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Everything posted by JDHillFan

  1. I’m not making an argument. Everyone in the world knows those presidents sh*t on themselves before Congress. I’m merely wondering why you phrased it as such originally: The question was: Would calling for genocide constitute harassment or bullying? The question was not: Would calling for genocide be offensive speech? You intentionally left out the central point of contention which was harassment of Jews. You had a reason for doing so. You are unwilling to share that reason. So be it.
  2. I know about them. I also know that it’s not a useful tool when the entire crux of the matter is set aside. There had to be a reason you did that. I guess we’ll never know what it was.
  3. Yesterday?? Big whoop. Previously you made a bolded typeface declaration that this thread is about prices TODAY. You can see it at the top of this page. Still would like to hear about why you whitewashed Jews from your defense of university presidents and replaced them with imaginary white guys from Buffalo.
  4. It’s a story about the Biden family. I already acknowledged that you have found nothing wrong with it. It’s what politics does to people. Carry on.
  5. It’s actually in the first link. If you need more I’m certain you can find a link in less than 30 seconds. Give it a shot. It’s not like you are doing anything meaningful.
  6. She has. In her diary that was wrongfully taken but verified as authentic. I acknowledge that you see nothing wrong or gross about it. Politics will do that to a person. Especially those of weak mind. Carry on.
  7. I will show you how to review previous pages if you like. In a four-page thread like this it’s pretty easy but since I am eager to hear your thoughts on this I am happy to re-post. Keep in mind that if your response is your normal diversion to Trump/Maga (this is a story about the Biden’s) that would mean you approve of the behavior. According to the diary, Ashley wrote that her father and our president took showers with her when she was young girl, fueling her sex-addiction. Inside a January 2019 diary entry, she wrote “I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad.” https://kprcradio.iheart.com/featured/walton-and-johnson/content/2022-08-26-florida-court-case-confirms-ashley-bidens-stolen-diary-is-real/ Don’t shoot the messenger. Hard to believe a savvy consumer of current events such as yourself could have missed this. In any event you are welcome. also - MAGA/TRUMP. Thought I would save you the trouble. also also - I like Taylor but grow weary of anyone when overexposure sets in.
  8. I provided the link you asked for earlier in the thread but I missed your thoughts on the matter. Did you want to share?
  9. All I did was post a picture of the current president looking at his watch during a service for those that died during the botched Afghanistan withdrawal. Does that upset you? It should. Just not in the way you reacted. The disrespect on display in the picture does not have anything to do with your orange boogeyman.
  10. What kind of doctor do you imagine she is? I know Whoopi G thought she would make a good surgeon general. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♀️
  11. Stay strong Jussie. You’ve been through hell the last five years. At least you have the Brandon/Harris dream team at your side as you combat hate.
  12. look man, you are the one that told an asinine lie and can’t own up to it. Why didn’t you lie about going to school with Kirk Douglas or Grace Potter? That, while equally dishonest, would at least sound cool. Why anyone would sh*t on themselves over Susan Collins is truly a mystery. Nice work.
  13. According to the diary, Ashley wrote that her father and our president took showers with her when she was young girl, fueling her sex-addiction. Inside a January 2019 diary entry, she wrote “I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad.” https://kprcradio.iheart.com/featured/walton-and-johnson/content/2022-08-26-florida-court-case-confirms-ashley-bidens-stolen-diary-is-real/ Don’t shoot the messenger. Hard to believe a savvy consumer of current events such as yourself could have missed this. In any event you are welcome. also - MAGA/TRUMP. Thought I would save you the trouble.
  14. I’m just agreeing with you that Biden is impotent and incapable of leading. Isn’t that the case you are making?
  15. Now do redhawk/joefergusonforever. I’m begging you!
  16. Roundy, Tibs, and John Kerry could not be reached for comment.
  17. Except it wasn’t. Your fellow alum that you implied would have your back shot your lie down in flames. Lying about going to school with Susan Collins…so very strange.
  18. https://www.trumanlibrary.gov/education/trivia/buck-stops-here-sign Truman was a douche. He should have just blamed whatever came along on congress. Go Brando Go! away
  19. President Brandon already told them “Don’t”. That should have been enough. Why aren’t they listening to him? He’s a good American president!
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