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Posts posted by newcam2012

  1. 11 hours ago, Captain Caveman said:

    Hi all - this is a double post with permission from the Mods (also in Fantasy Community here  )


    Would anyone be interested in having a weekly group / league for daily fantasy? 


    Edit to give a little more information (feel free to chime in on things you'd like to see or if you have any suggestions on how to do it differently.)

    I have been really enjoying the Thursday night single game contests on Fanduel.  I was thinking it might be fun to have the group play just the Sunday night game each week.  We could also take a vote if we want to spread it around more.   I'd be a little hesitant for it to be focused on the Bills games, but could try something like that if it's the direction people would like it to go in. 


    For those who haven't played, you basically have a budget and can pick 5 offensive players from that game (with a set budget so you can't just pick the 5 biggest stars) with your top choice getting their points multiplied 1.5x.   We can pick the buy in, but I was thinking 5 or 10$ a week.


    For anyone who is not already signed up for Fanduel, if you use this link you'll get a 10$ credit (and full disclosure so will I.) We can either set it as a public league to fill it out (but we will all know about it and would be hopefully mostly TBD people) or we can do a private league, in which case those interested would need to share their usernames with me so I can invite them.


    For anyone who is interested - please respond (or message me) with your FanDuel username so I can add you to the contest.




    Yes very much so.

  2. 4 hours ago, billybrew1 said:

    I can't Billieve I didn't see having major problems before the Pittsburgh game that we're highly compounded by the fact we had to play Pittsburgh who has Hayward and Watts and others.....

    Dion Dawkins missing much of camp with covid and coming back weak and ill.

    Plus Feliciano moving from RG to LG providing the perfect storm on the left side of the OL.


    How long will it take for: Dawkins to fully recover? For Feliciano to adjust to LG?

    For Dawkins - Feliciano - Morse to be on the same page?

    You really could extend that to the whole line who has someone new next to him....

    Dawkins - Feliciano - Morse - Ford - Williams.


    They gotta get their ***** together and fast! There are no chumps coming up on the schedule...

    Could it be that the players you mentioned are healthy and just lacking talent especially vs a Steeler front 4?

    4 hours ago, The Red King said:

    Week 1 was disappointing, no doubt.  But it was one week.  The season is not over.  We lost by 7 to last year's #3 seed.


    I remember the Bills curb-stomping the Pats week 1 awhile back.  A classic game where a D-Lineman (Adams) had a Pick-6 on Brady.  The Pats then won 14 of their remaining 15, including beating Buffalo the last week of the season by an identical score to what we did to them week 1.  That Pats team won the Superbowl that year.


    So...too early to write off the season.  Are there things to be concerned about?  Of course!  Allen looked like a deer in headlights, like he wasn't ready for the pressure of being favorites.  And that O-line should be nicknamed 'The Red Carpet'.  I will be watching and praying for signifigant improvement from all of them.


    But...let's not write off the whole season yet.

    Appreciate the post but I don't think anyone is writing off the Bills. The patriot comparassion isn't a good one because Brady was on the team. 

  3. 12 minutes ago, Putin said:

    When you can get pressure with 4 lineman it’s a bad matchup no matter who is on the receiving end 

    There are ways to slow down a pass rush. For example, solid run game, screens, quick slants, misdirection plays, etc... The Bills flat out failed to make the proper adjustments, players didn't execute, and or they don't have the personnel to match up with the Steelers. Probably a combination of all three. 

    17 minutes ago, Putin said:

    When you can get pressure with 4 lineman it’s a bad matchup no matter who is on the receiving end 

    Wish the Bills could do something similar. 

  4. 4 hours ago, BADOLBILZ said:



    Even if they played that poorly against the Chiefs or Bucs.......in one of the greatest homefield advantages in team history......... it would be concerning.


    Even today Vegas still expects the Steelers to finish 3rd in their division.


    Let's not get carried away with the strength of the opponent.......the Bills beat themselves.........they didn't take what the defense gave them,   they got out-coached by A LOT(especially in the second half) and they failed to generate a turnover and lost that battle.

    Agree 100%. Imho, its an excuse and a cop out to use the Steeler D as an excuse. It was a total team loss. The offense just plain sucked except for one great drive. Special teams gave up a rd in a blocked punt, and the defense under preformed in the second half. Coaching was about as bad as it gets. I'm not afraid to criticize when its warranted. The Bills from top to bottom deserve the backlash. It was an unacceptable product, preparation, and strategy. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Sheneneh Jenkins said:

    Yeah but kinda have to take into consideration this 1 game and 1st of the season was against the Steelers. I mean they are known to be a tough team. imo it's nothing to be concerned about just yet.



