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Italian Bills

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Posts posted by Italian Bills

  1. While at the moment we didn’t move in FA market and reading everyday that other teams add players here and there stink, it’s normal. The Bills are in a very good position to be a contender and a major favorite in the AFC, the best in the AFCE, but we know that we still miss few pieces. 

    - elite pass rusher 

    - a true number 1 corner

    - a better OL to protect better JA

    - maybe a top 5 back ? 

    This are, in my opinion, our weak points. We know FA and real football are not easy and fantasy, but this is the moment where Bean, the FO and McD have to do whatever it takes to improve those areas, because without doing it, we’ll remain the same team at the same level: very good, but not the very best, so again a 11-6/12-5 one. 

    and a 11-6/12/5 team is in the position to be very good, but not so good. We all know this, Bean and McD know this, so let’s hope this time they will get at least a couple of big names to reach that level. 

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  2. With CLE winning in TEN our motivations to win today have to be higher and higher. The chance to play the AFCC in hour house in front of 70k crazy fans, the best fans in the world, is unbelievable. 

    That said i think the most important thing the Bills must to is to play mentally free, fearless of Mahomes, Kelce, Hill, etc. 

    Let’s play our game no matter what, play for Buffalo, play for us, play for you to make the history !

    • Haha (+1) 1
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  3. It was a wonderful nite… a wonderful great outstanding game by our beloved Bills team. I went to sleep at 5:25am in the morning (i live in Italy you know), but stay up it wasn’t hard at all. I was freaking excited by what i was witnessing in front of my eyes. 

    Like you, most of you here, i’ve been beaten up so many years in the last 30 or so that i couldn’t be less “hard” (clear metaphor) about my nite. 

    That said, rationally, i was thinking about how much we are that good and how much the pats are that bad and missing few main players yesterday that generated that score. Obviously we are the better team by miles, no matter the injuries, but like many of us always said during the season, the pats were fool gold, analysts were pushing them like hell and so. 

    At the end i got a point that we are a heck of a team with a superman at qb position, a devastating player that with that arm, legs and body can destroy every defense, just gave him the time to do that. 
    Beside him all the pieces are clicking, OL, DL, DEFENSE, SECONDARY, RB… it is like we got our level… and this is a very high level of football. 

    Like i said few days ago, there is a new sheriff in town… let’s see if this can keep going, no matter who we’ll be in front of us. 

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  4. 2 hours ago, msw2112 said:

    I believe the Bills have a better team than the Patriots and should win on Saturday.  But let's hold the talk of a new sheriff until AFTER we beat them.  As it stands, we played them twice this year and each team has won one game.  This is not to say I am not excited about Saturday.  I definitely am!

    We are the new sheriff in town because our QB can destroy every enemy in front of him, with his arm or his legs, just set him free. 

  5. 55 minutes ago, T master said:

    That's all well & good but if they come in this last time & beat the Bills it's all for nothing !! 


    The Bills have a lot of AFC East Champion banners hanging in the field house i want a Super Bowl Champion banner !! 


    Always a brides made never a bride ain't what i'm looking for .. Just saying .


    Don't get me wrong it's better than not making the play offs but there is a lot more work to be done & they better bring their A game from here on out !!

    I know i know… everybody here want the big ticket… but one step a time bro. 

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  6. Everything can happen in the NFL, the upsets are behind every corner, if you play sloppy and soft, you lose with the Jets, the Jags, you lose against the worst teams, see the Colts. 
    But let’s be honest (not cocky): we are clear the best team in every area, but the running game… maybe. We have better receivers, better D, better QB by millions of miles, if healthy a very good OL that if not better, on the same level. 

    McD and BB don’t throw, don’t run and don’t block, at the very end everything is on the players. We play at home, with almost 70k crazy fans there… so why i have to be scared ? If both team will play its A game, the best team will prevail and the best team is the Bills. 

    We don’t have to beat a better team, we have to beat a worse one, so let’s get the job done. Of course Josh have to fix some late issue he had. With him performing great, how could we lose ? And i’m not cocky, just honest. 


  7. 17 minutes ago, NewEra said:

    The good:  the pass rush.  It won us the game.  Without it, we may have lost.


    The bad:  josh throwing from the pocket 🤮 our boy was awful.  If you’re not even a little bit worried about his passing performance the last 2 games (at home, if the wind and cold), you’re drinking too much koolaid.  He was facing the vaunted falcons and jets defenses…….35 out of 71 for 359 yards, 2 TDs, 3 Ints.  


    Now we play the Pats.  Luckily for us, they have Macnchz, but josh still must step up his game.  

    Of course something to think about and to work on… and it’s not that he didn’t have time to throw,,,  Maybe, on the field, the wind was that bad that on TV or in the stands we can’t feel ? 

  8. Mine:


    - the good our D, i give them a A+++. Ok, it was the Jets … missing also some starter, but what i loved was the intensity the D had for the whole game. That’s the right mindset every player must have in the upcoming game(s). 
    - the bad McD don’t using McKenzie and Daboll almost forgetting Bees. How can you avoid to play your fastest slot receiver and leave the other one with how many, less than five targets ? Unbelievable. This was the perfect game to play short throws behind their line for 4 to 6 yards gain and make everything easier to everyone. I really can’t understand.. 


    Anyway very happy for the finish, can’t wait our next one. 

    ps number three on points scored, number one on points allowed, not bad at all. 

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  9. Ok… the last days many post here were who would have been the better matchup for the Bills, with the Raiders the easy winner. Many post discussing if was better win the division or not, to avoid the Colts or the Titans, etc. 
    What i think is that are the others that must worry about this Bills and JA and McD. I’m pretty sure that if all healthy no Taylor, no Henry, will have the same impact both had against us in the past games. 

