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Posts posted by ArdmoreRyno

  1. 1 minute ago, ALF said:

    How to keep guns out of the wrong hands is the problem.  Until then would need one locked school entrance  that can remote open from office with camera on someone wanting to enter . Other places still need a guard with body armor and armor piercing rounds.

    Does 9mm have armor-piercing rounds?

    The 9х19mm pistol-fired armor-piercing cartridge 7N31 is designed to destroy enemy manpower, wearing body armor, in the open, behind light covers, and inside vehicles. It is fired by the 9mm GSh-18 pistol


    I work at a high school of around 800 kids (5A school in Oklahoma, 6A is the largest). We have a hard point entrance. Always locked. The doors to the art building, gym and cafeteria? Always locked. Never unlocked. Not even now as school is out and admin is working. There are hundreds of cameras. If you get into the front door, there is a secondary LOCKED door. The front office has to let you in at all points. 


    We used to have a SRO in the front, officer from my town. We are getting a new one next year as well as a security guard at the gate again. The high school my girls went to (same town), it's even harder to get into. 


    There are ways to try and prevent these things as they play out. It won't stop all of them, but the DO stop them and have every year. 

    Just now, Tiberius said:

    We debate, politicians vote, one side wins. You guys have created a gun friendly society that is allowing this to happen 


    Until you throw out ideas, no need for you to participate in this IMO. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 1 minute ago, HomeskillitMoorman said:

    One side will always be happy as long as there is no gun control and they get to control women's bodies. Sadly, a room full of Mexican kids getting shot is not going to move the needle for that ilk of people. 


    What gun control do you want? Background checks on all gun purchases? Already a law. 


    And "control women's bodies" - you mean abortion? Because most pro-life people don't care if a woman gets butt implants or a tattoo. It's 100% about abortion. Just be honest and stop saying "women's bodies". 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:


    And there it is. It's not hard to figure this ***** out.   You must present a valid and current permit to purchase ammo.  It's been awhile since we bought ammo and it reminded me. Here in CA you needed to go through a background check but it appears it was struck down by a Federal Judge.  I think that is a bit excessive because if you shoot a lot your could be buying ammo weekly.  However a middle ground is as mentioned above.  You need to present a current gun permit that needs to be renewed (with background checks) every year or other year to purchase ammo.  Also.  You want to buy body armor?  Background check.  Good ***** lord.  So someone buys body armor and there are no red flags? 


    I'm interested if that's really true. It was reported before he was wearing a "tactical vest" which you can get about anywhere. Buying body armor isn't as easy as you normally have to order it and it can take weeks to get. 

  4. 9 hours ago, BillStime said:

    Perfect - Biden should sign an EO banning assault rifles.


    (He can’t do that but since he is going to take the blame - he should break the law and sign the EO just like your savior thought he was above the law)


    And how do you think that would go? 


    Around 400 deaths per year carried out by rifles (including the AR platform). This is out of 20,000,000+ AR style rifles in the country. 

  5. Just now, Tiberius said:

    You guys wanted a shooting gallery society, you got it 


    You're so full of crap dude. 


    Where has ANY gun owner wanted that? It's BS by people like you. 


    New flash... a study showed that less than 1% of firearms bought legally were used in a gun crime (Washington Post article). Legal permit owners 18x less likely to commit a violent crime than your regular Joe. 


    WE aren't the problem. Until you people can understand that, nothing will change. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Tiberius said:

    What does it matter? Even the minor laws will not pass. You guys have won, this is your America. We are awash with guns and criminals and crazy people have easy access. That will not change. Next week, or tomorrow there will be more mass shootings. Nothing will change 

    I didn’t think you’d actual give me any ideas. I’ve posted ideas. Only thing I’ve heard here has been  “ban assault weapons”. 

    “You guys won”. Huh? The founding fathers won? The men who created the Bill or Rights?

  7. 19 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Are you seriously worried that some type of minor gun control measure will pass? No way! 

    I’ll bet more laws will be passed making it easier for criminals to get murder weapons 

    First, I was explaining the idea that having armed people in a school doesn’t stop shooters is a fallacy. There is now reports of NO SRO at that school. 

    Second... what “minor gun control measure” do you think would stop evil or criminals? I’d love to hear it. 

  8. 1 hour ago, BillStime said:


    Oh - I did. Not one thing has changed since Sandy Hook.


    Only thing consistent from the cult:




    It is time to put the blame where it belongs - on REPUBLICAN voters.



