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Posts posted by Dukestreetking


    On 11/22/2021 at 10:20 PM, Brianmoorman4jesus said:

    We are on the ropes but the towel isn’t on the ground yet. Bounce back, dust yourselves off and go out there and find a way to get a goddamn W.


    As Marv used to quote:


    I am hurt, but I am not slain;


    I'll lay me down and bleed a-while,


    And then I'll rise and fight again.


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  2. 3 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    If he posted "it would be better off if all these white people were dead" that would be really good direct evidence


    Frankish, I really enjoy your posts.


    But I am compelled to re-post my msg in the KR thread, which provides rather direct evidence of the racial animus you mention. (And I am am not a proponent of hate crime prosecutions)


    Further, I assure you, there's much more I captured before social media accounts were zapped.


    Brooks wrote on FB:



    • Agree 1
  3. Top line question: should the Brooks' murders be charged under hate crime circumstances?


    1. I've just carefully reviewed the "full video" of the carnage (8 sub-vids) pulled from the entire length of the event, approx 1m20s of blowing thru people.


    2. Won't post or link here...not recommended to watch unless you're used to seeing such things.


    3. Brooks drove E-W along the entire northern portion of the route, circa 0.6 miles!


    4. I counted at least 6 intersections he could've exited, before finally driving thru barriers at W end of Main St.


    5. This, along w reviewing his social media (prior to scrub), leads to clear indication he doesn't like certain races.


    6. Totality of evidence may suggest racially purposeful murders (as a manner of speaking), though that may not have been initial intent.


    Personally, my answer would be "no" as I'm not a supporter of hate crime legislation/prosecution.


    Reasonable thoughts on this welcomed.

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  4. Oh, delicious irony for those following thread last week...


    Last night I took a screen grab of one of his rap vids, fearing it would quickly be erased (spoiler alert: now gone).


    Guess what kids?


    He's doing the alleged "white power" sign!!!


    Sometimes, you just can't make this stuff up.


    Update: vid is off YT but still available on other platforms, Rumble, etc 




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  5. 13 minutes ago, Miyagi-Do Karate said:

    colts play lots of cover 2. The way you can really beat that is with the TE in the seam. Knox almost has to have a big game for us. 


    Further on this: I don't know who will (primarily) cover DK but if it's Leonard, Knox could have a great day.


    Reason: if you watched HK Colts, you saw Leonard writhing in pain w that ankle. Also, he seems to play inside leverage.


    Aside: I'm in agreement w @BuffaloBillies...had a dream that McK takes one home, though not sure if it's PR or KR.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. I stopped posting on this thread b/c of the utter nonsense, lack of case knowledge and ignorance of the law...on the part of some.


    But, with respect @Backintheday544, I gotta call you out on this white power symbol.


    Started literally as a 4chan goof/hoax. Now, there may be some idiots who don't get the satire (actual WSs) but they are exceptionally few.


    Don't take my word for it. The ADL--which we all know is a far right org (sarc)--says of the phenomenon:


    As a result, someone who uses the symbol cannot be assumed to be using the symbol in either a trolling or, especially, white supremacist context unless other contextual evidence exists to support the contention. Since 2017, many people have been falsely accused of being racist or white supremacist for using the “okay” gesture in its traditional and innocuous sense.


    • Thank you (+1) 3
  7. I realize everyone is worried sick about this, so I'll give a sitrep:


    For the 7th consecutive game some a-holes have me in a 1p zoom conference.


    I mean, seriously, WTF is wrong with these people?


    Thank you for your attention. You may resume scheduled programming.

    • Like (+1) 2
  8. 11 minutes ago, daz28 said:

    Answer me this yes or no:  if the 2nd group of people thought he was a shooter, and were trying to disarm/stop him, would they have had a right to shoot him after he fired on them???  

    I'm not trying to be a D-bag about this, but I've addressed this two times already. The rule is basically demonstrable "good faith", plus the other standards I laid out.


    Example is school shooting: civilian and plain clothes cop. If they both shoot, TRULY believing the other is the bad guy, then they have deadly force privilege.


    The issues then become really proving good faith, and also satisfying the other standards...not an easy thing.

  9. Ok, I'll try to sneak in a comment to answer some of the interesting questions/issues. Won't be able to cover whole gamut right now, and I'll prob repeat what some have said.


    1. Law of (potential) deadly force self-defense (SD) is not emotional or "court of public opinion"...it is a set of standards that are weighed against evidence.


    2. Cops have generally same standards but more privileges/immunities.


    3. Some of the theoretical cases w/n the thread are not relevant to present issue.


    4. As to Chef bar fight example: it begins to bleed into the sticky wicket of "mutual combat" law, which can remove certain SD privileges. The branches and sequels of that combat are too numerous to concisely address in this forum.


    However, in Chef's specific example, he would almost certainly not be charged, if the assumptions are true.


    Chef not aggressor=Innocence standard; he matched punch for punch=Proportional; the mutual combat was singular (he didn't sucker punch me 20m later)=Imminence; he fought vs me instead of just sitting there getting his ass kicked=Reasonable.


    Again, I emphasize that it's particularly complicated.