    I feel the guys are pretty hungry… i feel Josh is pretty pumped to delete his last “bad” game.. i feel McD want to give some pay back to those teams.. 


    So tomorrow let’s get the job done and win the division and then get ready for the big picture. 

    • Vomit 1
  10. 6 hours ago, Kenosha2Buffalo said:

    Who cares .. even when he was bad , he was better then everyone else. He didn't even have a good game passing and still was the best player offensively.. you people look to much into stats . 

    Didn’t call him out at all.. i just said WOOOW… cause I don’t think he ever had a performance that bad on passing aspect. He did everything else great, his running yards were outstanding. 


  11. 9 hours ago, Best Williams Available said:

    He tends to try to overperform at home. He really wants to get the fans into it and I think he plays a bit too loose, especially in first halves. It wasn’t terribly windy but he was rifling balls with his arm on 5 yd slants etc causing all those early drops. Catching balls on cold/wet days is hard for WRs. 

    I’m with you bro…. i agree that is a “hearth man” before a “brain man”. Sometime it could be dangerous… but i’ll take the first one every single day, no question. He wanna get the fans and the entire stadium engaged, i love that. 

    Josh “illegal arm” Allen, you are our man! You are a f…..g warrior !

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  12. 5 hours ago, Scott7975 said:

    Honestly if you didn't show me the stats I would have never thought he played that bad.  Outside of the first INT which I thought was a poor decision, I thought he played fine.

    Yeah.. regarding his passing game it was pretty poor. I agree with some of you that everybody can have a bad performance, it happens, but can you honestly say that Josh could have had a 17 rtg ? Me not at all, a 60 maybe, maybe… not a 17. 

    Like i said i’m sure Josh we’ll learn from this, he’s the first who understand it. 

  13. 1 minute ago, Miyagi-Do Karate said:

    Sort of a weird game by him. Passed really well at times (including on 3rd down). But I did notice that he basically ignored all the underneath stuff. Knox would go out for little

    5-yard routes, would be wide open, and JA just wouldn’t throw the ball. i think he was looking for the bigger plays all day. 

    Not sure about the big play, but i agree that he missed many short throws that were out there. Was him maybe too cocky ? Too confident about the game ? Just thinking…it seem he played loose.. not too focused on the passing game. 

  14. I know… the snow was a clear factor, but a 17 rtg on Josh is something I wouldn’t never have saw in his career. 11-26, 120 yds, 0 td and 3 int… unbelievable, really unbelievable. 

    Fortunately we had, for the first time, a great running game from him and Davin, Josh is a warrior and today we saw why. 

    Now let’s finish the job next sunday, we have the division in our hands, we can’t fail. I’m also pretty sure Josh will have a 100+ rtg game. 

    ps kudos to both defense and OL. B+

    • Like (+1) 2
  15. 6 hours ago, hondo in seattle said:

    I was slack jawed during the game wondering who these ringers were dressed up like Bills lineman.   I started the game somewhat pessimistically.  But when I saw the time they were giving Josh, my confidence grew and grew.  


    But before we get too effusive, a few points:

    *  Apparently, the Pats wanted to their D line to contain more than pressure;


    *  There were several times that a single rusher broke through the offensive wall - but Josh was able to elude him;


    *  Josh checked down faster in this game than in some others.

    So you are supposing that with more pressure and less containing, we would have saw the same result with Allen constantly in trouble ? I disagree, first because BB know very well that one of our main problem this season has been the OL, so why he should  have abandoned that tactic ? Second i did’t see so many times where Allen has been hunted, hit, or in trouble, maybe five times ? I could be wrong, i’ll watch the game a third time focusing on that aspect and i’ll see. 

    it was the first time our OL has had an A to A+ game, give them all the credit and don’t forget loosing Boettger during the game. 

  16. 6 minutes ago, SageAgainstTheMachine said:

    Those copious penalties last week aside, I think we've seen a Spencer Brown renaissance to the physicality of the OL.  Guys finishing blocks with ferocity, getting to the second level, pushing the pile.  I think my heart grew three sizes watching the replay of Dion Dawkins pancaking Judon then sprinting 20 yards to flatten JC Jackson so that Diggs could get another 5 yards.

    The way Josh performed yesterday must make McD and Daboll understand that Allen protection is our top priority in order to win every game from now. Allen with  Diggs, McKenzie, Beasley, Knox, Sanders, Davis and yes, Singletary used in short range passes, and Moss (plus Breida)… with enough time to Allen we could score 30+ every single game. 

    • Agree 1
  17. We have our problems, pass rush almost  non existent, very weak against the run, poor running game … but imagine if our OL would be able to play solid like they did yesterday, giving Josh enough time: with his arm and legs and with our receivers at full strength, plus McKenzie and Knox, every drive could be a juggernaut for everyone. 

    Do you guys think it would be possible that the OL will play at this level for the rest of the season ?

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  18. Personally, going against a not so great QB, good but not great, i would switch from Nickel to 5-2 to have more protection against the run, maybe not all game long, but i would mix those two formations more, sticking with the Nickel we could have problem limiting their run offense.

    On offense i think that Josh play better under center than  the shotgun. He can use more play action plays, make quicker throws for short and more safe passes and avoiding the pass rush that is our weakest point. 

    I also noticed that playing under center our backs play better because they get the ball in speed and not starting from a still. 


  19. 5 minutes ago, Captain_Quint said:

    What's the point of all this? The second someone screws up, I'm heading to the shoutbox to talk about their mother. We can't just stop now. 

    I feel you... and i know it's something very hard to do... but let's try, we are always here saying we are the best fans in the world... so let's show this doing something that maybe we never did. 

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