    Simply not true. Dozens of new laws post Sandy Hook were put in place. 

  9. 28 minutes ago, TH3 said:


    Here is what is hysterical ....I was being outlandishly facetious...trying to parrot what a gun idiot would say...and you thought I was serious...because that is what gun brain washed nut jobs actually say...you literally can't even make up something that won't come out of the right wing these days....

    How about.... f-off? You don’t know me you as*hole. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, BillStime said:


    The list is quite long since this:



    Again, let me know. You didn’t answer my question. 

    2 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:

    All countries have people with mental illness.


    Only America makes it easy to get guns.


    Only America has astronomical rates of death by guns.


    There is a line between banning all guns (which I oppose) and what we are doing today (basically nothing) that will save thousands of lives but we just do not care about human life in this country enough to do anything.

    We have over 20,000 gun laws in America today. Just FYI. 

    • Haha (+1) 2
  11. I plan on going (taking the GF to her first NFL game) to the Kansas City game in Arrowhead this year... having family who live in Blue Springs, MO and only a 6 hour drive for me here in Oklahoma.... 


    Anyone got their tickets yet? Was hoping to sit close to fellow Bills fans... and of course, figure out where we will be tailgating. 



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  12. 21 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Most poor people stay poor and most rich people stay rich. Blacks had a racist nation determined to keep them poor and it worked. To simply expect them to quickly overcome that is unrealistic. Hopefully it will change. But look at the poor whites in Appalachia, they have not moved out of poverty, either. 


    Soooo.... what's the timeline of overcoming those injustices? 50 years? 100? 400? 


    At some point you stop the excuses. 

  13. 17 hours ago, Tiberius said:



    Not everyone wants to be poor. The thing is, whites  that wanted to do something about it, could. Look at what happened to the rising black middle class that existed in Tulsa after WW1. Their whole section of town was burned to the ground. 


    I'm very aware of what took place at Black Wall Street. I lived outside Tulsa for several years... what happened there was a f'ing injustice unlike anything seen outside slavery and the Democrats KKK. That said, the black middle class and upper class in Tulsa at the time were rising... and at a time just 50 years after slavery was abolished. There were black businesses men who had net worth of (todays numbers) in the MILLIONS living in Tulsa. How did that happen? Choice maybe? 


    Of course, racism... segregation, etc. ALL plays into the struggles the black population. But in 2022? IMO, again, no. At some point, when do people pull themselves up? I work at a High School were we have all ranges on the socioeconomic scale... a high school who has around 60% minority (probably 45% black). There are COUNTLESS kids who went on to be doctors, lawyers, nurses, business people, etc. VERY poor white, black and Hispanic kids who succeed. Very wealthy kids who fail. 


    In 2022 it's a CHOICE. Sure, there are always environmental factors but you ultimately made a decision to go one way or the other. Again, Dr. Ben Carson is a GREAT example. The guy was on the wrong track as a young kid... but made a different choice. It's NO different from a upper middle class or wealthy white kid who decides to make bad choices and ends up poor or worse. I see it all the time. 

  14. 11 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    I give you the basic ‘how to’ list and you come back with this?

    People come to this country every single day from all over the world, and from every race, religion and creed, and in a state of abject ‘shirt  on their back’ poverty. Some will succeed and others will not. Following ‘my’ llist has NOTHING to do with their past. It’s all about what they choose to do today, tomorrow, and every day going forward. 




    Most of the poorest counties in the country and mostly white counties. I live in a really poor county in Oklahoma... I have white and black friends that grew up DIRT poor. Some lived alone after the age of 13-14. Many of those have become way more successful that I have and I have three degrees and work as a professional counselor. One of my closest friends, a black man (and Don Cheadle's cousin), grew up with no parent (lived with Grandmother) went into the Navy... got a masters in clinical mental health (counseling) and is now one of the highest ranked officers in the state of Oklahoma (full bird). 


    It's all about mindset and drive. Thriving for more.

    • Like (+1) 1
  15. 12 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    People blaming other people for their lot in life has been going on since the Dawn of time. It’s not unique to blacks or to the United States. Learn to tune it out.

    Be the best person you can be, every single day.
    Go to church (or get solid moral instruction on a regular basis.)

    Do not do drugs. 

    Study in school.

    Work really hard.

    Do not go into debt, and if you do, sacrifice almost everything for awhile to get out of it. 
    Stay married if you choose to get married. 

    Do not have children if you’re not prepared to raise them. 

    It’s the tried and true recipe for success, no matter what color skin you happen to have.



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