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Posts posted by Dukestreetking

  1. 2 hours ago, NewEra said:

    Along with throwing a perfect 40 yard lob to evans along the sideline on 3rd down with a man in his face. 


    Fair point. Imho, I actually thought TB* was trying to throw OoB w maybe a little 50-50 ball thrown in. 


    I would guess 80-20 former over the latter.


    If it was the latter, however, then that was one of the most ridiculously skilled passes I've ever seen. Back foot, clutch, defender-in-his-grill type throws.



  2. The most poignant, meaningful image of this game: JA on the bench, post-Knox TD, his injured, bare foot propped up by his own helmet.


    Trainers scurrying about trying to tape it up. But Josh is paying them zero attention, not grimacing or showing any signs of concern. Instead, he is utterly focused on the Surface images from the prior series, as he stoically prepares for his next go on the field.


    Jesus, if we had just one more guy like this, sky is the limit for this team.

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  3. 47 minutes ago, harryS said:

    Jones is easily the best rookie QB and will continue to develop and improve under Belichick.  I agree that Allen is better as of today but it might not be the case in two or three years. 

    Perhaps; he has shown his mental acuity.


    But I think his physical tools are, quite simply, lacking and as such he will never teach an elite level (ie, on par w JA17). Brady had much better physical skills.


    I mean, didn't we see how utterly slow and ineffective he was in the missed roll out pass? I was shocked, tbh. 


    Hell, he's slower than Alec Baldwin accepting responsibility for his actions.

  4. I am so ashamed my friend. As penance to you and TBD I've joined Opus Dei. The flogging will continue until my posts are improved.


    On another note: I actually carried 3 different double action sidearms in The Lands of Real Pow-Pows and Pew-Pews.


    Baretta m9, Sig 226, and primarily Glock 19. Along w my M4 of course.


    If they would've handed me a single action Colt, I would've definitely shot myself in the face!

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  5. Doh! Never, ever reply after midnight! @Danand @Irv you are absolutely correct.


    The (sort of) mnemonic device is single action does just one thing--trigger drops hammer-- while double action does two...trigger pull both ***** and drops hammer (though latter can still be manually manipulated.


    I think in my sleep haze I torqued it up...I've only known this for about 35 years.


    Sorry for the confusion boys, and thanks for the assist. Will correct above.

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  6. On 12/5/2021 at 9:13 AM, Doc said:

    he doesn't know that it's the hammer that is key in the whole process, not just the trigger (which actuates the hammer).  I've never shot a gun and even I know that.

    Just for clarity, on a double action weapon, the trigger pull, in most cases, both ***** the hammer and actuates to strike the primer...unless you have first manually cocked the hammer.


    Single action: the hammer must first be manually "cocked" then the trigger pull fires the weapon. This is done with each round fired.


    Bottom line, in any event: this jackalope broke basically all of the 4 golden rules of gun safety. It's almost impossible to comprehend the stupidity.



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  7. I've never smoked...but been a low-level dipper for 25+ yrs. About 1 can/10 days.


    Started overseas, on ops where you simply have to stay awake and/or need something to work w the adrenaline.


    Anyway, I don't "feel" effects like smoking as, for example, workouts were never harmed.


    Anyone have thoughts, advice, experience on saying salud to Skoal?

  8. 14 minutes ago, Johnnycage46 said:


    Agreed...I've also heard the same phrase but replacing "punched in the face" with "when the bullets start flying".


    The quote is "no plan survives first contact with the enemy". Variously attributed to Ike, McArthur, others...but likely first stated by von Moltke.



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  9. 2 hours ago, ScottLaw said:

    Can’t say I disagree with the money coming in on the Patriots… but they are more than due for a loss.

    I'm confused. If the line went fr Bills -3.5/3.0 to -2.5, that means an edge in $ coming in for Bills.


    The point drop is to induce $ for the Pats*.


    The goal is to have even money, and pocket the vig.


    Or am I having a flashback from my many Bufo Alvarius trips? Dig it bro.

  10. 2 hours ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    I understand it will be appealed but hopefully it is fully rejected by whichever court hears it. All trials have some issues but that should not be enough to get retrial.

    I hear you but...this is not a small procedural issue. The appeal would not involve a fact finding of the jury but how the jury was instructed to find and weigh those facts...beyond reasonable doubt.


    This, imv and others, is ripe pickings for the defense...if they have $ to appeal of course.


    Again, to be clear, my view is that these guys should've simply called the cops...esp since LEOs were canvassing neighborhood w AA's picture before the shooting. This is simply a fact in evidence.


    So, bottom line, law is the law (cliche alert) and we will see how the appeals court views the issues I noted. I've no insight in that regard.



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  11. This will be appealed based on incorrect jury instructions, and may well be reversed (leading to a 2nd trial).


    Per Branca, the two sentence Georgia law re Citizen Arrest should be read under Doctrines of Plain text/strict construction, and Lenity.


    Potential problem: judge effectively left it to the jury to make own conclusions on meaning of a confusing statute.


    NOTE1: I am addressing due process of case, not whether I think these guys are innocent.


    NOTE2: as I understand it, lethal force privileges found in law of self-defense do not, per se, apply under citizen arrest circumstances. The various states have different laws but I think the above is a general standard.



  12. 8 minutes ago, Ed_Formerly_of_Roch said:

    White may be a strong #2 CB next season, but would be nervous with his as the #1.  By 2023, should be OK IMO.


    This is a good point. In my experience (x3), it is a 1.5-2yr full recovery. Obviously I'm not a pro athlete but I'm very active.


    After 3 mo, you can run (linear) movement w/o many issues; hell, I tore for 3rd time in Iraq and still stayed for couple months.


    Everything else is building back quickness and movement, both mentally and physically.


    I believe @Hapless Bills Fanhad one or more and would be interested in his take.


    *for emphasis: we still don't know what this injury is.

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