    Partly true but I think the concerns stated in the playoffs. KC manhandled us. Balt defense smothered us as well. However, weather was a huge factor no doubt. I think the offensive issues shouldn't be so easily dismissed as Pitt is a tough match up. The inability to run and pass block consistently has been a theme for this team for a long time. It definitely shows up when the Bills are facing top 10 teams. Fortunately, I think the Dolphins are a team we should beat dispute the above mentioned issues. 

  6. 5 hours ago, ScottLaw said:

    It’s a 17 game season…. Even if they lose they’ll have 15 more games to get it fixed….. maybe the expectations change  a bit with a loss, like the number one seed in the conference, but I’d still see them figuring things out and winning the division, specifically with the next two games after this one.

    Very plausible. The AFC east is  weak and the Bills appear to be the beat team. 

  7. 3 hours ago, PaattMaann said:


    talk about an over reaction lol. "A Team that laid an egg at home on opening day". Laid an egg? They were leading the game for 3 quarters. Did they miss a bunch of opportunities? Oh absolutely. Their o-line stunk against the best front 7 in football, and that was not great to see. Our offense doesnt match up well with the Steelers, and hasnt for three straight tries now. The difference in this game last sunday was the bounces and calls and big play (blocked punt) went the Steelers way instead of ours...but thats the game of football. 


    Pump the brakes on your dire straits act bud. This is a fantastically loaded football team. I fully expect them to win Sunday (steelers game was 50/50 for me) and remain in the drivers seat for the division and one of the top two seeds in the AFC. 


    *Also, your 0-2 teams only having 12% chance doesnt account for the fact that teams play an extra regular season game this year for the first time. Take a deep breath. 

    I like the counter argument. I do believe we have an outstanding chance to win the divison by default. The Jets stink, Pats are average and Miami is decent. 


    When you are a 6.5 point favorite at home on opening day and you score 10 points, have a "franchise QB" who goes for 30-51 for 270 with 1 lost fumble and 1 TD pass, an Oline that looked like Swiss cheese (the Steelers hardly ever blitzed), coaching calls, strategy, and preparation that was horrific offensively, lack of running game or threat, a debacle on special teams that led to a TD, etc. That's "laying an egg." No other way to put it. You can make all the excuses you want. Perhaps they are legitimate. Frankly. I don't believe you or most here thought this was a 50-50 game. Certainly, the Vegas experts didn't. What do they know?  To boot, the Bills were catching a revamped offense from the Steelers. A rookie RB, a suspect Oline, a new offensive coordinator, and an old Ben on the road. What more could the Bills ask for? 

    I'm breathing just fine. I'm ok with my unpopular opinions and people disagreeing and even correcting my errors. 

    In the end, we all want the same goal of the Bills hoisting that conveted trophy. Sunday they took a major step backwards and their defiencies were exposed. On to Miami...

    I think thats fair to say. 

  8. 1 hour ago, billsfan_34 said:

    Year 4 franchise QBs should not be “jittery”. Swagger and confidence with good mechanics was missing. Daboll did not help him out with a putrid game plan and play calling, especially in critical situations i.e. 4th and 1.5 - what the F was that backwards pass to Breida? Tight games you slam that rock up the gut.

    Allen was pretty bad and that's undeniable. Very disappointing that the offense was manhandled on every level. There is plenty of blame to go around and Pitt's D gets credit too. Scoring 10 points isn't going to get the Bills wins. 


    Agree on pounding the rock but can they do that? The Bills offensively aren't that type of team. Imho, I highly doubt a run between the tackles would have gotten the Bills a first down. 

  9. 2 hours ago, BillsSbSoon said:

    To me this is worse. We lost on a fluke to arizona. Right now were headed to miami vs a team we have owned that would relish sending us to 0-2. 

    Agree this is much worse. The Arizona lost hurt but it was already established that the Bills were a very good offensive football team. A team who had a very very high probability of winning their division thus going to the playoffs.


    Fast forward to now. We have a team thats offense has looked sub par for 3 consecutive games. A QB, running game, and an offensive line that's been mediocre at best. A ream that laid an egg at home on opening day. A coaching staff that looked unprepared and had horrific offensive game plan and play calling. 


    We will see what this team is made of. Was last year was an annomally or if we a legit contenders? Teams that start out 0-2 have about a 12% chance of making the post season. I'd say the Bills are in a must win situation. Not something I ever thought I'd be saying at this time.





    • Agree 2
  10. 2 hours ago, Thurman#1 said:



    Nah. Or at least not yet. Takes far more than one game to say either of these things.


    Joe B. also pointed out that play action was way way down this week, possibly because they ran so many 4 and 5 WR sets. A bit more of that should help. But we were actually running an offense that was somewhat different from what we ran last year. What the Steelers figured out was a fairly newish variant.


