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Everything posted by JDHillFan

  1. Why can’t there be more lefty’s with a sober thought on occasion? Well done Brian K.
  2. It’s really cool. Great sound and you can still talk to the person next to you. During “Atomic City” they put up a street scene of LV that includes the street directly adjacent to Sphere with all the same signage. It took me a minute to figure out if it was a real-time video of the street outside. Incredibly real including a plane flying in up in the top left of the dome. Finally I noticed no pedestrians. Bottom line - really cool. Band sounded good, not great. Setlist 💯.
  3. So many innocent people have died on Biden’s watch. Very sad.
  4. The world has certainly become a more violent place during the Biden presidency. Very sad.
  5. A moment of sanity from a lefty. Don’t see it often when the topic is either PUTIN or CARLSON. Kudos to Brian K for making sense.
  6. One would think that such terrifying stuff would have found its way into mainstream news. Most outlets usually enjoy running hard with this sort of thing. Not telling you not to be terrified though. Be vigilant.
  7. That you didn’t read the article and completely missed the point but still felt the need to reply will be the least surprising thing that happens today.
  8. https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/05/politics/us-did-not-notify-iraq-strikes/index.html In a call with reporters on Friday, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby had said the US “did inform the Iraqi government prior to the strikes.” On Monday, however, following the State Department briefing, Kirby confirmed that he misspoke. In a statement to CNN, Kirby said he “responded with information that I had been provided at the time” after the strikes on Friday. The adults are back in charge. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽
  9. Disagree. Same level of stupid going back to when he was claiming churches were displaying Nazi flags.
  10. Lefties can breathe easy. He’s not switching teams anytime soon. It will be fun to watch him be a thorn in the side of everyone for the time being. Eventually he will be a creature of Washington.
  11. New thread since the title of the other Fetterman thread no longer has anything to do with Lurch’s current awesomeness. 🙌📈
  12. Yes, she’s got quite a groove going. 🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♂️
  13. The only ones going broke here are the poor students who are being failed so miserably by left/dem/progressive policies. Sad situation.
  14. This is what you are defending. It seems like you might be unaware. But Kid Rock….sigh
  15. As an independent I would have thought you would condemn this dirtbag cop-beater. Instead you go directly to whataboutism. It’s enough to make someone question your status as an “independent”.
  16. ⬆️ Imagine the level of delusion required to use “no bullsh*t” in reference to Joe Biden. Wow.
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