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Posts posted by TampaBillsJunkie

  1. Just now, FormerlyPT5P said:

    This confirms it. I guess I hate Tom Brady more than anything else from the drought era.


    Also helps I'm still not too worried about the Pats.


    This was the closest thing we'll see to those old Patriots playing themselves. I don't know if I was more entertained or disgusted.


    NE defense is still good. Judon is a beast. Barnmore is looking good. Secondary is good. It's not a roll over, and I think in NE the game will be hard fought. I'd love nothing more that 40-zippers until February, but I don't think NE is total sh*t  I think they are a .500+ team with some fight and the second best team in the AFC East.


    • Thank you (+1) 1
  2. 12 minutes ago, clayboy54 said:

    I have to commend you for this post, and for your sincere perspective!


    Ford is not the worst football player to ever set foot on an NFL field. We are all extremely disappointed that he isn’t developing like we all hoped. Some OL guys take time and the staff obviously sees potential there. As a few others have mentioned, he really doesn’t have very many games under his belt at guard. He is a tough guy with an edge. I’m sure Beane will find a replacement if some further progress is not seen.

    If Feliciano wasn't banged up, they should replace Ford with Boettger.

  3. 3 hours ago, BillsfaninSB said:

    TBD members, help me try to unpack this surreal game. 

    Who do I want to win?  Do I even watch it?  Do I cheer for a giant sink hole?


    I guess I want the Bucs to win but it makes me feel gross.

    I live in Tampa and still can't get into the Tommy and Gronky show. But since NE is a division rival and a win helps the Bills, for one week I shall be a token Bucs fan.

    • Agree 1
  4. Gonzalez, Gronk and Kelce are all neck and neck. Gonzelez is my #1 for now but Gronk and Kelce are still playing. I take into account the entire career.  


    Kelce may push to #1 the way he is playing with Mahomes since they may have a longer time together.


    The Gronk-Brady window may have 2-3 years left tops. Maybe less. Then how will Gronk do with another QB. My wish would be that it's with Allen for a few years and a trip back home to the Super Bowl. 


  5. We are a very good team. Just doesn't take away the fact that Josh needs to play like a Top3 QB because that is what he is getting paid to be.  The game goes to the Defense. Offense did enough, but Josh missed a lot of throws he normally makes. Something ain't right with him yet and he needs to get back to his 2020 self soon.
    O-line looked much better.  Run Game looked much better. Pass rush was awesome today.  

  6. I think it means the Bills have a lot of work to do to change this stat. The stat means something.  The best teams win at home, especially in an opening game. Protect your turf. Every coach preaches this. Playoff teams rarely lose at home. Most are 6-2, 7-1, a few 6 seeds may go 5-3. (in the 16 game format) That doesn't leave a large margin of error for the rest of the home games.  That means playing winning or .500 ball on the road can usually get you in. 

    I think the other reason this stat resonates is the championship game. You start dumping home games you are going to be a 2,3,4 seed if you are one of the elite teams in the conference.  If you are good, you are looking at a 5-6 seed and the road gets even tougher to the SB.  


    That said, this week is huge. If the Bills don't rebound, it's going to be an uphill battle the rest of the way. I have confidence they will figure it out and take a road victory from the Fish. GO BILLS!

  7. I think I saw the Bills come down to earth. Even my friend who is a die-hard Steelers fan went in thinking the Bills would blow them out. It didn't happen and our weaknesses were fully exposed for all to see.  


    1. OL  They surrendered constant pressure and Never let Josh get into a rhythm. Run blocking was sufficient at times but:

    2. Playcalling - left a lot to be desired. The 4-5 WR sets with no RB allowed the Steelers to read pass and T off on a rush. There was nothing to keep the Steelers off-balance. there was no pre-snap motion and everything seemed to be generic.

    3. QB - Trying to run an up-tempo wide set was to conducive to Josh's ability and with no RB to chip in to block, Josh had pressure immediately and his timing and rhythm were off. He could never get comfortable and was releasing the ball early most of the time, or releasing it without being set as he was on the run. 

    4. Special Teams- the blocked punt was the seal on the coffin. I loved the kickoff return but after McKenzie got banged up, he was less successful. Bass was excellent. Hauk sucked.

    5. Wallace -  got picked on. and burned multiple times. He was the weak spot on the D and he was exposed because.

    6 DL  Outside of Addison's strip sack, no one got Big Ben off his game and he settled down in the second half and made the throws he needed to win.

    7 Coaching  Neither co-ordinator made the second half adjustments needed to take advantage of the matchups on the field. Play-calling was bad and they stuck with plans that were not working. When sh^t hits the fan, you got to be ready to adjust and we did not. So we lost.


    • Agree 1
  8. Good write up. I love seeing fan takes on here. I pretty much felt the same way. I'm hoping we dont Fitz up Allen with big money. He definitely did not have that winners fire yesterday.  Your point about using the same offense is excellent. It did seem like Pitt knew what we wanted to do and shut it down.


    I honestly thought that we were going to come out in the second half with adjustments on what we saw in the first half and Allen was going to take over the game in a route. I figured the defense would continue to bottle up Harris and Ben wouldn't hit much downfield. 


    The blocked punt was unforgivable and basically changed the game. After that happened, the way the offense was playing, I actually for the first time since 2019 had doubts. It was obvious that Daboll was not the genius we thought and he couldn't scheme his way out. When he tried it was a miserable fail, especially the 4th and 1 lateral.  


    To me a big blame goes to the OL also. Heyword and Watt were just eating them alive and it was pathetic to watch. No plays were designed to neutralize them or throw double teams at them. 4 and 5 wide sets expose the OL and Allen was not quick enough to compensate. Horrible offensive coaching and game-planning. 


    Overall, I think the defense played well, not spectacular. Surprisingly, the big play came from Addison, who seemed to be on the TBD chopping block. The rest of the DL didn't do much outside a few splash plays from Oliver. If you can't knock Big Ben down, how are they going to get to faster, more mobile QB's.


    All said, there are definite areas of concern going into Miami. Perhaps this team read too many news articles. I expect "humble and hungry" next week. Hopefully this is lesson learned. I hope the OC and DC learn from this and realize you can't force a game plan down someone's throat based on perceived talent. You need to make adjustments to expose weak areas. 


    On to Miami, GO BILLS!!



    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 28 minutes ago, IronMaidenBills said:

    So, lately I’ve come to the conclusion that our WRs just aren’t elite enough. Outside of Diggs, I just don’t think w have that one go to receiver that can just take over a game. I love Beasley, Davis, and Sanders, but they just don’t have that game take over when you need it vibe. How many times have we seen rookie WRs come into the league now and make huge differences. Look at JaMarr Chase today, Davonta Smith, and Jefferson last year. How is it they come in and put up 100 yard games, but we can’t get that regularly out of Beasley and so on? We all know Allen is great, but something seems off. Burrows and Cousins seems to be doing more with less compared to Allen. 

    Is it Daboll or the WRs we have? Cause it doesn’t feel like Allen is to blame. 

    Truth is that Allen wasn't great today and I place some of that on the OL. Just like last year, Watt and Heyworth dominated our OL and made life difficult for Josh. He had to hurry a lot of throws. He missed a wide open Sanders for a TD. He overthrew Diggs multiple times. He just never got comfortable and in a rhythm. He hardly looked like a 250m man today.  Personally I think he was over-excited and reverted back to his 2018-19 form. I think the pressure of the big money and playing in front of fans, plus Pitts aggressive D and tight coverage made him look average at best.  There were no "wow" throws all game.

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