    Again, as Joe said, they were much more successful with 11 personnel than they were with 4 or 5 WRs.


    If the Steelers figured it all out, how come our plays with 11 personnel were so successful? Same question for Allen's regression. 


    Too much recency bias in the many sky is falling posts this week. Far too early to say.

    Agree it too early to say. What's not disputable is the Bills offense and Allen have been pretty poor in their last three outings. (Balt, KC, and Pitt.) Each of those games Allen was pressured and running for his life. The lack of a run game coupled with a porous Oline is concerning. Time will tell if my premise is correct. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Alphadawg7 said:


    I definitely disagree with this take.  I literally was sitting with Levi's college friends during the whole game in the stands, and for that we literally watched Levi on just about every play.  


    Levi played great coverage all day and made some good plays.  There were only 2 negative plays, and they are not nearly as negative as they seem if you actually watch the play fully.  


    1.  The TD:  Levi had great coverage and deflected the ball.  Unfortunately, the WR made a sensational play and was able to catch the ball off the deflection still while also dragging his foot.  I don't know how Levi plays any better coverage than that, it was as simple as the bounce did not go his way.  


    2.  The PI:  This was definitely the correct flag, but for one reason and one reason only...he wasn't looking back at the ball.  I mean he even deflected the ball away.  But according to the rule, he has to be facing the ball as well to avoid PI.  HOWEVER...the actual reason for that is because the ball was grossly under thrown.  His coverage on the play was excellent and he had both his hands up and away from the receiver and actually deflected the pass.  But because the ball was so grossly under thrown, the result now is that Levi is in between the WR and the Ball, and the rule is that he must also make a play on the ball.  


    Keep in mind though, the guy he was covering is substantially bigger than him, and it was not even apparent until the very end of the pass that the ball coming was grossly under thrown.  Claypool did not jump back towards the ball until the last second as it was coming up short.  Hard to fault Levi on that when he is running step for step with a bigger and faster player.  


    His coverage on both those plays was actually very good.  The TD he deflected and got unlucky that Diontae just made a sensational play grabbing the tipped the pass.  The Claypool PI was excellent coverage on a guy much bigger and faster that resulted in a penalty because Big Ben has no arm left and it came up short where Chase didn't jump until the pass was already on them.  


    I watched Levi make several other good plays throughout the day and overall play very tight coverage most the game.  

    Great breakdown. I'm ok with being corrected and wrong. Even coach Fraizer said similar things. 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Old Coot said:

    I'm of the opinion that the O & D played well -- just not well enough to overcome the occasional mistakes -- e.g. blocked punt, the three or so holding penalties on 73, ther Keystone Kops play on 4th & 1 and (and this is a big and) Josh's inability to hit any of his deep throws.


    We put up 350 yards on a D that thpically allows less that 300 and we limited their O to about 250 yards.


    Our execution (particularly on O) needs improvement.


    As for the empty backfield formation, one of the broadcast commentators said this formation made it easier for Josh to identify potential blitzes.


    I also note that when we ran it was a power run game rather than a zone run game.


    My 2 cents

    Not sure how you can say the Oline played well. Imho, they were a major reason why we lost. Pitt hardly ever blitzed. Their front beat up on thw bills oline as Josh was under constant and consistent pressure. Allen threw the ball 51 times for 270 yards. Thus, the 270 passing is terrible. 

  13. 17 minutes ago, BillsFanSD said:

    The last time the offense played well was against the Colts in the playoffs.  They struggled against the Ravens (elite), Chiefs (elite) and Steelers (elite).  


    The Dolphins are not elite.  


    Bills win easy. 

    Hope the Bills win! I don't think the Chiefs defense was and is elite. Just ask Tom Brady. Derrick Carr just shredded the elite Balt defense. At some point, the Bills fans should realize that their offense has been exposed and decline in production is not absurd.  No run game or threat of it and coupled with a porous Oline are the main issues. If Allen isn't super human the Bills are likely to lose or struggle to win. That's exactly what we witnessed on Sunday against the Steelers. 

  14. This game worries me. The Bills offense hasn't really clicked or played well since when? Our run game or lack of, problems on the Oline, and the blueprint is evident on how to stop Daboll's scheme. No doubt the Dolphins will follow the Ravens, Chiefs, and Steeler blueprint. It's no genius game plan. Hoping they don't have the personal to match up. The Bills offense needs a jump start big time! The Bills defense has issues as well. Can they generate a pass rush? Stop the run? Secondary is an issue as well. Look no further than Wallace. Home opener for a Miami team and they know us well. I can see a very tight game. My prediction is Bills win ugly 20- 17. Think Allen and the offense struggle on the road. Bills defense comes up with big play and hit game winning FG. 

