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Everything posted by JDHillFan

  1. Just left the gym. Mostly white people and plenty of tattoos along with a number of non-athletes doing all kinds of awkward things but nary a single goose-stepper in the bunch. Hate day seems like a dud. These people that see NAZIS around every corner sure don’t live in my neck of the woods.
  2. https://news.gallup.com/poll/406739/government-remains-americans-top-problem-2022.aspx Discussed by those looking for a wedge issue. Sadly for those thinking contraception being in danger was a good wedge to drive, it turns out they were quite wrong. Not found anywhere in this poll from two months ago “targeting of contraception by GOP”. Isn’t there something more pressing we can clutch our pearls about? NAZIS maybe?
  3. Update - I saw a crowd of white people gathering in the main part of town. I immediately thought this was my chance to finally see real NAZIS but it turned out to be a craft show. Starting to think I’ve been duped on the whole NAZIS are everywhere thing. Maybe they are avid hikers and I’m just looking in the wrong places.
  4. I found this in the story, ostensibly about NAZI’S running amok, you linked: It did not go the way I expected, but in the best way possible. I definitely noticed a few extra stares from random students, but wearing a kippah seemed to make me more approachable to the casual onlooker. A peer in one of my classes asked about Yom Kippur and what holidays were coming up for me — not from a place of malice, but genuine curiosity and a wish to learn. Strangers who were vaguely familiar with the Hebrew calendar and its timing wished me a “happy holiday,” even if they did not know exactly which holiday I was celebrating. You are so desperate to cling to your outrage at people that have political perspectives different from your own that you just throw any old sh*t at the wall. Starting to doubt your UVA faculty claims as you are making yourself look simple here. As another poster just suggested - stay in your lane. The lane in which you smear someone as an Uncle Tom seems like the one you are most comfortable in.
  5. Update on NAZI sightings on DoH - thought I hit paydirt on my way to the store when I saw an arm suddenly jut skyward. Turned out to be a lady at a crosswalk shielding her eyes from the sun. Regardless, I will remain vigilant throughout the day. Of hate.
  6. Wow! Good find! NYC, Philly, Buffalo, Rochester, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, St Louis, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles, and Honolulu must all be doing better with crime than I imagined! That’s not the only thing they have in common over several decades. One might have thought that having one party rule for decades on end would have resulted in better outcomes. Maybe there’s something in the policies that just doesn’t work. Maybe all the NAZIS are to blame. edit - my apologies to those of you in Denver. Didn’t mean to leave you off the list. You’ve been “benefiting” for 45 years and deserve some recognition here.
  7. One thing they have in common is that both cities have experienced the “benefit” of democrat/progressive rule for decades running.
  8. Oh thank heav…..thank goodness they are taking covid seriously. Redhawk and chigoose can rest easy that this event won’t turn into a deadly superspreader. Nobody selfish or stupid in this crowd!
  9. I imagine having no core principles makes life easier. Good for you.
  10. Here’s a question for you - where is your line drawn on what offends you? You are rightfully set back by antisemitic tropes (even though you have attempted to defend Omar/Tlaib in the past. Odd) but you are perfectly fine with declaring a black man to be an Uncle Tom. How do you pick and choose? I live in a red pocket of a deep blue state. Ripe for NAZI sightings. Maybe at the grocery store.
  11. Just got back from coffee and donut. No NAZI sightings yet but I will be running errands most of the day and I’m sure they will pop up. They’re everywhere!
  12. So it’s a love of good sayings or a love of good literature that has you convinced that you are suited to slander a successful man in that way? I’m having trouble following. A couple days ago it was because internet strangers said mean things about Biden and Obama. Maybe you can just clear it all up and tell us specifically why a retired UVA faculty member thinks they have enough standing in the world to slander a man in this way. And don’t act like you aren’t looking at porn up this late. There’s not even plausible deniability.
  13. Unrelated, but how many African American men to disparage as Uncle Tom’s?
  14. I propose we use this thread to report all of our NAZI sightings today. So far I have seen none but based on the fine work the SPLC does in tracking NAZI organizations I suspect I will be seeing quite a few out and about as I run Saturday errands. My understanding is that they are everywhere. Will report back with the day’s NAZI interactions.
  15. The little girls looking up in awe at the once-dude that marginalizes real women is a nice touch.
  16. Never safe to assume these days. That’s something we can thank “progressives” for.
  17. I’ve seen enough of your posts to know that this passes as humor from you. As a comedian, you made a fine medical faculty person. Maybe UVA is where you realized you were superior enough to call an accomplished African American man an Uncle Tom.
  18. Yeah, it’s a huge story. People can’t stop talking about it. I can’t get anywhere near the water cooler at the office without hearing condom this, IUD that. Frankly, I and all my neighbors are outraged at this attack on contraception. Please keep me posted on this gripping story so that I know when to run out and stock up on sponges like Elaine. Effing Tucker is probably behind it! I’m familiar with the act. I’m fine with it being voted down based on issues of religious liberty and also the fact that the “contraception freedom” matter doesn’t even exist. It was created as a wedge issue. It certainly gave a wedgie to anyone uptight about it in Feb 2023.
  19. Occupy Democrats dropping the KN95 and exposing themselves as total dumbass.
  20. About 90% or about 99%? It’s a complete non-story but there must be manufactured outrage at all times.
  21. Yeah but everyone has more to spend because of the great job Brandon did lowering energy costs. I’m sure I heard that from a high ranking cabinet member earlier this week.
  22. I thought only righty’s were hypocrites. Learn something new every day.
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