction.  It becomes a damn event, a mini party sometimes..  I love the NHL, NFL & MLB.  I, like countless others buy team merchandise, T-shirts, hoodies, hats, you name it.  It’s fun and it becomes part of one’s life after a while.  Conversations with fellow sports fans in person and on forums such as this one.. etc. To throw it all away is a big decision.  But if people think that these sports have no integrity then maybe this is something to consider.  It’s nauseating to even think about it.


    • Like (+1) 1
  19. 58 minutes ago, Fan in Chicago said:

    This thread is about yesterday's game and you decided to step in and express outrage over your perceived trend against the Bills. Yes, there are some games where the fans complain and point to those bad refs calls as the reason for the loss. But I would say this is not as regular as you are making it out to be 


    Also, the Bucs did not outplay the Bills for much of the game. It was a game of 3 sections - the first was clearly dominated by the Bucs but the Bills held them to 3 more points and proceeded to tie the game. It is def a game where inconsistent officiating cost the Bills the game. 

    So in other words, the NFL is a crapshoot. A rigged charade in your opinion. It’s a well orchestrated version of WCW or WWF that passes itself off as legitimate.  What should fans do about it?  Btw.. many fan bases think this, mostly perennial losers.  So what shall we do?  Form a mutiny, buy pitchforks and aim them at Goodell?  Or should we all just join each other for a weep?  What’s the answer?

    2 minutes ago, The Red King said:

    50+ passing attemps and not a single defensive hold or PI?  I mean that must be some amazing discipline.


    C'mon.  Its gotta be obvious by now.  The NFL wants their TB/NE Super Bowl.  How do two refs stare down that 3rd down and not throw a flag?


    It's not scripted, but the refs are told to nudge games certain ways if they can.  And it's not just the Bills.  Ravens/Lions anyone?


    I still follow the Bills, but no longer watch.  Thank god.  I would have screamed myself hoarce.

    The Pats were on the short end of some big calls last week.  The Bills still lost…. at home.

  20. 8 minutes ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    No.  I chose to watch the BFLo teams only in hopes they stick it to the rigged system.  I am at peace with that. 


    I don't watch every week.  Only prime time games I can get.  I mostly multi-task, follow on my phone... 


    It's not a conspiracy.  Just the way system is set up.

    Fair enough 

    1 minute ago, CodeMonkey said:

    The problem is when McCoach does it, and he has in several games this season, he gets so distracted with it that he loses site of what is happening during the game as he is arguing.  

    🤷🏼‍♂️ part of being a great coach is being able to compartmentalize things.  It’s all connected.  

    • Agree 1
  21. 1 minute ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    They are trying to be good soldiers, League team players.  I get it.  But they are getting played.  It's clearly rigged. 

    You are at peace with the NFL being rigged because you choose to still watch it.  Throw the league into the trash by not watching the games.  If you don’t, then you are choosing to talk out of both corners of your mouth.  

    Why do you choose to watch what you call a charade every week? Why give a crapshoot ratings? Plenty of other things to do.  I’m not in your camp yet but you seem to buy into the conspiracy so… just an honest question.

    1 minute ago, Fan in Chicago said:

    For a moment, ignore the fans' complaints about officiating in the other games. 

    Can you point to specific calls in yesterday's game which went unfairly against the Bucs? For all your talk about the calls going both ways, please point out which ones went the Bills' way. Just in the Bucs game

    One game isn’t a trend.  People cry foul after every game like it is.  That’s my point.  The Bucs also outplayed the Bills for much of the game yesterday but everyone wants to focus on the refs.  And now I got sucked into doing it myself which I try not to do.  It’s a fool’s errand.

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