  15. 23 hours ago, JerseyBills said:

    I blame 17.

    Dude got paid and was just severely inaccurate.  There was plays to be made, he just made bad decisions and some awful throws. 

    Lets hope this was an anomaly, every QB has bad weeks. Josh has proven he can bounce back , hopefully he can continue that trend

    Very well stated. Honest and blunt. 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  16. 8 hours ago, CincyBillsFan said:

    I disagree. Against an elite defense the Allen of 2018 would have likely had less then half the yards and two or more INT's facing that level of pressure.  Allen did not play a great game but it's an exaggeration to suggest he was playing anywhere near his 2018 level.


    Think back to 2018 when the Bills played an elite D in Green Bay.  Allen was 16/33 for 151 yards and 2 INT's.


    I hear what you are saying. It's a matter of perception. I stand by my original comment. In fact, while watching the game by myself, I said OMG he's playing like rookie. I saw him throw off his back foot numerous times, threw into double and triple coverage, lacked field vision, inaccurate on long and short throws, etc...I never felt like he was in command and playing with confidence. His body language seemed less then inspiring. I didn't see the fire, leadership, or passion. It was clear he was off and wasn't playing well. Sure the Pitt defense had a lot to do with it and its only one game. I'm expecting a better Josh this Sunday. Hoping he doesn't look like a rookie again...

  17. 1 hour ago, John from Riverside said:

    Of course it is ok to criticize.....have have my own and have already stated them......for.....this.....game


    We have people on this board making general sweeping statements that are frankly.....just ignorant that is my problem with all of this....just a few I have heard


    - McD sucks and is the weak link of this team

    - Allen has reverted back his rookie form

    - Deboll has always sucked

    - Gabe Davis should be getting more targets then Stephon Diggs


    Yes....people really said these things

    Did they actually say that or is that your interpretation? Could "they" have said or meant:

    - McD sucked yesterday

    - Allen did revert back to his rookie form yesterday

    - Daboll did suck yesterday

    - Gabe deserves more targets.




  18. 2 hours ago, Thurman#1 said:



    McVay has one game with Stafford. They might be a top five Super Bowl contender this year. Or not. We don't know yet.


    And yeah, Allen had less than 300 yards. How was Daboll holding him back when Allen overthrew a wide open Sanders on that bomb? Sorry, but Allen had a bunch of poor throws today. You like Allen, so you're trying not to put any of the blame on him. That doesn't make sense. He deserves a lot of the blame today, just as McDermott and Daboll deserve a lot of the credit for last year.

    Great post Thurman. On point once again. I'd add on Allen missed an open Diggs on a pass too. He looked every bit like his rookie year. 

    2 hours ago, BTB said:

    I'll take Idiot OC's for $1000 Alex...


    Alex: Screen passes, rollouts, and keeping a RB in to chip a pass rusher. 


    What is "How do you slow down a team that is destroying you with their pass rush".

    Lol. Love the wittiness.

  19. 3 minutes ago, Just in Atlanta said:

    If you're a longtime follower of this message board, and I imagine any other board, you'll see "we were exposed" and "everyone, calm down" posts after every bad loss following hype.


    We win if:


    That punt hadn't been blocked 


    And ...


    Josh connects with Emmanuel Sanders


    You can also say the same in reverse about any close win, of which we had plenty last year. 


    But does anyone believe last year was hype? It wasn't. Our biggest problem last year was D line, which performed yesterday. Our team got better. 


    Yesterday, Allen was off, Daboll for whatever reason didn't call enough runs, our line was pushed around a bit by a very good defense, and the Steelers benefited from a bad holding call or two. 


    Willing to bet money they rebound next week with a more diverse attack. 




    Hope you are right. I remain skeptical that we are a better team. Especially after yesterday. I have some concerns about whether Allen can duplicate or better his phenomenonal last year's performance.

    5 minutes ago, teef said:

    you've also made some absurd comments.  the bills were exposed in the playoffs last year even though they were a game away from the super bowl?  the bills can only beat average teams and not playoff contenders?  if you're going to be critical, at least be intelligent about it.  people are far too emotional about this loss.

    Your taking what I said out of context. I'll just leave it at that. 

  20. 1 hour ago, Success said:


    I mean, I'm not even sure how to respond to that.


    When no receivers are open, of course a QB is going to have to scramble more.  That changed the whole game.  


    The old injury excuse never sits well with me. Imho, the Bills didn't lose the game due to injuried WRs. They lost because KC was a significallyly better team. Frankly, it wasn't even close. If they meet again, I suspect a similar outcome. 

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