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Milanos Milano

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Everything posted by Milanos Milano

  1. It doesn’t prove it, but from the games I’ve seen him in, he displays plenty of contact balance and power. It was actually 24 consecutive games with a TD.
  2. Lol Hall had over 20 consecutive games with a TD and many many goal line rushes. He has plenty of power and contact balance. Not sure what to tell you guys.
  3. See Jonathan Taylor. Why did Taylor go in the 2nd. Sometimes elite talent goes undervalued. Hall and Taylor are very similar RBs.
  4. The fact that this thread keeps going gives me hope. I haven’t beaten the RB drum since Jonathan Taylor and I believe Hall is nearly as good. We haven’t had a dynamic RB in years.
  5. I’m honestly beginning to think the Bills draft Hall. There are a lot of tells pointing in that direction. Eteniene rumors last year Bills going hard at McKissic (wanting a pass catching RB) settled for Duke McD comments on Thurman McDs frustrations with Daboll and wanting to establish a run game. Singletary contract ending Hall has the talent to be our Thurman and the pass catcher that McKissic is. I was originally thinking the Bills wouldn’t draft Hall, but I think there is a very good chance now.
  6. Just further confirmation that my excitement is warranted. He has elite talent. I honestly hope we find a way to make him a Bill.
  7. If it truly comes to that, I will just FaceTime games and split the costs. Fight apple with apple.
  8. Will probably watch, stars or not. Would probably watch a televised backyard football game at this point. I want and need football.
  9. He must be a magic man or maybe Beane is just crazy on you.
  10. Give me a Hallelujah! I’m just going to coin his nickname now lol. Breece Hallelujah
  11. I should have never bought all those Aaron Maybin cards when I was younger. Now I actually have to pay people to take them.
  12. We could have traded down or up to get him. We failed. RB talent revaluation sucks.
  13. I agree with all of this. I have also even said, even if it was worse case scenario for Haskins (suicide, drugs, etc) it wouldn’t change anything. He’s still a human being that made a mistake. I just think it’s acceptable to talk about the why or the how. I’ve gotten attacked here for it, but that’s to be expected. It’s a sad situation all around.
  14. But why? Because it makes you feel uncomfortable? Life is uncomfortable. Weird things happen and suppressing it and not talking about it is one of the reasons why things like this keep happening over and over again. Society in general brush things aside or under rugs. It’s like a taboo to even discuss things like this. People shout “victim blaming” or “this isn’t the right time” or “just let it play out” , and then nothing happens. Collectively shrug shoulders and chalk it off as it is what it is. This kind of mindset happens everywhere. It’s like when innocent people get killed by guns, nothing happens, it just keeps happening and people accept it as a part of life.
  15. It’s possible to mourn and speculate at the same time. Nobody benefits by the “we will talk about it later” . Generally it’s said like this in the hopes it goes away and you never have to talk about it. That helps no one.
  16. Why do you guys disagree with it? So no blame gets placed, nobody dives into the what went wrong and then what? We keep repeating the mistakes so more tragic incidents like this can keep happening? Is that what you guys want? I know these things are difficult to talk about, and it makes people uncomfortable that making bad decisions can lead to others being involved in tragedy. But that’s just the way it is.
  17. Because that’s how life works. Ultimately decisions were made that lead to the accident. Trying to find out what went on to prevent things like this from happening should be part of the process.
  18. Because blame has to fall somewhere. For Haskins sake, culpability that falls on someone else brings better light to his death. Nobody wants to be remembered for a bad decision that lead to their demise. The driver gets to live, culpable or not. Living is still better than being dead, even if you have to carry the burden.
  19. Pre major technological advances, this would make a little more sense. But we have phones, on star, (potentially friends in the car - (Yolo)) , and other technology. I just don’t really understand it I guess. I wonder if the Steelers organization will do the right thing. Haskins had no guaranteed money, I wonder if they will give some of that contract money to his grieving family. If I was an NFL owner, I would do something out of a decent gesture.
  20. Maybe he was walking to the nearest exit, we don’t officially know. The CNN article I linked to earlier said he was walking on the road (presumably on the shoulder) and he then attempted to cross multiple lanes of the highway. The question is why? What could be so dire that you felt like you needed to risk your own life just to get to the other side. You are right, I personally don’t think walking ANYWHERE near a highway is a good idea. I would personally pull over as far as I reasonable can off the shoulder and call for a tow, friends, or the police. Some of us are just trying to understand the thought processes that lead to this incidence. I think the only reasonable explanation would be over confidence. This is all assuming even if the CNN story is factually correct.
  21. I eluded to this earlier in the thread. I’ve been trying to think of this from multiple angles and this is the only reasonable thing I could think of. I figured the decision must of stemmed from overconfidence. Simply relying on his elite athleticism, thinking he could do it. But maybe we won’t find out the real motive for his decision to cross the interstate. I would have to assume though, if it was because of car trouble, he would have enough connections to come help him. After all he is a professional athlete and all he would have to do is make a phone call. I just feel bad. Terrible really. I would just like to know what was going through his head at the moment he made these decisions. Just trying to make sense of it. I think we have all made some risky decisions in life that we would probably want back. I just hope for his sake there is more to the story than simply just making a bad mistake. Hopefully it was simply just an accident and the driver was mostly at fault. Either way, it doesn’t take away a persons dignity, and Haskins deserves that. Sober or not. May all those involved get the peace they deserve.
  22. People get a thrill of the chase. It’s why we discuss drafts, weather forecasts, stock forecasts. There is no harm in it. It’s investigating, using facts to try and tie a story. Ultimately yes, the real story is what matters, but all of us are just positing possibilities. Condolences have been said, and it’s a sad story, but there is no harm in trying to figure out how or why the story transpired.
  23. This is all fine and dandy, but mostly people aren’t trying to cross a busy interstate. There isn’t much common sense into the speculation. Distressed judgement is about the best you can hope for.
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