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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. If the opposition is compromised then he's right to do so. People are, rightly so, keeping a close eye to make sure Zelensky doesn't go overboard and some are criticizing him now (Klitchko for example). It took a long time for other Eastern European countries to clean house of Russian influence and they always had more influence in Ukraine. They are just twisting every single story they see into a negative against Ukraine.
  2. Yeah their strength is D this year believe it or not.
  3. He's gonna be raising money for himself soon. I bet he gets cut. He's screwed them over more than once now.
  4. Yeah that's why I don't let McD off the hook. The losses to the Pats and Jets. Well, we're still in it. Even if that TD counted we could have scored with 1:20 left on the clock.
  5. When our D was good our offense sucked. Now our offense is good but....yeah.
  6. Probably. Doesn't mean we should f'n celebrate it. We got completely f'd by the refs last week. This should not be the last chance but it is.
  7. Holding onto the last sliver of hope the season isn't lost.
  8. Teams adjust and we fold. We look great against mostly garbage qbs.
  9. I hope you're doing this for superstition purposes.
  10. Let's make sure Kelce is covered. Probably important.
  11. Romo is great but yeah. No Josh and we're the Jets offense.
  12. What a difference an OC makes. It feels like we just replaced Nate Hackett in here.
  13. He's freaking amazing. That's a sack on so many qbs.
  14. Dude he had fraudulent businesses. F Biden too but go talk to someone from Trump University. He's a pathological liar continously ripping off the gullible.
  15. In real time it looked like he should have had it I thought. Slow-mo just a nice break up.
  16. Nah I get that. They're all liars for sure. The difference is Trump is the Barry Sanders of lying. Side note I don't even think a politician would get elected if he or she were 100% honest. I really don't.
  17. It's hard to believe he'd hire "the best people " and so many would turn out to be shady. I don't think the easiest explanation is that they are all lying. Plus Trump is a known liar. I don't think that's in dispute.
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