    5. As mentioned, WI is a "shall open carry" state under standard firearm license. Meaning, you are allowed to carry openly; only a CCW/CCP allows concealment. Thus the LAW, not one's personal feelings, recognizes such an act is not inherently aggressive.


    6. With that in mind, one can have general poor judgement/be stupid yet he still retains, in a deadly force encounter, all the relevant SD privileges. I'm not suggesting KR was particularly stupid, btw.


    7. In the case of "defending vs active shooter" (imv, not proven in this case), the standard is "good faith". I won't further describe as I have example up-thread.


    More to say about this case's circumstances (I actually watched it live via a protester vid stream) but will have to weigh in later. Sorry for long post.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
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  10. @Chef Jim


    I want to work with you on this and...I don't want to sound pedantic.


    But very humble suggestion: start w the 4 basics of privileged self-defense. I've noted them up-thread.


    Once those are in mind, it will help you sift the wheat fr the chaff in this case (doesn't mean, per se, the jury won't convict...but they shouldn't).


    That said, I'll admit my bias: I am an absolute hawk on self-defense, as I believe the right arises from natural vice positive law.


    Read the Federalist papers to understand that position.

  11. My goodness. I don't have the time right now to provide all the "facts in evidence"...but...


    I'll just address why he was in the street (not that it matters in the law of self-defense).


    A-hole #1 started a dumpster fire. KR moved from his position to extinguish the fire, as he had done twice previously.


    This further inflamed AH#1, which then led to him chasing KR down the street (recall the "friendly, friendly, friendly" shout fr KR in the car parking lot, captured on vid).

    • Like (+1) 2
  12. On 11/15/2021 at 12:41 PM, Process said:

    US side definitely has some nice views of the falls but other than 1 casino, there is nothing else their.


    We in NF do have one thing the Canadians seriously lack: copious amounts of gunfire... celebratory, targeted, collateral. You want it, we got it.


    Soooo, come on over and get your fill!

  13. 21 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    How many other people died that night outside of Rittenhouse victims and the police shooting of Jacob Blake?


    Btw, over last several days I read the DA and the independent Wray reports on Blake incident (87, 25pp respectively). To save everyone the trouble.


    1. Both found a completely justified shooting (full sequence) by Ofc  Shesky.


    2. The investigative facts established don't exactly match up w public/media information. And I mean that quite sarcastically.

    • Like (+1) 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:

    Where in the Sharp Football Stats page is this?  I was looking.  Thanks.

    I have to retract: the mobile version is so glitchy that the dynamic tables make no sense, esp for 2021.


    Indeed, the page says you should use PC not cell phone. If I figure it out, I'll let thread know.


    Btw, data under Snap Rates: Shotgun v Under Center

  15. 5 hours ago, BillsShredder83 said:

    Anybody else see this? 




    Bills are 21st in league in shotgun (59%) vs under center. So they aren't really a shotgun heavy team. Highest is Bal at 96% . Via sharpfootballstats.


    I couldn't find game to game breakouts, so I don't know if Sun was a significant deviation.


    Retraction: mobile dynamic table very glitchy; data incoherent. Will try to update.

  16. 7 hours ago, daz28 said:

    Hypothetically, if a "good guy with a gun" shoots the actual shooter(in a mass shooting incident), and there's a case of mistaken identity after, is it ok for him to shoot the people who BELIEVE that he is the bad guy, who are only trying to disarm him?


    The legal standard in such a case is "good faith".


    Ex: school shooting. Armed janitor and plain clothes police enter the building. Former shoots the latter b/c he thinks he's the bad guy.


    Assuming other self-defense tests met, it's likely a "clean shoot" and janitor should not be prosecuted.


    In the KR case, was he displaying attributes of an active shooter? I won't go into the facts in evidence, but the answer, to my mind, is no.


    @Beast I believe answered correctly the other issue you raised.

  17. 1 hour ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    In spite of some serious flaws with that characterization, I think the jury ends up voting that way.  The folks watching the outcome closely will fall into two categories—those who think he was railroaded and found  guilty of a crime he didn’t commit who will be disappointed, and the anarchists who have already demonstrated a sincere willingness to burn down &*$# and rage for extended periods of time.  The govt already mobilized the national guard, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see what a not guilty verdict will yield.  In the end, it boils down to one man’s life v more anarchy and bloodshed.  



    Interesting post...I realize where you're coming from (per prior msg) and it is indeed an old saw that juries vote on emotion, not the law.


    The schwerpunkt in this case is the Rosenbaum encounter, imv. If not justified, the house comes tumbling down.


    However, the state has not weaved a "beyond reasonable doubt" narrative fact pattern, judged v doctrinal self-defense elements: innocence, imminence, proportionality, and reasonableness (avoidance not applicable under WI law). The jury should therefore acquit on homicide charges.


    To say otherwise is to not understand the rich tradition of self-defense law, nor the constitutional case law that develops the 2A "regulated militia..." clause, nor the present "facts in evidence".


    Wildcards are reckless endangerment count, jury instructions re provocation, and poor defense closing.


    He may get torqued on the RE charge if the jury thinks, well, we have to convict him of something.

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